User Interface

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User Interface
Tuesday, November 2, 2010PrintSubscribe
Rich Text Editor

Code On Time applications now support rich text editing through the component HTML Editor included with Ajax Control Toolkit.

Suppose that you want to enable rich editing of the category description in the following screen of the Northwind sample application created with Code On Time.


Open the project in the code generator, select All Controllers tab and activate Categories data controller. Select Fields tab and activate field Description, select Data Fields tab. Your screen will look similar to the one below.


Activate each binding of Description field to the views createForm1, editForm1, and grid1 and set its Text Mode property to Rich Text.


This property will activate the rich editing capability when you access the field in edit mode while creating new or editing an existing record. Here is a picture of a category record in edit mode with rich editing enabled for Description field.


If a data field is set to display Rich Text then automatic HTML encoding is disabled and the field value is displayed as-is. The screen shot below shows the saved value reflected on the side bar and inline.


Rich Editor can be replaced with other 3-rd party controls.

The client framework of Code On Time applications supports extensible custom field editor architecture. We will discuss the process of field editor customization in the next post.

Thursday, October 28, 2010PrintSubscribe
Form Navigator

User interaction with a list of data records typically involves applying filters and culminates in a selection of a record. Next, user will either change the record or return to the original list of records to make another selection.

How many times have you felt the need to advance to the next or previous record while the form is selected? Do one really need to use a grid to make a selection of another record?

Most applications do not support record navigation in a form. The reason is simple enough. The grid view manipulates pages of records using record count and absolute page indexes. The form view is using the primary key of a selected record to retrieve the data.

Code On Time applications now offer form navigator to offer both navigation and key-based selection in form views.

You can see the live demo at Sign in as admin/admin123% and select a supplier record. Navigation buttons with arrow icons are displayed above and below the record.


Click on the buttons to advance to the next and previous records. Form navigator automatically uses the filters and sort order of the grid view that has activated the form. Any detail views in master-detail relationships are also automatically refreshed.

The feature works in modal forms as well. You can try modal form navigation at


The form navigator is activated automatically if more than one record is available in a grid view. Navigation arrows will disappear if a user is looking at a single record in a dataset or if a user is creating a new record.

If your application is using Override When, Filter, and Sort Expression view properties to create role-sensitive view filters then make sure that the same filter and sort expression is applied to forms that are used to edit data. Read more about role-sensitive views at /Documents/CB%20-%20Row-Level%20Security.pdf and

Friday, October 8, 2010PrintSubscribe
Detecting Lookup Field Changes

Here is the screen shot of the New Products screen from the Northwind sample. Suppose you want to implement detection of value change in Supplier Company Name lookup that must result in clearing of Category Name along with resetting of Reorder Level field to 100.


Open your project and click Design button to activate the project designer. Select All Controllers tab and click on Products data controller. Click Edit button and enter ProductsBusinessRules in the Handler field in Business Rules section. Click Save to persist the changes.


Select the same data controller once more and click on Fields tab. Select CategoryID field and click Edit button. Select the check box in General section labeled “The value of the field is calculated by a business rule expression”. Scroll down to Dynamic Properties section and enter SupplierID in ContextFields. Click OK to save the changes.


From now on any changes to the SupplierID field in the client web browser will trigger a server side event that will be handled by methods in ProductsBusinessRules class. The class definition will be automatically generated once and will not be overwritten by the code generator in the future.

Now it is time to add the business logic that will react to the changes in the SupplierID fields.

The business rules class is located in ~/App_Code/Rules/ProductsBusinessRules.vb(cs) file.

The first example below is written in Visual Basic.NET. 

Here is how it implements the logic described at the top of this article.  Attribute ControllerAction on method ResondeTOChangeInSupplierID will ensure that the method is invoked in response to the system action “Calculate” when any of the fields specified in Context Fields property of CategoryID is changed in the client browser.

Notice that we are assigning text “(select)”  to the CategoryCategoryName field. This field is an alias for the CategoryID. You can also change any unrelated fields as well such ReorderLevel.

The last updated data field will be focused on the client.

Imports MyCompany.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Linq

Namespace MyCompany.Rules
    Partial Public Class ProductsBusinessRules
        Inherits MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules

        <ControllerAction("Products", "Calculate", "CategoryID")> _
        Sub RespondToChangeInSupplierID(ByVal supplierID As Nullable(Of Integer))
            If supplierID.HasValue Then
                UpdateFieldValue("ReorderLevel", 100)
                UpdateFieldValue("ReorderLevel", Nothing)
            End If
            UpdateFieldValue("CategoryCategoryName", "(select)")
            UpdateFieldValue("CategoryID", Nothing)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

The C# version of the same business rule is presented next.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using MyCompany.Data;

namespace MyCompany.Rules
    public partial class ProductsBusinessRules : MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules
        [ControllerAction("Products", "Calculate", "CategoryID")]
        public void RespondToChangeInSupplierID(int? supplierID)
            if (supplierID.HasValue)
                UpdateFieldValue("ReorderLevel", 100);
                UpdateFieldValue("ReorderLevel", null);
            UpdateFieldValue("CategoryCategoryName", "(select)");
            UpdateFieldValue("CategoryID", null);

The screen shot of the New Products  form just after the selection of a supplier is presented below.
