
Federated Identity Management makes it possible to implement the single sign-on for multiple modules of a large application.

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Friday, June 30, 2023PrintSubscribe
Feature: Single Sign-On

It is simple to configure an application created with Code On Time for Federated Identity Management. This requires a few modifications to the database schema. It must be enhanced with the tables to manage users, roles, and their relationships. The general purpose content management system (CMS) based on a single table must be added to the schema next. A few entries in the configuration file will enable the RESTful API Engine. Finally, application administrators will sign into the application and use the built-in management forms to register the identity consumers. An identity consumer is any client that uses the FIM-enabled application to verify the user identities.

An application created with Code On Time can be configured to perform the Federated Identity Management duties. Any app with the ability to execute HTTP requests can implement the Single Sign-On with the FIM application.
The Client Id and Client Secret field values are assigned to the client app registration record automatically. Their values must be communicated to the administrator of the identity consumer application. The value of the Client Id will be passed explicitly in the Authorization URL constructed by the client app. The value of the Client Secret is passed between the identity consumer and provider privately when the user identity information is exchanged.
The OAuth Identity Provider form requires the Client Id and Client Secret known to the identity provider. It also requires a valid URL in the Provider Uri field if the Provider field is set to App Identity. The Redirect Uri must be specified for any identity provider. This is the URL that was specified in the Client App registration record of the provider. The provider will redirect to this URL with the authorization_code parameter when users grant access to their account.
The sign-in user experience of the “identity provider” application becomes the only way to access the protected content in an “identity consumer” app when the provider is forced as the sole login option.
Labels: RESTful, Security
Wednesday, May 31, 2023PrintSubscribe
Roadmap 2023 - 2024 Is Announced

The roadmap covers the remaining months of the year 2023 and offers a glance at the year 2024.

The primary objective of our development is to deliver to production the new tooling for developers. App Studio is the groundbreaking development platform embedded in the live applications. Developers without prior knowledge of Code On Time will become experts in building and maintaining apps that run online and offline.

Roadmap 2023 - 2024 discusses App Studio, Workflow Links, App Identity, Serverless Apps, Database Builder, Content Hub, Data-Driven Surveys, ACL Editor, and .NET Core.
Labels: News
Monday, May 29, 2023PrintSubscribe
Tutorial: Multi-Factor Authentication

Many organizations adopt security systems that require their users to enter a numeric time-based verification code generated by an authenticator app installed on the user’s mobile device. The unique secret key is associated with the user account in the application database. Authenticator app uses the same secret to generate a new verification code periodically and does not require a network interaction with the application. The server-side code generates the verification code in real time and compares it to the one provided by the user. If the correct verification code is not provided at the time of sign in, then the access to the application is not granted even if the user is entering the correct username and password combination.

The username, password, verification code in the text message or email, and the phone with the authenticator app with optional fingerprint scan or face recognition are the components of the multi-factor authentication.
The prompt to enter a verification code is displayed after the successful confirmation of the username and password. Users must enter the verification code displayed on the screen of their mobile device in the authenticator app or request the verification code through other available methods. The backup codes are accepted in the Backup Code input.
The Google Authenticator app in the picture shows the verification code after the QR code was scanned in the 2-Factor Authentication setup form of an application created with Code On Time. The name of the app and the username are displayed above the code. This makes it easy to locate the verification code of a specific application.