Web Application Generator

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Web Application Generator
Sunday, June 3, 2012PrintSubscribe
Configuring a Rich Text Box

Memo (long text) fields are presented as a simple multi-line text box by default. For example, Categories.Description field is rendered as a multi-line text box in the image below.

Description field on Categories edit form rendered as a simple text box.

Rich text editing can be enabled when necessary.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Double-click on Categories / Fields / Description field node.

Description field of Categories controller in the Project Explorer.

At the top of the Designer window, switch to the Data Fields tab. Change the Text Mode property of all data fields:

Property New Value
Text Mode Rich Text

Change all Categories data fields to Text Mode of 'Rich Text'.

Save your changes, and click Browse on the tool bar.

When your default web browser opens, navigate to the Categories page and edit a record. Now rich text can be entered into the field. The application client library uses ASP.NET AJAX Rich Text Editor when rendering rich text fields.

Rich Text editor enabled on Description field of Categories edit form.

Make some “rich” changes to the field value, and save the record. The field value will be displayed in grid view with the styles preserved.

Description field value rich text styling preserved in grid view.

On the action bar, select Report | PDF Document option, and open the downloaded file. The styling will be preserved in the generated report as well.

Description field value rich text styling preserved in a PDF report.

Friday, June 1, 2012PrintSubscribe
Configure a Static Text Box

In some situations, it may not be wise to allow the user to change certain fields, even though they are updatable. For example, when creating an order detail in a Northwind web application, the Unit Price should be copied from the selected Product. Users should not be allowed to alter the Unit Price.

Order Details create form in Code On Time web application.

If you mark the field as read-only, then it will not be written to the database when the record is saved. Change the Text Mode property of the field to “Static” if you don’t want the users to edit the value but still want the field value saved to the database.

Start the Project Designer. Double-click on Customers / Order Details / container1 / view1 / createForm1 / c1 – New Order Details / UnitPrice data field node.

UnitPrice data field in createForm1 on OrderDetails page of Project Explorer.

Change the following property:

Property New Value
Text Mode Static

Press OK to save the data field. Next, we’ll need to copy the Unit Price from Products to Order Details.

In the Project Explorer, double-click on Customers / Order Details / container1 / view1 / createForm1 / c1 – New Order Details / ProductID / ProductID field node.

ProductID field from the Order Details controller in Project Explorer.

Make the following change:

Property New Value
Copy UnitPrice=UnitPrice

Press OK to save the field. On the tool bar, press Browse.

When the web application opens in the browser, navigate to Order Details page and create a new record. The Unit Price data field is no longer editable by the end user.

Unit Price field on New Order Details form is not editable.

Select a Product using the Product Name lookup. The Unit Price will be copied over into the order detail.

When Product is selected on New Order Details form, the Unit Price is copied over.

Friday, June 1, 2012PrintSubscribe
Feature: Data Lookup Styles

Data lookup fields, also known as picklists, are an integral part of any database application. Code On Time web applications support a variety of data lookup styles that can be configured for any field.

Auto Complete

Auto Complete lookup item style allows the user to type in values in the field, and a list of matching lookup items will be displayed. If the entered text does not match to any items in the list, then the input field will revert to the original value.

Autocomplete lookup items style.

Check Box

Check Box allows the user to enable or disable a property.

Checkbox lookup items style.

Check Box List

Check Box List allows the user to make multiple selections. The field values will be saved as a comma separated list. You can also create many-to-many fields.

Check Box List lookup items style.

Drop Down List

The Drop Down List allows the user to select an item from a list.

Drop Down List lookup items style.

List Box

The List Box displays several items at one time.

List Box lookup items style.


The default style is Lookup. It is presented as a link inside a textbox. The Eraser icon to the right of the link will clear the field. The New Record icon to the right of the textbox allows the user to create new lookup items.

Lookup items style.

When you click on the link, a lookup window will open. The lookup is a full featured Code On Time grid view, with sorting, adaptive filtering, Quick Find, and Advanced Search available for use to help you find data quickly.

Lookup modal window with advanced search query.

Radio Button List

Radio Button List is another lookup style that allows the user to select an item from a short list.

Radio Button List lookup items style.