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Sunday, April 15, 2018PrintSubscribe
Overview of Data Views

Data views are instances of a data controller. Data views render views of the data controller on the page, along with corresponding data controller action groups. The same data controller can be exposed with data views on the same or multiple application pages.

Data View Properties:

Property Description
Activator Specifies the user interface element that will activate the data view. The available options are Tab, Side Bar Task, and Site Action.
Auto Hide Specifies which user interface element is hidden when the filter value is empty.
Auto Highlight First Row Specifies that the first row will be highlighted when the view loads.
Auto Select First Row Specifies that the first row will be selected in the form of the master data view.
CSS Class Name Assigns a CSS Class to the div that contains the data view.
Command Argument Specifies an argument for the startup command.
Command Name Specifies a command that will be executed when the data view is loaded.
Filter Field #1-#5 Determines which fields in the child data view are filtered by the values of the primary key fields in the master data view.
Filter Source Determines the master data view.
Id The Id is automatically assigned when the data view is created. It can be changed using the Rename context menu option in the Project Explorer.
Page Specifies which page the data view belongs to.
Refresh Interval Specifies how many seconds will pass before the data view is refreshed. When empty, the data view will not refresh automatically.
Roles Controls which user roles are allowed to see the data view on the page.
Page Size Determines how many rows are displayed in the grid.
Search by First Letter Displays a menu of first letters of values in the first column at the top of the data view for quick filtering.
Search On Start Specifies that no records will be retrieved and the advanced search bar will be opened when the page loads.
Selection Mode Specifies single or multiple row selection mode in the data view.
Sequence Provides sequential index for the data view. Data views and controls are rendered within a container in the order of the index when available.
Show In Summary Controls if the select data fields of the current row are displayed in the summary box on the side bar.
Show Action Bar Determines the visibility of the action bar.
Show Action Buttons Determines the location of the action buttons in form views.
Show Details in List Mode Indicates if detail data views are visible when a master data row is selected in the grid view.
Show Modal Forms Specifies that the form views of the child data views are displayed in modal windows.
Show Page Size Determines the visibility of the page size information in the pager.
Show Pager Determines the visibility of the whole pager bar at the bottom of the data view.
Show “Quick Find Controls the visibility of the Quick Find box.
Show Row Number Displays a logical sequence number next to each row.
Show Search Bar Controls the visibility of the Advanced Search Bar.
Show View Description Determines the visibility of the description text above the data view.
Show View Selector Controls the visibility of the view selector in the top right corner of the data view.
Tag Assigns a tag to the controller to use in custom business rules.
Text Specifies the text displayed in the activator.
Visible When Specifies a JavaScript expression that must evaluate as true for the data view to be visible.

Supported Tags:

Tag Description
action-buttons-none Equivalent to setting Show Action Buttons= “None”
calendar-drag-disabled Calendar events will not be draggable.
calendar-mini-disabled Mini calendar in the sidebar will not be rendered.
calendar-mini-twomonths Mini calendar in the sidebar will show two months.
content-stub-none Disables the spacer at the bottom of the form.
grid-fit-none Automatic grid shrinking to fit available space will be disabled. Grid will be sized according to “Columns” defined on data fields.
header-image-none Disables the display of images in the header area.
header-image-original Form header background will use original blob, instead of thumbnail.
inline-editing Inline editing mode is enabled by default.
inline-editing-none Inline editing mode is disabled by default.
inline-editing-option-none Disables the inline editing toggle in the view selector.
modal-always Always render form as a modal.
modal-buttons-fullscreen-none Disables the “fullscreen” icon.
modal-buttons-more-none Disables the “more” icon.
Docks the modal window to the specified side of the window.
modal-fit-content Shrink the modal to fit the content. These modals will begin stacking, instead of sliding from the right.
modal-auto-grow Automatically resize the modal when field values change. Used in combination with modal-fit-content.
The max width of the modal will be restricted to the selected logical size.
modal-never Never render form as a modal.
modal-fullscreen Modal will always start in "maximized" mode.
modal-tap-out Closes the modal form if the user taps outside the modal area.
modal-title-none Disables the modal title bar.
Will begin rendering the form as modal if the screen is at least the specified logical size. Default is “md”.
multi-select-none User will not be able to enable multi-select on the data view.
page-header-none Disables the page header displayed above the form
promo-none Disables “promo” button.
search-on-start-simple When Search On Start is enabled and this tag is added, the simple search will be displayed when the page is loaded.
search-suggestions-none Disables search suggestions displayed on Quick Find.
thumb-person Image fields will be rendered in a circle.
thumb-standard Image fields will be rendered square.
The view will switch to this presentation style when the page is loaded.
The view will not offer this presentation style.

Use tags to apply an icon to a data view.

Learn to work with data views in the Project Designer.

Learn to drag and drop data views in the Project Explorer.

Common tasks:

Task Description
"Soft" Filtering Learn to activate optional filters on a data view based on a condition.
Customizing the Search Bar Learn to control the fields available for search in the Advanced Search Bar.
Monday, April 9, 2018PrintSubscribe
Changing Field Values Via JavaScript Business Rules

Some form of validation is required in every application to help the user insert the correct data. Applications created with Code On Time app generator offer validation in the form of business rules.

Validating the Last Name field of the New Employees form.

Let’s add validation business rules the Employees controller of our sample Northwind app.

Open the Project Designer. In the Solution Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab, right-click on Employees / Business Rules node, and press New Business Rule.

Creating a new business rule on Employees controller.

Specify the following:

Property Value
Type JavaScript
Command Name Insert
Phase Before
if ($row.LastName == 'Smith') {
    $row.LastName = null;

The above script will run when the user presses Save. It will check if the user has specified a Last Name of “Smith” – if so, it will cancel the save operation and clear the field.

Save the new business rule. On the toolbar, press Browse to run the app. Navigate to the Employees page and create a new record.

Creating a new employee with Last Name of "Smith".

Enter values for the employee and press Save. The save operation will not be executed, and the Last Name field will be cleared.

The Last Name field has been cleared.

Our business rule does ensure the user does not enter an incorrect value, but it does not make it clear to the user what is going on. We will want to add some feedback in the form of a message box to help the user understand.

Change the business rule as shown below:

if ($row.LastName == 'Smith') {
    // show message box
    $app.alert('Last Name "Smith" is not allowed.').done(function () {
        // update field value to null
            values: [
                { name: 'LastName', value: null }
        // focus on the field
        $app.input.focus({ fieldName: 'LastName' });

Our updated business rule has a few changes. Notice that the $app.alert function is used to display a message to the user. However, this alert will show a different form and change the current context. Attempting to update the field LastName after an alert is displayed will attempt to update a LastName field inside the alert form – which does not exist. Therefore, a done handler will need to be added to the $app.alert method call in order to execute code after the user closes the alert.

One more point to notice is that the $row variable is only in scope during the execution of the business rule. The asynchronous code in the done handler is executed when $row is out of scope. Therefore, it is necessary to use the $app.input.execute API to update the field values when the user returns to the Employees create form. The execute method accepts an object with the property values that contains a list of key value pairs. The $app.input.focus API is called in order to focus on a field called LastName as well.

Save the business rule and regenerate the project. Create a new employee with the last name of “Smith” and attempt to save. Notice that a message box now notifies the user that the last name is not allowed.

Alert message box is displayed to the user.

Press OK to close the message box. The Last Name field has been cleared and is currently focused.

The last name field is cleared and focused.

There are other ways of displaying a message to the user without interrupting the workflow. Let’s try the following:

if ($row.LastName == 'Smith') {
    $row.LastName = null;
    // focus and show message next to field
    this.result.focus('LastName', 'Last Name "Smith" is not allowed.');

The example above will clear the field, and use the result.focus() method to focus on the field, and display a message next to the input. The result can be seen below.

Focus message displayed next to the LastName field.

Another technique is to use the notification API to display a transient message to the user at the bottom of the screen.

if ($row.LastName == 'Smith') {
    $row.LastName = null;
    $app.touch.notify('Last Name "Smith" is not allowed.');

The result can be seen below:


The notification will disappear after a default of 2 seconds.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018PrintSubscribe
App Factory vs App Factory (Advanced)

When users create a new project in the app generator using release and later, the project type will now be App Factory.

App Factory projects will create an ASP.NET-hosted web site project, deployable to any server running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).

These projects contain both a REST API web server and stream HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to web browsers, to support user interaction through a publicly accessible web site. App Factory projects also function as a REST API server for native Mobile Apps.

Developers can also enable App Factory integration with DotNetNuke and SharePoint.

App Factory project folder directory root contains metadata files required by the app generator, as well as the Visual Studio solution file. An “app” folder contains the generated code required to run the server.

Project structure of App Factory projects.

Note that projects created before release will use the “WebSite” folder name instead.

The app folder contains a set of resources required for the application to function. The App_Code folder contains the application framework. Upon running the application, the code in that folder is automatically compiled and executed.

All styling is stored under ~/css folder. All client-side scripts are stored under ~/js folder. Standard styling and script files are read by the framework, joined together, and streamed to the client (native app or web browser). The “_ignore.txt” file located in the two directories enumerates which non-standard files and directories are included in the output.

App folder of App Factory projects.

App Factory (Advanced)

An additional checkbox is now present on the New Project screen – “Implement application framework as class library (for experienced users only).”

Implement application framework as class library.

When this option is enabled, the application framework code is placed in a separate class library project, named after the project’s namespace.

Folder structure of App Factory (Advanced) projects.

The developer must have an instance of Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, or 2017 installed on the development computer in order for the application to run. At compile-time, the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler must compile and package the application source code stored in the namespace folder into a *.dll file under the app folder. Only then will hosting software (Microsoft IIS) will be able to run the application.

App Factory (Advanced) projects store standard CSS and JS files under the class library. Upon compilation, these files are saved as embedded resources and read from the class manifest.

Custom CSS files can be placed under a “css” folder under the “app” directory. Custom JS files can be placed under the “js” folder under the “app” directory. The framework will read any files in those directories and not excluded by the “_ignore.txt” file, and stream them with every page request.

Pros of App Factory (Advanced)

  • Application source code is stored in a re-usable class library.
  • Hosting provider or customer is unable to view or edit the application source code.
  • Developer can only modify code during debugging if solution platform is switched to x86.

Cons of App Factory (Advanced)

  • Microsoft Visual Studio is required.
  • Application takes longer to generate and compile.
  • Developer cannot modify code files while application is running.

Old Project Types

A number of project types have been deprecated or disabled:

  1. Web Site Factory – renamed to App Factory.
  2. Web App Factory – renamed to App Factory (Advanced).
  3. Mobile Factory – a variant of Web Site Factory with Classic disabled. Deprecated. Use App Factory with User Interface set to “Touch UI” instead.
  4. DotNetNuke Factory – a variant of Web App Factory designed to work as a DNN module in DNN 7 and below. Deprecated. Use App Factory with DotNetNuke Connector instead.
  5. SharePoint Factory – a variant of Web App Factory designed to work as a SharePoint extension in SP 2010. Deprecated. Use App Factory with SharePoint Add-in instead.