User Interface

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User Interface
Sunday, February 5, 2017PrintSubscribe
Action Icons

Adding relevant icons to actions helps the user locate and understand the purpose of that action.

Custom icons on actions.

Let’s add an action to Orders page of the sample Northwind app that will mark an order as shipped. This action will have a custom icon.

Switch back to the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, right-click on “Orders / Actions / ag2 (Form)” and press New Action.

Adding a new action to Orders controller.

Icons can be defined by specifying the icon library and the icon name. Spaces are replaced with dashes.

Apply the following properties to the new action.

Property Value
Command Name Custom
Command Argument ShipOrder
When Client Script $row.ShippedDate == null
Icon / Custom Style material-icon-local-shipping

Press OK to save the new action.

Let’s add the action to the grid as well. Right-click on the new action, and press Copy.

Copying the action.

Right-click on “Orders / Actions / ag1 (Grid” and press Paste.

Pasting an action onto action group "ag1".

On the toolbar, press Browse and navigate to the Orders page. Press the three dot menu next to any record. The “Ship Order” action will now be present in the context menu, with the specified icon. The action is also available on the sidebar.

The "Ship Order" action shows a custom icon.

Opening the form will display the action at the bottom of the form. Icons are not displayed on the form action bar. Activating the context menu will display the icon next to the “Ship Order” action.

Custom icon is displayed next to the form action in the context menu.

Sunday, February 5, 2017PrintSubscribe
View Icons

Icons can be assigned to views in order to better communicate the purpose of a particular form at a glance.

Customers edit form with a custom icon.

By default, view headers will display the view label, description, and the first field value. The background will be a solid color.

Standard customers form with no icon.

Scrolling down will move the header text to the toolbar.

Scrolling down in a modal will move the header text to the toolbar.

Let’s assign an icon to the views of Customers controller in the Northwind sample app.

Switch back to the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Double-click on “Customers / Views / editForm1”.

Editing the "editForm1" view of Customers controller.

Icons can be defined by specifying the icon library and the icon name. Spaces are replaced with dashes.

Assign an icon to the view in the Tags property, and press OK to save.

Property Value
Tags material-icon-group

Double-click on “Customers / Views / createForm1”. Assign an icon to this view as well.

Property Value
Tags material-icon-group-add

On the toolbar, press Browse. Navigate to the Customers page, and select a customer. The header will display the new icon on the left side. The background will show a large greyed out version of the same icon.

The Customers editForm1 view with a custom icon

Scrolling down will reveal a smaller version of the icon.

The icon is also displayed in the modal toolbar.

Close the form, and press the New icon. The create form will display the assigned icon as well. The picture below shows the create form on a smaller device or window.

The view header shows the custom icon on smaller screens.

Sunday, February 5, 2017PrintSubscribe
Page Icons

In Touch UI apps, icons can be assigned to pages in order to convey additional meaning to the users. Up to five page icons will be displayed in the Quick Launch area at the bottom of the sidebar.

Icons displayed in menus and Quick Launch area of the sidebar.

Let’s customize the default Northwind app. Initially, this app does not have any icons assigned to pages. Only “Apps” and “Settings” icons are displayed in the Quick Launch area.

Default Northwind app has no page icons assigned.

Pressing the “Apps” button will reveal a site map with no icons.

The "Apps" menu will display the site map.

Let’s assign some icons to the primary pages in our app to help the user find them quickly.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer on the right side of the screen, double-click on Customers page node.

The Customers page of the sample Northwind app.

Icons can be defined by specifying the icon library plus the icon name. Replace spaces with dashes.

Let’s assign the “group” icon from the Material Icons library.

Property Value
Icon / Custom Style material-icon-group

Press OK to save the page. Double-click on the “Orders” page, and make the following change.

Property Value
Icon / Custom Style material-icon-shop

Save the change, and double-click on “Products” page to set an icon.

Property Value
Icon / Custom Style material-icon-local-offer

On the toolbar, press Browse. When generation is complete, the app will open in the default browser. Notice that the first three page icons are displayed in Quick Launch. If the “apps” button is disabled or moved to the toolbar, an additional page icon will be displayed. If “Settings” button is disabled, another icon slot will become available.

Notice that some themes will emphasize the Quick Launch area if at least one page icon is defined. Page icons will also be displayed in toolbar menu dropdowns.

Icons have been assigned to pages. Icons are added to the Quick Launch area of the sidebar.

Pushing the hamburger button in the top left corner will expand the sidebar. The Quick Launch area will rotate to fit horizontally.

Expanding the sidebar will rotate the Quick Launch area.

Press the “Apps” button to reveal the site menu. Notice that pages with an assigned icon will be placed in a grid at the top of the menu.

Activating the "Apps" menu will display a grid of icons representing pages.

Pressing “More” will reveal the full site map. Icons will be displayed next to their assigned page.

Pressing "More" from the "Apps" menu will display the site map.

Continue to Custom Logo and Theme