Monday, July 9, 2012
Working with Commands in Designer

Commands are used by the controller to select data.

Commands can be accessed by selecting a controller and switching to the Commands tab.

List of commands in the Project Browser.

The context menu option List on the Commands node in the Project Explorer will also navigate to the list of commands.

List context menu option on Commands node in the Project Explorer.

A command can be located by entering the command Id and controller Name in the configuration navigator.

A command located in the project configuration navigator.

Clicking on the Id or using the context menu option View in the list of commands will navigate to the properties page of the command.

View context menu option in the Project Browser.      Properties page for a command in the Project Browser.

The Sync context menu option will select the relevant project configuration node in the Project Explorer.

Sync context menu option in the Project Browser.     Command1 node selected in the Project Explorer.

The command Id can be changed using the Rename context menu option in the Project Explorer.

Rename context menu option in the Project Explorer.

The Controller of the command can be changed by dragging the command node.

Dropping command1 on Commands node of Order Details.     Command dropped and renamed under OrderDetails controller.

Commands are recreated by the web application generator every time the baseline is refreshed. If the developer modifies the command, automatic recreation will no longer occur, and the developer must update the command by hand.

The “Reset to Baseline” context menu option will restore the command to baseline state.

Context menu option Reset to Baseline in the Project Explorer.