Web Application Generator

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Web Application Generator
Monday, August 6, 2012PrintSubscribe
Custom CSS in SharePoint Factory Web Apps

Cascading style sheets use rules to change the look and formatting of the contents of web pages. Code On Time applications rely on CSS exclusively for theming. SharePoint Factory is a special web application designed to work inside of Microsoft SharePoint Portal– all cascading style sheets and elements are compiled as binary resources. The application webpart will link the resources to the pages dynamically at runtime.

Let’s create a custom CSS rule that will work in a SharePoint Factory web application packaged as a SharePoint webpart using Municipal theme.

In the [My Documents]/Code OnTime/Client/Themes folder, create a text file. Rename the file to a cascading style sheet that matches the name of the theme. In the example below, Municipal theme will be used, so the file was named “Municipal.css”.

New CSS file added in Client/Themes folder of the code generator.

Open the file, and paste in the following rule.

@import "../../Library/_Client/Themes/_Shared/jquery.ui.all.css";

table.DataView tr.CategoryRow td.Fields div.Item div.Value input, 
table.DataView tr.CategoryRow td.Fields div.Item div.Value select, 
table.DataView tr.CategoryRow td.Fields div.Item div.Value textarea

The highlighted segment of the path in the Municipal.css file is a relative path to the jQuery UI stylesheets packaged with the code generation library.

Save the file. Restart the web application generator. Holding Shift, click on a project name to skip to the Summary page. Regenerate the project.

Navigate to any page with a data view, and edit a record. The rule will be applied to all input fields, rendering text bold.

CSS rule applied to all input fields of the web application, rendering text bold.

Monday, August 6, 2012PrintSubscribe
Custom CSS in DotNetNuke Factory Web Apps

Cascading style sheets are a series of rules that determine the look and formatting of web page contents. Code On Time applications exclusively use CSS to stylize the pages. DotNetNuke Factory is a special kind of web application designed to work within DotNetNuke portal. All cascading style sheets of a module created with DotNetNuke Factory are compiled as binary resources into the application DLL.

Developers can add their own custom CSS rules in standalone web applications. This technique will not work with a DotNetNuke application. The alternative is to create extensions for the standard themes of the code generation library.

Let’s create a CSS rule that will render text in all inputs as bold for Grapello theme in a DotNetNuke Factory application.

Run Visual Studio. On the toolbar, press File | New | File option.

Create new file in Visual Studio.

In the window, select Style Sheet and press Open.

Create a new stylesheet file.`

A new .css file will open in the editor. Paste in the following rule.

@import "../../Library/_Client/Themes/_Shared/jquery.ui.all.css";

table.DataView tr.CategoryRow td.Fields div.Item div.Value input, 
table.DataView tr.CategoryRow td.Fields div.Item div.Value select, 
table.DataView tr.CategoryRow td.Fields div.Item div.Value textarea

The highlighted segment of the path in the Grapello.css file is a relative path to the jQuery UI stylesheets packaged with the code generation library. The rule will apply a font weight of “Bold” to all inputs in a category. Right-click on the tab of the file, and press Save File.

Save the new style sheet file in Visual Studio.

Change the save location to [My Documents]/Code OnTime/Client/Themes folder, and change the name of the file to the name of the theme. In this case, Grapello theme is being used, and the name of the file will be “Grapello.css”.

Save the file in Themes folder under Client folder with the name of the theme that will be used.

Press OK to save.

Restart Code On Time web application generator. While holding Shift, click on a project name. This will skip to the Summary page. Press Generate.

Navigate to any data view, and edit a record. The custom CSS will make all text in inputs bold.

Custom CSS has bolded all text in input boxes on the form.

Monday, August 6, 2012PrintSubscribe
Drag & Drop Everywhere, Validators & Converters

Code On Time web application generator release makes possible true rapid line-of-business application development with complete support for drag & drop and Cut/Copy/Paste of elements in the logical application hierarchy.

The release also introduces and integrated uniform business rules model. The business rules engine of generated applications supports JavaScript, SQL, and C#/Visual Basic business rules. Developers can quickly create validators and converters to perform data validation and conversion on the client, on the database engine tier, or on the application server tier.

Attention: the client script and theme processor now uses the folder [Documents]\Code OnTime\Client to locate the custom files. If you have developed custom scripts then review custom input elements tutorial and move your files to the new location prior to the installation of the update.

The following features, enhancements, and bug fixes are included in this release:

  • Complete drag & drop and Cut/Copy/Paste support on all levels of hierarchies on Pages, Controllers, and User Controls tabs in Project Designer.
  • Single-click implementation of generic validators and converters in supported in Project Designer. Developers can extend the generated business rules with custom business logic.
  • Page-level and controller-level caching is implemented in Project Designer. This has significantly improved the speed of Project Designer. The projects with the large number of data controllers and pages will see the most improvement with up to 100 times faster execution of many design operations.
  • Command node in Project Explorer offers “Reset to Baseline” action. The action will reset the command text to the current baseline version of it.
  • Pager in grid views can now be displayed at the top and/or bottom of the view. The default location is the bottom of the view. The property can be configured in page data views.
  • The page numbers in the pager now display the index of the first and last pages if the number of pages is greater than 10.
  • Action FileName can be handled in business rules to provide a custom file name for a file produced in response to a command specified in CommandArgument of the ControllerAction attribute. Calling UpdateFieldValue method will cause the output file name to change.
  • Static lookup items have dedicated hierarchy nodes in Project Explorer.
  • Data controller views support Convert to Grid and Convert to Form options in Project Explorer. Form views use categories to group the data fields bound to the view. All other types of views, such as Grid and Data Sheet, do not support categories. The new options are provided to make possible quick conversion of view types.
  • The first “select” command is automatically associated with a new view created in Designer.
  • JavaScript business rules allow handling the "After" phase for Select|New|AnyOtherAction.
  • JavaScript business rules allow handling "Before" phase of "Select" action.
  • Application framework blacklists “Code” business rules after the first execution to prevent multiple invocations.
  • SQL Business Rules support access to all "flat" properties of the Arguments property. For example, @Arguments_Trigger or @Arguments_CommandName.
  • Dragging a foreign key data field to a master data view on the Pages tab will configure a master-detail relationship.
  • Dragging a field on a data controller view will create a data field in the view. The data field is placed in the category if the view is a form.
  • Renaming a data controller field will change the command text alias of the field and field references in the entire application.
  • Application framework has improved speed of command text parsing at runtime.
  • Action buttons rendered in 'Row' scope are rendered under the first data column if
    “Action Column” scope is also enabled.
  • Fields with custom format strings will result in a "string" elements created in "Export to Spreadsheet" data feeds to prevent the possible data type clash.
  • Page is correctly selected in designer when renamed.
  • Virtualization node set plugin "Move" will move data fields to view/category and action to action group.
  • Node set plugin "Arrange(DataFields|ActionGroups|Actions|Categories|Views)" does not switch the context of the node set.
  • Role-based trimming is performed when automatic reports are created. The fields with "roles" attribute will be automatically trimmed and hidden from the report when needed.
  • The tabs are displayed correctly in the form view categories with conditional visibility.
  • JavaScript Business Rules processor of client library always replaces field name references with 'this.fieldValue' and 'this.updateFieldValue' methods even if the field is not defined in the active data view.
  • Annotation controls are displayed correctly when activated in modal form views.
  • DotNetNuke Factory projects will work with rooted and virtual path deployment models of the portal without any changes to the app source code.
  • Data access objects will not try to update the read-only fields if a read-only field has been changed.
  • Business rule "Script" property is not deleted when other rule attributes are changed.
  • Application framework allows overriding YearsBack and YearsForward properties that control the month and quarter filtering.
  • using System;
    namespace MyCompany.Data
        public partial class DateRangeFilterFunction
            public override int YearsBack
                    return 25;
            public override int YearsForward
                    return 5;