ASP.NET Code Generator

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ASP.NET Code Generator
Sunday, March 31, 2013PrintSubscribe
When Last Command Name

Actions in the Code On Time user interface are displayed based on several conditions. When the conditions are fulfilled, the action is displayed. The When Last Command Name condition will only display an action when the previous action matches the specified command name. If When Last Command Name is null, the action will be displayed if Select action or no action is performed and the other conditions are matched.

For example, when a Customers record is selected, the Edit, Delete, and Close actions are displayed. New Customers action is available on the action bar, as well as Actions and Report dropdowns.

Edit, Delete, and Close actions displayed when a record is selected.

When the Edit action is activated, the buttons are replaced by OK, Delete, and Cancel. The action bar only has one dropdown, Record.

OK, Delete, and Cancel actions displayed when a record is edited.

Note that all reporting actions have been hidden. Let’s add another Report action what will only be displayed after Edit action has been performed.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Right-click on Customers / Actions / ag7 (ActionBar) – Report node, and press New Action.

Creating a new action for Customers controller.

Assign the following values:

Property Value
Command Name Report (PDF)
Header Text Create a report
When Last Command Name Edit
Description Creates a PDF report when editing a record.

Press OK to save the action. On the toolbar, press Browse.

Navigate to Customers page and select a record. The new Report action is not displayed.

The new Report action is not yet displayed on the action bar.

Start editing the record. The new action will appear as the only option in the Report dropdown.

When Edit action is triggered, the new Report action is displayed.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013PrintSubscribe
DB2 Sample Web Application

The database server DB2 Express-C, provided by IBM, comes with a database called “SAMPLE”. Let’s use Code On Time web application generator to create a web app straight from this database.

Installing and Configuring DB2

The first step is to download the  DB2 Express-C 10.1.2 for Windows 64-bit from the IBM website.

When the download is complete, run the executable. Follow the steps to install DB2 on your computer.

Creating a Web Application

Start the web app generator and click on the Create a new web application link on the start page. On the New Project screen, select Web Site Factory.

Creating a new Web Site Factory application.

Assign a name of “DB2Sample”, select your preferred programming language, and press Create.

Creating a new project called 'DB2Sample'.

Preserve the default Namespace and Framework, and press Next.

Namespace and Framework page of Code On Time project wizard.

From the Data Provider dropdown, select IBM DB2 .NET Data Provider.

Creating a DB2 database connection string.

To the right of the Connection String field, click on the “…” button to activate the Connection String Assistant.

If you are using a locally installed database, use the following configuration:

Database: SAMPLE

If you want to connect to a local database as a different user, use Server of “” or “localhost”. If you are using a remote database, model your configuration after the one below:

Server: [IP Address]:[Port]
Database: SAMPLE
User name: [User name]
Password: [Password]

Press Test to confirm that the settings are configured correctly.

The connection succeeds when tested.

Press OK to insert the connection string into the field.

Configured connection string inserted into the 'Connection String' field.

Press Next twice to reach the Reporting page. Check the box to enable reporting.

Enabling reporting for the Web Site Factory web application.

The next page allows configuration of Custom Membership and Role Providers. Leave the default settings and press Next until you reach the Theme page. Select “Summer” from the list box.

Selecting the 'Summer' theme in the Project Wizard.

Hold down Shift key and press Next to skip to the Summary page. Press Generate to create the web application.

The Summary screen of the Project Wizard.

When generation is complete, the web application will open in the default browser.

Default Employee page of a generated web application from SAMPLE DB2 database.

Monday, July 9, 2012PrintSubscribe
Working with Commands in Designer

Commands are used by the controller to select data.

Commands can be accessed by selecting a controller and switching to the Commands tab.

List of commands in the Project Browser.

The context menu option List on the Commands node in the Project Explorer will also navigate to the list of commands.

List context menu option on Commands node in the Project Explorer.

A command can be located by entering the command Id and controller Name in the configuration navigator.

A command located in the project configuration navigator.

Clicking on the Id or using the context menu option View in the list of commands will navigate to the properties page of the command.

View context menu option in the Project Browser.      Properties page for a command in the Project Browser.

The Sync context menu option will select the relevant project configuration node in the Project Explorer.

Sync context menu option in the Project Browser.     Command1 node selected in the Project Explorer.

The command Id can be changed using the Rename context menu option in the Project Explorer.

Rename context menu option in the Project Explorer.

The Controller of the command can be changed by dragging the command node.

Dropping command1 on Commands node of Order Details.     Command dropped and renamed under OrderDetails controller.

Commands are recreated by the web application generator every time the baseline is refreshed. If the developer modifies the command, automatic recreation will no longer occur, and the developer must update the command by hand.

The “Reset to Baseline” context menu option will restore the command to baseline state.

Context menu option Reset to Baseline in the Project Explorer.