User Interface

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User Interface
Monday, September 24, 2012PrintSubscribe
jQuery Cross-Domain Static Client of a Web App

Integration with other service providers is a key to success of many SaaS business applications. The mail order company Northwind Traders has decided to expose their product catalog to third parties to increase sales. A back office web app has been created with Code On Time and configured to expose the product catalog.

An integration partner can put together a simple HTML page to display a list of products from with a very few lines of code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <title>jQuery Cross-Domain Client</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $.each(MyCompany.ProductCatalog.Products, function (index, product) {
                        product.ProductName + ' / ' +
                        product.CategoryCategoryName + ' / ' +
                        product.SupplierCompanyName + ' / ' +
                    .attr('value', product.ProductID)
    <select id="ProductList" size="20">

The first script tag links jQuery library to the page straight from the Google’s CDN.

The second script references This URL points to the demo web app. The highlighted component /appservices/Products references the REST URI of the Products data controller. The _instance parameter instructs the application to construct a JavaScript property with the name of ProductCatalog. The property will be assigned to MyCompany global variable that matches the namespace of the application.

The script executes as soon as the page has been loaded in the browser and iterates through MyCompany.ProductCatalog.Products array to populate the select element ProductList defined in the page body.

This is how the page will look if you have it opened in your default web browser.

A jQuery cross-domain static client of a web app in action

If you open the page straight from the hard drive in Internet Explorer, then you many need to allow running scripts for the list of products to get displayed.

Internet Explorer will prompt to Allow Blocked Content if the jQuery cross-domain static client file is opened directly from the file system

The product catalog is dynamically constructed by the web app every time it is requested.

This is how the array of products look in debug mode if global variable MyCompany is inspected in Visual Studio.

Global variable 'MyCompany' of a jQuery cross-domain static client of the demo web app is inspected in Visual Studio at runtime

If more than one resource pointing to the demo app controller is linked to the page then data will be available as properties of MyCompany global variable.

The Product Catalog data is downloaded by a web browser from the demo web app regardless of the domain of the HTML page or web platform that has served the page. This opens tremendous opportunities of integrating data in the third-party solutions.

Saturday, September 1, 2012PrintSubscribe
Allow Sorting

Fields automatically created by Code On Time generator have sorting enabled by default. However, if a calculated field is created by a developer, sorting must be explicitly allowed. Ability to sort may also be disabled on any field.

For example, the Employees grid view below has been configured to display a calculated field called Full Name. When you mouse over the Full Name column header, it is rendered as text and there is no dropdown available for filtering or sorting operations.

Sorting is not enabled for Full Name calculated field. The Full Name column header is not clickable and has no context menu.

Let’s allow sort operations on the field.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab and double-click on Employees / Fields / FullName field node.

FullName field node in Code On Time web application Project Explorer.

Enable sorting.

Property New Value
Allow Sorting true

Press OK to save the field. On the toolbar, press Browse.

Navigate to the Employees page. Mouse over the Full Name header – it will be rendered as a link, and a dropdown menu will be available with sorting options.

FullName column header has sorting enabled and displays a context menu with sorting options.

Clicking on the column header text once will activate the first sorting option.

Full Name with A-Z sorting activated.

Clicking on the text again will activate the second option.

Full Name with Z-A sorting activated.

A sort can be deactivated by clicking on the sort option in the dropdown.

Largest on Top sorting option enabled for Full Name column.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012PrintSubscribe
Debugging Custom Input Elements

Implementation of input element enhancements may be very simple or demand a relatively complex code. The client input elements are written in JavaScript and may require debugging.

The first instinct of any developer is to write some code, run the app, and try the code in action. Developing and debugging a custom input element with the entire web application project may become unproductive – you need to sign in, navigate to the correct page, select a view to force the custom input element to be activated. Each step takes valuable time.

We recommend creating a test HTML page and debugging the app without touching the actual application.

Let’s consider creating a test HTML page for the Reorder Level Slider input element shown in this screen shot of a live application.

The custom slider input element attached to 'ReorderLevel' data field in a Code On Time web application

If you have followed the instruction from the tutorial then you have the following folder structure under [Documents]\Code On Time\Client folder.

A standalone html page can be used to debug custom input elements without the need to have them run in the actual application

Create the HTML file ReorderLevelDebugger.htm with the following content in Visual Studio or your favorite text editor.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="">
    <title>Edtior Debugger</title>
    <link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="../../../Library/_Client/Stylesheets/_System/_System.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../Library/Data Aquarium/Scripts/_System.js"></script>
         link the file(s) that you are debugging after the reference to _System.js 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ReorderLevelSlider.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // this code is the emulation of steps executed by the client library
        var reorderLevelEditorFactory = null;
        $(function () {
            // create a slider factory object
            reorderLevelEditorFactory = new MyCompany$ReorderLevelSlider()
            // initialize the debugging buttons
            $('#Attach').click(function () {
                reorderLevelEditorFactory.attach($('#Input1').get(), 'Form');
            $('#Detach').click(function () {
                reorderLevelEditorFactory.detach($('#Input1').get(), 'Form');
        Testing the "Reorder Level" slider:
        <button id="Attach">
        <button id="Detach">
    <div style="border: solid 1px silver; padding: 8px; margin-top: 8px;">
        <input type="text" id="Input1" value="35" />

The file declares a script block with the global instance of MyCompany$ReorderLevelSlider object. The startup script also assigns click handlers for Attach and Detach buttons declared in the page body. The script header links the system script and stylesheet included by the code generator in every application.

Save the file and open it in the web browser. This is how the page is rendered in Internet Explorer 9 if you click on the file name in Windows Explorer.

Html debugger displayed in Internet Explorer requires user to enable JavaScript execution

You will need to allow execution of JavaScript in the local webpage. This will not be necessary if you preview the page by selecting View in Browser (Ctrl+Shift+W) in the Visual Studio development environment.

The custom input element HTML debugger page with JavaScript enabled

Click Attach button to see the slider attached to the input field.

The slider is attached to the input element when a user clicks on 'Attach' button

Move the slider to try it out.

The custom input element in action

Click Detach  button to see the slider removed.

The custom input element is removed when a user clicks on 'Detach' button

Buttons Attach and Detach invoke the corresponding methods of the “factory” object to associate custom input enhancement with the input field and to have them removed. This is exactly the same pattern of execution by the client library in the live web application.