Keyword | Function |
pivotX | The integer value X determines the pivot ID that the properties will be applied to. |
rowX | The data field will be used as a row. The index of the row is X. |
colX | The data field will be used as a column. The index of the column is X. |
valX | The data field will be used as a value. The index of the value is X. |
area areastacked bar barstacked candlestick column columnstacked candlestick donut geo map line pie pie3d scatter table | This keyword determines the chart type. If this keyword is not specified on at least one tag referencing pivot X, then the pivot will not be rendered as a chart. |
small medium large | Determines the default size for the chart in the user interface. |
topX | Only the top X number of rows or columns will be kept. The rest will be hidden. |
other | When used in combination with “topX”, the hidden rows or columns will be collapsed into an “Other” row or column. |
date | This keyword, used on a DateTime data field, will compose multiple pivots with different configurations. The pivots tested are: year, year/quarter, year/month, year/month/weekofyear, year/month/day. The pivot with the number of rows closest to 25 will be selected for use. |
sum min max avg count | These keywords will determine the value that will be used when calculating cells. |
timeofday second minute halfhour hour day dayofweek weekofmonth week weekofyear twoweek month quarter year | These keywords determine the date bucket mode. The DateTime value will be parsed and use the relevant part of the date. |
all | Lookup data fields will select all distinct values from the database and ensure that all possible lookup values will be present in the row or column. DateTime data fields will make sure that each bucket between the first and last row or column will be present. |
hideblank | The “blank” row or column will be hidden. |
sortasc sortdesc sortascbyval sortdescbyval | Use the “sort” keyword to determine the sorting order for values of this row or column. Specify “sortasc” or “sortdesc” to sort the row or column alphabetically or numerically. Specify “sortascbyval” or “sortdescbyval” to sort the rows or columns numerically by the value itself. |
maximize | The chart will take the full allocated space in the view. Axis labels and titles will be displayed inside the chart area. |
crosshair | Crosshairs will be enabled for the supported graphs. |
title haxistitle vaxistitle | Specify a string value to set the relevant title text. |
format | Specifies an ICU Decimal format string. Supported .NET-compatible formats are “c”, “C”, “d”, “D”, “e”, “E”, “f”, “F”, “n”, “N”, “p”, “P”, “x”, “X”. |
haxisformat vaxisformat | Controls how the horizontal or vertical axis labels are formatted. Supported values are “none”, “decimal”, “scientific”, “percent”, “currency”, “short”, “long”. |
region | Specify a string value to set the region mode for “geo” chart. |
displaymode | Specify a string value to set the display mode for “geo” chart. |
resolution | Specify a string value to set the resolution for “geo” chart. |
curve | Enables curvature in the “line” chart. |
explorer | Enables zooming and panning in the “line” chart. |
maptype | Specify a string value to set the Map Type in “map” chart type. |
enablescrollwheel | Enables the scroll wheel for zooming in “map” chart type. |
usemaptypecontrol | Enables the Map Type control in “map” chart type. |
pointshape | Specify a string value to set the point shape. |
pointsize | Specify a value to set the point size. |
orientation | Specify a string value for the orientation of the chart. |
animation | Enables the loading animation. |
grandtotal | Will show a “Grand Total” row and column for the pivot. Not suggested to be used in conjunction with a chart. |