Business Rules/Logic

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Business Rules/Logic
Monday, November 26, 2012PrintSubscribe
SQL Business Rules for Oracle Databases

SQL business rules are implemented in the programing language supported by application database engine.

If an Oracle database is the foundation of your data tier, then the programming language of SQL business rules is PL/SQL.

Consider Employees page displaying createForm1 in a project created straight from HR sample database.

Page 'Employees' displaying 'createForm1' view in a project created from the sample HR database available with Oracle database engines

None of the fields has a default value. Let’s assign default values to First Name, Last Name, Hire Date, and Salary.

Start Project Designer, activate Controllers tab, locate EMPLOYEES data controller and start creating a new SQL business rule.

Creating a new SQL business rule in Code On Time application generator

Configure the rule as follows:

Property Value
Command Name New
Type SQL
Phase Execute

    :FIRST_NAME := 'John';
    :LAST_NAME := 'Doe';
    :HIRE_DATE := sysdate;
    select avg(SALARY) into :SALARY from EMPLOYEES;

Save the rule.

The script is written in PL/SQL. The highlighted field names are referenced as parameters in the script text.


When executed, the script will assign static values to First Name and Last Name fields.

The current system date will be assigned to Hire Date field.

An average of all employee salaries will be assigned to Salary field.

SQL business rule writtent in PL/SQL assigns default values to the field when a user starts creating a new record

The full power of PL/SQL is available to application developers when creating applications with Code On Time.

Saturday, November 10, 2012PrintSubscribe
RESTful Client-Side Validation

Data integrity can be ensured on different tiers of a web application. Code On Time web apps take advantage of the business rules engine that allows creating JavaScript Business Rules (Client Tier), Code Business Rules (Application Tier), and SQL Business Rules (Data Tier).

About Business Rules

Business rules are abstracted from the presentation of data. Developers manipulate field values directly as if the field values are local variables. The client library and application framework pass collections of values to the business rules making unnecessary a complex task of inspecting user interface elements. A business rule can access “old” value, “new” value, and “current” value of any field. It is also known if a field is “read-only” or “modified”. Business rules are executed in response to actions that have “before”, “execute”, and “after” phase. Changes to the values of the fields may affect the data that ends up in the database. Calculated field values are presented to the user on the client device.

This approach to business rule implementation allows continues improvement to the user interface client library.  It guarantees that business rules will remain unchanged even for the future supported client devices.

Selecting an Application Tier

The major challenge is to select an application tier for a business rule implementation.

The client tier is most commonly used to correct user spelling or for basic data integrity enforcement. For example, formatting of a phone number most definitely lends itself to a client side business rule. Client business rules allow avoiding a server-side round trip.

If a business rule requires a database lookup then the data tier works best in most situation. A script written in SQL dialect of the application database engine can select data from a table, call a stored procedure, and perform complex data manipulations.

Some business rules may require access to operating system resources, file system, or web services. Application tier business rules are written in C# or Visual Basic. The full power of Microsoft.NET is at disposal of a developer. “Code” business rules supersede SQL business rules at a cost of using special classes when a database access is required.

Hybrid Business Rules

If a server-side data is required for a client-side JavaScript business rule, then the business rule is a hybrid. This type of rules is difficult to implement.

The server-code implemented on the application or data tier cannot have a “conversation” with a user. Conditional execution with a user confirmation can be performed on the client only. The client business rule must have a way to request information from the server before confronting a user with requests for additional information.

RESTFul Application Server

Code On Time web applications may include application server components that enable interaction with clients supporting Representational State Transfer protocol know as REST. When enable, the application server components can respond to HTTP requests for information or commands to execute an action.

The  responses to such HTTP request are encoded in XML or JSON. The latter is a great match to JavaScript Business Rules since a response is essentially a JavaScript object.

Example of a RESTful Business Rule

Consider entering of new products in the Northwind sample.

Entering a new product in 'createForm1' in a web app created with Code OnTime application generator

There is product with the name “Chai” with a different price. The existing product is supplied by another vendor.

A list of products in 'Northwind' web app sample created with Code On Time

There may be a business requirement to warn a user about a potential duplicate.

A business rule written in JavaScript may contact the app to verify if a matching product exists. The URL of a web request may look as follow:


Here is the response encoded in XML.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Products totalRowCount="1" pageSize="100" pageIndex="0" rowCount="1">
    <item ProductName="Chai" SupplierID="1" CategoryID="1" QuantityPerUnit="10 boxes x 20 bags" 
          UnitPrice="$18.00" UnitsInStock="39" UnitsOnOrder="0" ReorderLevel="10" 
          Discontinued="False" ProductID="1" 
          SupplierCompanyName="Exotic Liquids" CategoryCategoryName="Beverages" />

The business rule can display a warning to a user about a potential duplicate. If a user does not confirm creation of a duplicate product, then a new record is not created.

First, may sure to enable REST requests to the data controller products. Select the data controller in Project Explorer and change it as follows.

Property Value
Representational State Transfer (REST) Configuration

Uri: .
Users: *

This will ensure that only authenticated users can send requests to application server components.

Enter a new JavaScript business rule in Products data controller configured as follows:

Property Value
Type JavaScript
Command Name Insert
Phase Before

Enter this code in the Script property of the rule and click OK button.

var duplicateProduct = null;
    url: '../appservices/Products?ProductName=' + [ProductName],
    cache: false,
    async: false,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (result) {
        if (result.Products.length > 0)
            duplicateProduct = result.Products[0];
if (duplicateProduct)
    if (confirm('This product is a duplicate. Continue?') == false) {
            'Product with this name and price of {0} is supplied by "{1}".',
            duplicateProduct.UnitPrice, duplicateProduct.SupplierCompanyName);

This is how the rule will be displayed in Project Explorer.

A 'hybrid' validation business rule in Project Explorer

Click Browse and navigate to Products page. Enter a new product with the name “Chai” and click OK to save the new record.

A standard browser confirmation will be displayed.

JavaScript business rule dispalys a confirmation if a duplicate product is detected

Click Cancel button to prevent creation of the product. The focus will be on Product Name field. The information about the duplicate product will be displayed next to the field.

JavaScript business rule cancels 'Insert' action and displayes duplicate product info next to 'ProductName' field if a user clicks 'Cancel' button in confirmation window.

The script makes a web request to the application server to locate a potential duplicate product. The request is executed synchronously making both user and web browser wait for its completion.

The scripts analyzes the response and displays a confirmation if there is a duplicate product. The supplier name and unit price of the existing product are displayed next to the product name field. A call to the method preventDefault will not allow the Insert action to proceed.

The screenshot displays a JSON response to a request for a product by name as presented in Visual Studio 2012.

JSON response to a request for a product in Debug mode as presented by Visual Studio 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012PrintSubscribe
Implementing User Management for a Web App With Custom Membership Provider

Create “Users” table in the application database using one of the scripts of a minimal membership and roles provider . Configure custom membership and generate the project.

Minimal Membership Provider in Action

The application will open in a default web browser. Move mouse pointer over the “Login” link and sign in using one of the two accounts automatically created by the app.

 A fly-over login dialog of a web app with custom membership and role providers created with Code On Time application generator

Optional standard user accounts are created when the application starts. Use SQL Management Studio to select records from “Users” table. Passwords “admin123%” and “user123%” of the corresponding user accounts are hashed by the membership provider.

Standard user accounts registered by custom membership provider in web app created with Code On Time

User Manager

Management of users can be seamlessly integrated in an application.

Select the project name on the start page of generator and choose Refresh. The Refresh window of Northwind project with selected Users table is shown next.

Click Refresh button to create Users data controller in the application.

Adding 'Users' table as a data controller to an existing project created with Code On Time web app generator

Select Design to activate the Project Designer.

Press “Ctrl” and “comma” keys simultaneously (Ctrl+,) to active the Navigate To window. Enter “users” in Search terms and click on the first match.

Locating "Users" page in project configuration of an app created with Code On Time

The corresponding page node will be displayed in Project Explorer. Drag the the page node to the desired location in the navigation menu.

Page "Users" in the application navigation menu

In the page properties enter Administrators to restrict access to the page. Only a user in Administrators role will be authorized to access the page. This snippet form the provider configuration does the job.

role Administrators = admin
role Users = admin, user
role Everybody = *

Right-click Users page node and choose View in Browser, sign in as admin / admin123% and click on user account. The form view editForm1 of data controller Users is shown in the screen shot

A user account displayed in 'editForm1' of data controller 'Uses'

The user manager will require some work:

  • The Password field is displayed as plain text. The value of the field must not be revealed to the users.
  • If a password is changed by administrator then the value must be hashed before it is stored in the database.
  • A new password must be validated according to the membership provider configuration.

Switch to Project Designer and navigate to Users data controller.

Data controller 'Users' with selected 'Password' data fields

Change Text Mode property of data field nodes Users / Views / editForm1 / c1 – Users and Users / Views / createForm1 / c1 – New Users to “Password”.

The password encryption and validation will require writing some code. Right-click Users / Business Rules node and choose “New Business Rule” option.

Configure the following properties:

Property Value
Type C# / Visual Basic
Command Name Update|Insert
Phase Before

Click “Generate” button on the designer tool bar. Wait for the app to display in the Preview Window and switch back to Project Designer. The placeholder file for the implementation of the business rule has been created. Right-click the business rule in Project Explorer and choose Edit in Visual Studio.

Activating Visual Studio to edit a 'code' business rule

Visual Studio will start with business rule code file ready for modification. Replace the contents with the following.


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using MyCompany.Data;
using MyCompany.Security;

namespace MyCompany.Rules
    public partial class UsersBusinessRules : MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will execute in any view before an action
        /// with a command name that matches "Insert|New".
        /// </summary>
        public void r100Implementation(System.Guid? userID, string userName, 
FieldValue password) { if (password != null && password.Modified) { ApplicationMembershipProvider.ValidateUserPassword(userName,
string)password.NewValue); password.NewValue = ApplicationMembershipProvider.EncodeUserPassword((string)password.NewValue); } } } }

Visual Basic:

Imports MyCompany.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Security
Imports MyCompany.Security

Namespace Rules

    Partial Public Class UsersBusinessRules
        Inherits MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules

        ''' <summary>
        ''' This method will execute in any view before an action
        ''' with a command name that matches "Update|Insert".
        ''' </summary>
        <Rule("r100")> _
        Public Sub r100Implementation(ByVal userID As Nullable(Of Integer), 
ByVal userName As String, ByVal password As FieldValue) If Not password Is Nothing And password.Modified Then ApplicationMembershipProvider.ValidateUserPassword(userName, password.NewValue) password.NewValue =
ApplicationMembershipProvider.EncodeUserPassword(password.NewValue) End If End Sub End Class End Namespace

The highlighted namespace MyCompany.Security links the namespace with the membership provider implementation to the code file.

The original type of the argument password has been changed from “String” to “FieldValue” to allow access to Modified and NewValue properties describing the password value submitted by the client application.

A call to the static method ValidateUserPassword checks conformance of a password with the membership provider configuration requirements. By default, a password must be at least seven characters long, and have at least one non-alphanumeric character. Use provider configuration options Min Requires Password Length and Min Required Non Alpha Numeric Characters to change that.

Next, the business rule will encode the password value according to the membership provider configuration. The default option requires password hashing.

Save the code file and refresh the Users page. Try creating a new user.

Password validation exceptions will be displayed to users.

Password validation errors displayed in a user manager in the app with custom membership and role providers

A successfully created user account will have its password “hashed”.

User password is 'hashed' when created in a user manager in a web app with custom membership and role provider