Web Application Generator

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Web Application Generator
Tuesday, August 7, 2012PrintSubscribe
Overview of Action Groups

An action group is a collections of actions placed in in a specific area of the user interface. Action group scope determines determines if the actions are rendered as:

  • Context menu of the first column in grid view
  • Push buttons in a dedicated action column of grid view
  • Push buttons in the form view
  • One and two level menu options on the action bar of any view type
  • Push buttons under the selected row of a grid view

Action Group Properties:

Property Description
Action Group ID Specifies the unique identifier for the action group.
Controller Specifies the controller that the action belongs to.
Flat Rendering When enabled, actions on the action bar will be displayed individually, instead of under a menu. Only applies to action groups with Scope of “Action Bar”.
Header Text Specifies the text displayed for the action group activator.
Scope Specifies where the actions are displayed. Available options are: Grid, Action Column, Form, Action Bar, Row.

Learn to work with action groups in the Project Designer.

Learn to drag and drop action groups in the Project Explorer.

Common Tasks:

Task Description
"Action Column" Scope Learn how to enable action column on all data views in the web application.
Controlling "Action Column" Presentation with CSS Learn how to use cascading style sheets to modify the appearance of the action column.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012PrintSubscribe
Debugging Custom Input Elements

Implementation of input element enhancements may be very simple or demand a relatively complex code. The client input elements are written in JavaScript and may require debugging.

The first instinct of any developer is to write some code, run the app, and try the code in action. Developing and debugging a custom input element with the entire web application project may become unproductive – you need to sign in, navigate to the correct page, select a view to force the custom input element to be activated. Each step takes valuable time.

We recommend creating a test HTML page and debugging the app without touching the actual application.

Let’s consider creating a test HTML page for the Reorder Level Slider input element shown in this screen shot of a live application.

The custom slider input element attached to 'ReorderLevel' data field in a Code On Time web application

If you have followed the instruction from the tutorial then you have the following folder structure under [Documents]\Code On Time\Client folder.

A standalone html page can be used to debug custom input elements without the need to have them run in the actual application

Create the HTML file ReorderLevelDebugger.htm with the following content in Visual Studio or your favorite text editor.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>Edtior Debugger</title>
    <link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="../../../Library/_Client/Stylesheets/_System/_System.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../Library/Data Aquarium/Scripts/_System.js"></script>
         link the file(s) that you are debugging after the reference to _System.js 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ReorderLevelSlider.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // this code is the emulation of steps executed by the client library
        var reorderLevelEditorFactory = null;
        $(function () {
            // create a slider factory object
            reorderLevelEditorFactory = new MyCompany$ReorderLevelSlider()
            // initialize the debugging buttons
            $('#Attach').click(function () {
                reorderLevelEditorFactory.attach($('#Input1').get(), 'Form');
            $('#Detach').click(function () {
                reorderLevelEditorFactory.detach($('#Input1').get(), 'Form');
        Testing the "Reorder Level" slider:
        <button id="Attach">
        <button id="Detach">
    <div style="border: solid 1px silver; padding: 8px; margin-top: 8px;">
        <input type="text" id="Input1" value="35" />

The file declares a script block with the global instance of MyCompany$ReorderLevelSlider object. The startup script also assigns click handlers for Attach and Detach buttons declared in the page body. The script header links the system script and stylesheet included by the code generator in every application.

Save the file and open it in the web browser. This is how the page is rendered in Internet Explorer 9 if you click on the file name in Windows Explorer.

Html debugger displayed in Internet Explorer requires user to enable JavaScript execution

You will need to allow execution of JavaScript in the local webpage. This will not be necessary if you preview the page by selecting View in Browser (Ctrl+Shift+W) in the Visual Studio development environment.

The custom input element HTML debugger page with JavaScript enabled

Click Attach button to see the slider attached to the input field.

The slider is attached to the input element when a user clicks on 'Attach' button

Move the slider to try it out.

The custom input element in action

Click Detach  button to see the slider removed.

The custom input element is removed when a user clicks on 'Detach' button

Buttons Attach and Detach invoke the corresponding methods of the “factory” object to associate custom input enhancement with the input field and to have them removed. This is exactly the same pattern of execution by the client library in the live web application.

Monday, August 6, 2012PrintSubscribe
Feature: Drag and Drop Everywhere

Everything in a Code On Time web application project can be configured with drag and drop and Cut/Copy/Paste with multiple selection. For example, master-detail pages can be quickly configured by dragging and dropping project configuration elements.

Start the Project Designer and create a new page called “Master Detail Page”.

New Page toolbar option in the Project Explorer of web application designer.

Drag the new page to the right side of the Home page and drop to have it moved.

Dropping Master Detail Page on the right side of Home page.      Master Detail Page placed after Home page in the Project Explorer.

While holding down Ctrl key, select Customers, Orders, OrderDetails data controllers and copy them to the clipboard.

Copy context menu option for three selected controllers in the Project Explorer.

Paste the controllers to the Master Detail Page.

Paste context menu option for a page node in the Project Explorer.      Master Detail Page with three new data views in individual containers after pasting.

Drag CustomerID data field node onto view1. The data view view2 will be configured to filter orders by the customer selected in view1 data view.

Dropping CustomerID data field from view2 to view1.      Data view 'view2' is now configured with a master-detail relationship with 'view1'. Records will be filtered according to the selected record in 'view1'.

Drag OrderID data field node onto view2. Data view view3 will be configured to filter order details by the order selected in view2 data view.

Dropping OrderID data field node onto view2.      View3 has been configured to filter order details by the selected order.

View the page in the browser.

View in Browser context menu option in the Project Explorer.

Select a customer, and a list of related orders will appear underneath. Select an order, and related order details will be displayed.

Master Detail Page configured with a three-level master-detail relationship.

Learn more about advanced configuration of master-detail pages.