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Web Application Generator
Saturday, September 1, 2012PrintSubscribe
Working with Categories in Designer

Categories are used to group data fields in form views.

In the Project Designer, categories can be found on the Categories tab of a view properties page.

Categories tab on the view properties page in the Project Browser.

Create new categories by using the action New | New Category on the action bar.

New Category action bar action in the Project Browser.

Category details can be viewed and edited by clicking on the Header Text link or using the context menu option Open.

Open context menu option in the Project Browser.

The Sync context menu option will select the relevant category node in the Project Explorer.

Sync context menu option in the Project Browser.      Relevant category node has been selected in the Project Explorer.

The category Id can be changed using Rename context menu option in the Project Explorer.

Rename context menu option for a category in the Project Explorer.     Category in Rename mode allows the user to change the Id in the Project Explorer.

Categories can be quickly found using the Navigate To window.

Navigate To widow allows direct navigation to the category.

Move and arrange categories using drag and drop commands in the Project Explorer.

Dropping 'Order Details' category on the right side of 'Reference Information' category.     'Order Details' category has been moved after the drop target.

Categories can be removed using the Delete context menu option.

Delete context menu option for a category in the Project Explorer.

Saturday, September 1, 2012PrintSubscribe
Working with Categories

Data fields in form views are organized using categories.

In the Project Explorer, categories are found under a form view node.

Categories selected under the 'editForm1' view of Employees controller in Code On Time web application Explorer.

Creating a Category

A new category can be created using the New Category context menu option on a form view node.

New Category context menu option on a form view.

Arranging Categories

Categories can be moved using drag and drop commands.

Dropping a category onto another category will place it after the drop target.

Dropping a category onto another category.     The 'c1' category has been placed after category 'c2'.

Dropping a category on the right side of another category will also place it after the drop target.

Dropping category 'c1' on the right side of 'c3' category.     Category 'c1' has been placed after 'c3' category.

Dropping a category on the left side of another category will place it before the drop target.

Dropping 'c4' category on the left side of 'c1' category     Category 'c4' has been placed before category 'c1'.

Dropping a category on a different view will copy the category. If data fields in the dropped category already exist on the view, they will not be copied.

Dropping category 'c4' onto 'createForm1' view.     Category 'c4' has been copied into 'createForm1' view.

Dropping a category on a view in a different controller will copy the category. Data fields that are not compatible with the target controller or already exist in the view will not be copied.

Dropping 'c3' category onto view 'editForm1' in controller 'Customers'.      Category 'c3' has been copied into view 'editForm1' of controller 'Customers'. Only compatible data fields have been copied as well.

Renaming a Category

The Rename context menu option will change the category Id.

Rename context menu option for a category node in the Project Explorer.     Category 'c3' is in Rename mode in the Project Explorer.

Deleting a Category

Categories can be removed by using the Delete context menu option.

Delete context menu option on a category in the Project Explorer.

Saturday, September 1, 2012PrintSubscribe
Overview of Categories

Categories organize data fields in form views. Categories do not apply to other types of views.

Category Properties:

Property Description
Collapsed Specifies that the category will render as collapsed when the form is opened.
Controller Displays the controller that the category belongs to.
Description Specifies the text displayed underneath the header.
Floating Specifies that the data fields will float freely within the category.
Header Text Specifies the text displayed above the category.
Id Specifies the unique identifier for the category.
New Column Specifies that the category will start a new column. If disabled, it will start in a new row.
Tab Specifies the text of the tab that the category will belong to. If blank, no tabs will be displayed.
View Displays the view that the category belongs to.
Visible When Specifies a JavaScript expression. When it evaluates to true, the category will be displayed.

Learn to work with categories in the Project Designer.

Learn to drag and drop categories in the Project Explorer.

Common Tasks:

Property Description
Custom Category Template Learn to create a custom layout within a specific category.