The user identity manager comes standard in applications created with Code On Time starting with the release

The account management screen enables users to switch identity at will. Account Manager may optionally store encrypted login token to enable automatic login on mobile and desktop devices. Users can see all stored identities and have them removed as needed. Issued login tokens can be also invalidated remotely. Every signing into the app will create a fresh “login” token, which replaces the last used for the user name.

New accounts (logins) can be added directly in the account manager.

Account Manager works on any form factor:

The devices with the small form factor will display the current user identity in the “hamburger” menu.

Offline applications created with Code On Time are passing the login token in the header of requests to read/write data. Offline app pages are stored directly in the device and cannot pariticipate in the session management of the server-side application components. Thus every request needs to provide an authentication information to access protected resources.
This new mechanism replaces persistent identity cookies of ASP.NET, whcih have been previously used for persistent login in apps created with Code On Time.
The accounts start being persisted on the device when the user selects “Remember me next time” option on the login screen. New touch-settins.json configuration file provides an easy way to disable account manager when needed.