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Friday, January 8, 2021PrintSubscribe
Reading Pane
Touch UI provides the built-in option to display the details of the selected record side-by-side with the master list.

Reading Pane

Popular email applications have proven this presentation style to be very effective. The end user can view the details of the selected message and has the quick access to the contents of the inbox.

The prototype of this presentation style has been a part of the framework for the past two years. Our team was able to bring it to the production state just now. The technical challenge was to provide a simultaneous access to the master and detail panes each holding a virtual page of the Touch UI application. A consistent styling has also been worked out.

The reading pane detail is empty by default. The placeholder area is filled with the standard background image that can be changed in ~/touch-settings.json through the ui.readingPane.background parameter. Set the option to false to disable the image or specify your own alternative (for example, ~/images/app-bkg.jpg).

The modal form fills this area when a selection is made in the master list or a new item is created. Both master and detail panes can be scrolled and are fully interactive. The familiar form buttons are migrated to the top of the detail pane and have icons to complement the toolbar of the master pane.

Set the option ui.actions.form.icons to true to enable action icons in all forms of the app. By default, only the form buttons in the reading pane are rendered with icons.

If the reading pane is not enabled then the familiar modal presentation will take place when the user is interacting with the master list.

Any forms activated from the detail pane are displayed on the top of the reading pane.

The option to enable the reading pane is available to the end user through the view selector if the screen size is that of a typical tablet. Developers can also tag the data view on the page as reading-pane-auto to activate the reading pane by default. The option and the mode are not activated if the screen is small.

Touch UI allows specifying the default minimal size of the reading pane master and detail in ~/touch-settings.json through the options ui.readingPane.minLeft, ui.readingPane.minRight, ui.readingPane.minTop, and ui.readingPane.minBottom. The default value for these options is 375 measured in pixels.

The device with the vertical orientation will display the reading pane detail at the bottom of the screen.

The master pane displays all supported presentation styles.

Hover over or touch the middle divider and drag it to the desired position to change the panes.

The responsive Touch UI will present the data in the best way possible within the available space of master and detail panes.

The reading pane mode enhances the productivity of the end users and requires zero effort on the part of the developer. If for any reason this mode is not desirable, then disable it with ui.readingPane.enabled option in ~/touch-settings.json. The reading pane mode is available only on the pages with a single master dataview.
Saturday, November 28, 2020PrintSubscribe
Long Press and Auto Complete Prefix Length

 Code On Time release introduces improved long press on touch screens and the ability to control when the auto-complete starts in lookups. The new product activation compatible with v9 is now a part of the product. 

Long press is now triggered if the user is holding a field value in the grid/list/cards for 500 milliseconds. The app will display the handy options to sort or filter data.

The long press is also triggered with the mouse.

Auto-complete feature in Touch UI automatically starts when the user stops typing for 300 milliseconds in the input box of a lookup. Fast typing of a longer text value will keep delaying the database lookup. The real-world apps may require a longer text sample to be entered for a useful lookup data to be return. Specify the numeric value in the Auto Complete Minimum Prefix Length property of the lookup data field to delay the lookup until the required number of characters is entered.

Browser-based activation is integrated in this release. The upcoming Code On Time v9 is using the local management app to manage the projects on your device. We have included this management app in the release. The app is launched in the default web browser when the product activation code is clicked at the top of the start page of the generator. Presently the app immediately proceeds to to assist with the product registration. The future updates will have this app display a list of local projects in the default web browser when the Code On Time is started.

The following features and fixes are included in this release:

  • (Touch UI) Eliminated the "thick" header separator in popup menus in native mode.
  • (App Gen) Staging instance published to Azure is launched with "https://" protocol.
  • (Universal Input) If the selected text in the input is replaced with whitespace(s)  by pressing spacebar or pasting in the sequence of spaces, then the input is cleared. Previously the  whitespaces remained in the input.
  • (Reports) Removed FontFamily tag from the report templates.
  • (Reports) Fonts are embedded in PDF output to ensure correct rendering of data on Android.
  • (Touch UI) Removed hover/active border on the action bar group items on iOS touch devices
  • (Touch UI) Fixed the bug with external URL navigation caused by incompatibility with jQuery 3.5.1
  • (Touch UI) Fixed positioning of "cancel" icon in the blob image  preview displayed in forms
  • (Touch UI) Long press works on field values in grid/list/cards. The context menu that allows quick filtering / sorting is displayed.
  • (Touch UI) Drag sensitivity is now set at 9 pixels in either direction to provide a more robust drag detection on  modern high resolution touch screens.
  • (Touch UI) Long press delay is now 500ms  (previously 750).
  • (Touch UI)  View selector menu is aligned with the menus displayed for action bar groups.
  • (Touch UI) Compact density menu items have their height increased by 4 pixels.
  • (Touch UI) Dark theme popups have the background color matched to the color of active options in the panels.
  • (Touch UI) Long press and right-clicking of the data cells will always display the context menu for the field value. Previously this was the case only when the text in the data cell was long pressed or right-clicked.
  • (Touch UI) Fixed the issue with popups closed right after opening when displayed in response to touch.
  • (Framework) WrapResponse property of ServiceRequestHandler descendants allows removing the "d" wrapper element from the output. By default the "d" wrapper is always present in the JSON output.
  • (App Gen) IP Address verification for new apps ensures that IP addresses are not listed in [Documents]\IISExpress\Config\applicationhost.config. It also ignores any actively occupied IP addresses on the device.
  • (Touch UI) Single line bottom border is removed from the last item in the popup list view.
  • (Touch UI) Data field property 'Auto Complete Prefix Length' will delay the auto complete lookup until the length requirement is met.
  • (Data Aquarium) External JavaScript business rules are fired for Calculate command  for every change of the field value. Previously external business rules were skipped if there are blank required fields. This is an important change. See examples of JavaScript business rules responding to Calculate command at

Labels: Release Notes
Thursday, November 12, 2020PrintSubscribe
November 2020 Hot Fix

 The hot fix is addressing the following issues:

  • (Data Aquarium) Fixed issue with $.ajax replacing %20 if processData:false is not specified.
  • (Touch UI) If a popup menu is activated for a child DataView then the data view input is focused. This prevents incorrect focus shifting when the popup is closed.
  • (Touch UI) Popup arrow is styled to display without being crossed by a horizontal line in Light theme.
  • (Touch UI) Rich Text toolbar is activated correctly with the new Touch Core and jQuery 3.5.1
  • (Touch UI) Fixed the issue with incorrect wrapping with floating. Learn about this powerful feature at
  • (Data Aquarium) Fixed incorrect deserializer initialization in the projects with aspx page implementation.

Labels: Release Notes