
Exclusive forward-looking tools and technology.

CODE ON TIME must be in the toolbox of every entrepreneur, startup, and IT department serious about making data a cornerstone of their business.

Only Code On Time makes it possible for a single-man shop or a small team of developers to put together applications that rival the software produced by the industry giants! Perfect for prototyping and everyday production use. Ability to work in the offline mode makes apps ready for the most isolated places on Earth. Built-in Device Authorization Grant flow makes apps future-proof.

App Builder

See your data in the app with a top-notch UI running on your laptop or in the cloud in minutes! Custom business apps are produced by Code On Time App Builder under your direction straight from the database.

Custom apps are great for prototyping and everyday production use. Run them in web browsers or as Progressive Web Apps in the native mode! Touch-friendly UI works with any screen size.

Offline Sync

Optional Offline Sync Add-on turns an online app into the offline-first application. Designated users see the app front-end and account data downloaded to the device upon sign-in. The offline app will maintain a change log of data entries on the device and apply them to the data objects in the local storage. Users sync the pending changes with the app on the server when the stable network connection becomes available. Apps work in the offline mode in the major browsers and when installed natively.

The same app can work in online and offline modes. Developers do not need to write a single line of code to make that possible.

Barcode Reader

The built-in barcode reader uses the device camera to read 1-D and 2-D barcodes. The reader viewfinder can be displayed inline next to the designated fields to allow easy capture of barcode values. The viewfinder is not visible if the field has a value. The built-in Scan form allows scanning barcodes with the optional inventory mode at any time. The UI Automation rules allow complex custom processing sequences in response to the scanned barcodes.

Integrated Barcode Reader makes it easy to scan barcodes into the fields. Custom automation rules are triggered from the standalone Scan form when barcodes are detected and sent for processing.


Built-in Level 3 RESTful API Engine mirrors the user interface of the host application. Applications created with Code On Time are powerful backends for the custom web and native apps crafted with your favorite technology and framework. Concentrate on the frontend and UX while relying on the built-in UI of the backend for administrative purposes only. Built-in OAuth 2.0 Authorization provides the enterprise grade security without transaction fees!

RESTful API Engine opens the pathway to the world of microservices.

Individual microservices can be replaced over time with the custom implementations eliminating any possibility of a technological lock-in. The self-describing API provides an always-current documentation.

Single Sign-On

It is simple to configure an application created with Code On Time or any other development tool for the Federated Identity Management. This requires a few modifications to the database schema to manage users, roles, and to maintain the general purpose content management system. The built-in RESTful API Engine enables several OAuth 2.0 authorization flows. Client apps are registered with the help of the built-in management forms.

An application created with Code On Time can be configured to perform the Federated Identity Management duties. Any app with the ability to execute HTTP requests can implement the Single Sign-On with the FIM application.