Blog: Posts from December, 2015

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Posts from December, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015PrintSubscribe
Getting Started with Model Builder

Code On Time release introduces Model Builder – a new way to build the app you want.

In the past, applications created with Code On Time created a baseline for every entity in the database, and tried to estimate the best configuration for every page, controller, and application component. A frequent complaint about the previous versions about the app generator is the lack of ability to control this automatic process. In response to these complaints, we have included a new feature, designed to give Code On Time users more control over the application development process.

The Model Builder allows developers to design a data model for each and every database entity used by the app generator. They can pick and choose fields to include in the model, define or create foreign key relationships, and even import fields from several levels away easily. Names and labels can be easily changed, formatting can be applied globally, and sorting and filtering can be applied to form a business entity.

The Model Builder is now the first step for the creation of any Code On Time premium database app.

See an example of the default data model for Order Details table of Northwind database.

example of the default data model for Order Details table of Northwind database

In addition to Model Builder, the following noteworthy bug fixes and improvements have been added to release

  • Support for Visual Studio 2015
  • Support for Azure 2.7 and 2.8
  • Support for .NET 4.6
  • CodeMirror integration in Model Builder and Project Designer
  • Charts in Touch UI now support color tags. Specify a list of colors, like so: "pivot1-row1-colors:'red, green, blue'".
  • Added tag “calendar-mini-disabled” to disable the mini calendar on the sidebar
  • Controller XML files ending with “.baseline.xml” in the Controllers folder will be used as a baseline controller, ignoring the data model.
  • Fixed scaling problem on high DPI devices.
  • Touch UI inputs now show a single line below the input.
  • Neutral cultures are now included in the list supported by app generator
  • Boolean fields will show check glyphicon in Touch UI when in read-only mode
  • Many more minor bug fixes

Working with the Model Builder

After entering the database connection string, a list of database entities will be listed. Select an entity to start building a data model.

List of database objects listed that can be used to create data models.

The Model Builder will open.

The default data model for Products table.

Adding additional fields to the data model is simple. Check the box next to a column to include the field.

Including "Country" field in the data model.

Fields defined with a custom SQL formula are also simple to add. Click the “Add Formula Field” button on the toolbar to get started.

Adding a custom SQL formula field to the data model.

Enter a name for the field in the first textbox. Enter the formula in the text area.

Adding a custom SQL formula field to the data model.

Use “Ctrl+Space” to see a list of columns. Fields can also be dragged from the diagram to be added to the formula.

Auto complete option in the SQL formula field.

Reorder fields in the model by dragging the Field column to the correct position.

Reordering fields via drag and drop.     Reordering fields via drag and drop.

Field labels and options can be changed by clicking in the cell. The following shortcuts can be used to quickly and easily navigate between the different cells:

  • If mouse cursor shows text, click to change
  • F2 to Select All/End
  • Left/Right moves between cells in row
  • Tab/Shift+Tab to move between cells
  • Up/Down to move up down
  • Enter/Shift+Enter to move up down
  • Esc once will restore original if changed, Esc twice will exit edit mode
  • Ctrl+Enter will save, stay editing

Changing labels in the data model.

Sorting can be added to the data model by entering the Sort Type and Sort Order.

Changing sorting in the data model.

The Query tab shows the command for the data model.

The Query tab shows the command for the data model.

The Data tab shows the output of the command. By default, Raw Data mode is on. This will show all primary and foreign key fields, and show native value formatting from the database.

The Data tab shows sample output of the data model's command.

Disabling Raw Data will hide primary and foreign keys, and apply formatting.

Disabling Raw Data mode will hide keys, and apply formatting.

The Labels button will replace field names with labels.

Enabling "Labels" button will replace field names with labels.

Click Save to persist the new data model. Proceed to generate the application. A page has been added, showing a grid of products, as defined by the data model.

A list of products, as defined by the data model.

The user can also switch to list view.

A list of products, as defined by the data model.

Automatic charts have also been created.

Charts automatically created for Products.

You can edit existing products or create new ones. Notice, however, that the Supplier ID and Category ID have not been configured as lookups.

Products edit form, with Suppliers and Categories not defined as data models.

Let’s add Categories and Suppliers data models. Go back to the generator and create a data model for Categories. Notice that these two tables that are referred to are already suggested.

Creating data models for suggested database entities.

Create the data model for Categories.

Creating data model for categories.

Create a data model for Suppliers. Be sure to sort by CompanyName and disable the HomePage field.

New data model for Suppliers, sorted by CompanyName and HomePage field disabled.

Regenerate the project. Be sure to refresh when prompted. Notice that Supplier and Category are now rendered as lookups.

Products edit form with Supplier and Category models defined.

Activating the Supplier lookup will open a list of suppliers.

Supplier lookup

Activating the Categories lookup will show a list of categories to select.

Categories lookup.

Let’s create a second data model for Products, that only shows products from North America. There are two ways of creating a copy of a data model – saving a copy of an existing model, or creating a new model, listed under “Defined” section.

Creating a data model for an entity with an existing data model.

Let’s create a copy. Open the Products data model, and change the name to “NorthAmericanProducts” by typing in the name in the top-right corner.

Changing the name of the model to "NorthAmericanProducts".

Let’s add a filter to the new model. Click the “Add Filter…” button on the toolbar.

Adding a filter to the model.

Enter the filter in the text area.

Entering a filter.

In addition, sort the ProductName in descending order.

Sorting the model by ProductName in descending order.

The Query tab will show the new command.

The new command of the data model.

The Data tab shows that the sorting and filtering was a success.

The Data tab showing the output of the command.

To save the data model as a copy, activate the dropdown next to “Save”, and press “Save a Copy”.


Proceed to generate the application. Notice that another page has been added to the sitemap. This page is a Single Page Application created to handle products from North America.

The new page shows products from North America.

Virtual Connections

One of the most powerful aspects of the Model Builder is the ability to define virtual primary and foreign keys. Let’s create a data model using the view Alphabetical List Of Products.

Creating a data model for "Alphabetical List of Products".

The application framework is unable to perform any CRUD operations on a business entity until a primary key is defined. Let’s create a virtual primary key by right-clicking ProductID and pressing Set Primary Key.

Setting the virtual primary key of the Alphabeticallistofproducts data model.

The spec “VPK” will be added to the first column of the diagram.

The ProductID field has been specified as the primary key of the model.

Notice that because Alphabetical List Of Products is a view, foreign keys are not known, and values from these foreign key relationships cannot be included until a virtual foreign key is defined.

On the toolbar, click the “Add Table” button.

Adding a table to the diagram.

The field list at the top of the Model tab will be replaced with a list of database objects.

Adding a table from the list of available tables.

Drag the “dbo.Suppliers” table onto the diagram. Rename the alias of Suppliers to “Supplier” by clicking on the header of the new table in the diagram.

Renaming the new table to "Supplier".

Then, drag the “SupplierID” field from Alphabeticallistofproducts onto SupplierID column of Suppliers table to form a virtual foreign key. You can now check fields from the Suppliers table to include in the data model.

Including fields of Suppliers table into Alphabeticallistofproducts data model.

Sort this data model by entering “Descending” in the Sort Type of ProductName.

Sorting by ProductName.

The final result will show the inclusion of Supplier fields in the grid.

The new SPA for Alphabeticallistofproducts.