Blog: Posts from April, 2009

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Posts from April, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009PrintSubscribe
In-Place Creation of Lookup Items

Data Aquarium Framework features on-demand creation of lookup items.

See it in Action

On the screen shot below a user has selected Edit command in context menu of a grid row that lists products from Northwind sample database.

Context-Sensitive Popup Menu

The row is now displayed in edit mode. You can see that supplier company name field has an icon  right next to the lookup box.

New Lookup Item Icon

Row With Lookups That Allow In-Place Item Creation

A click on this icon will bring up New Suppliers modal dialog that allows entering a supplier in-place. The supplier is automatically selected in the lookup when user clicks OK button.

In-Place Lookup Item Creation

You can try this online at

Controlling Access to This Feature

The feature is extremely useful but shall not be left uncontrolled. Typically only certain categories of users are allowed to create new lookup items.

This is how the creation of new lookup items is turned on in the data controller definition files.

<field name="SupplierID" type="Int32" label="Supplier#">
  <items style="Lookup" dataController="Suppliers" newDataView="createForm1" />

Attribute newDataView of items element specifies the view defined in data controller identified by dataController attribute. The attribute value is automatically assigned by Code OnTime Generator. You can define a custom view in Suppliers data controller to provide an alternative form to create new suppliers.

If you don’t want in-place lookup item creation to to be enabled then simply delete the attribute.

Controlling in-place lookups With Roles

A better solution is to allow only certain user roles to create new lookup items.

Open data controller ~/Controllers/Suppliers.xml and modify New Suppliers action as follows:

<actionGroup scope="ActionBar" headerText="New">
  <action commandName="New" commandArgument="createForm1" 
        headerText="New Suppliers" 
description="Create a new Suppliers record." roles="Administrators"/> </actionGroup>

Attribute roles will enable this action to be executed by users with Administrators role only. The framework will make sure that there is an action with New command in Suppliers data controller with an argument matched to the view specified by newDataView attribute of items element. If such action is not available then in-place creation of lookup items is automatically disabled.

Our sample application has been generated with ASP.NET Membership enabled. Here is how the row will look if we sign in a user with the standard name user. This user belongs to the role Users and is not authorized to create new suppliers.

Affect Of Action Roles on Lookups

You can see that the icon that allows creating new suppliers is gone. The user still can create new categories.

The centralized business logic and definitions of Data Aquarium Framework ensure that any other references to the Suppliers lookup in the application are affected as well.

This is how the supplier screen will look when displayed to the same user. Notice that New option is not available on the action bar anymore.

Global Effect Of Roles


ASP.NET declarative security if fully integrated into Data Aquarium Framework and allows easy control over AJAX web applications of any complexity.

Friday, April 17, 2009PrintSubscribe
Creating Projects Outside “My Documents”

Code OnTime Generator will automatically generate projects to My Documents folder. You will find your projects code broken down by project type name under root  [My Documents]\Code OnTime.


This might introduce a problem with running your code under ASP.NET Development Server if your network policy has mapped this folder to a network drive.

Code OnTime Generator is built as an open code generation platform and allows free alterations to the code generation script.

For example, you can redirect the project output folder for Data Aquarium projects to you local folder C:\Data\MyProjects by modifying [My Documents]\Code OnTime\Projects\Data Aquarium\CodeOnTime.Projects.xml code generation script.

You can download the code generator script for Data Aquarium premium project at This script is current as of the date of publication of this article.

Open [My Documents]\Code OnTime\Projects\Data Aquarium\CodeOnTime.Projects.xml in your favorite XML editor and scroll all the way to the bottom.

        <load path="DataAquarium.Project.xml">
            <if test="a:project/a:webServer/@run='true'">
                <execute fileName="$CommonProgramFiles\microsoft shared\DevServer\9.0\WebDev.WebServer.EXE" arguments="/port:{a:project/a:webServer/@port} /path:&quot;$ProjectPath&quot; /vpath:&quot;/$ProjectName&quot;" mode="nowait"/>
                <execute fileName="http://localhost:{a:project/a:webServer/@port}/$ProjectName/default.aspx" arguments="-new" mode="nowait"/>
        <action name="browse" toolTip="View &quot;{0}&quot; in a web browser.">
            <load path="DataAquarium.Project.xml">
                <execute fileName="$CommonProgramFiles\microsoft shared\DevServer\9.0\WebDev.WebServer.EXE" arguments="/port:{a:project/a:webServer/@port} /path:&quot;$ProjectPath&quot; /vpath:&quot;/$ProjectName&quot;" mode="nowait"/>
                <execute fileName="http://localhost:{a:project/a:webServer/@port}/$ProjectName/default.aspx" arguments="-new" mode="nowait"/>

Replace this code with the following:

    <load path="$ProjectPath">
        <variable name="MyProjectPath" select="'C:\data\MyProjects'"/>
        <forEach select="//file">
            <copy input="$ProjectPath\{@path}" output="$MyProjectPath\{@path}"/>
    <load path="DataAquarium.Project.xml">
        <if test="a:project/a:webServer/@run='true'">
            <execute fileName="$CommonProgramFiles\microsoft shared\DevServer\9.0\WebDev.WebServer.EXE" arguments="/port:{a:project/a:webServer/@port} /path:&quot;$MyProjectPath&quot; /vpath:&quot;/$ProjectName&quot;" mode="nowait"/>
            <execute fileName="http://localhost:{a:project/a:webServer/@port}/$ProjectName/default.aspx" arguments="-new" mode="nowait"/>
    <action name="browse" toolTip="View &quot;{0}&quot; in a web browser.">
        <load path="DataAquarium.Project.xml">
            <variable name="MyProjectPath" select="'C:\data\MyProjects'"/>
            <execute fileName="$CommonProgramFiles\microsoft shared\DevServer\9.0\WebDev.WebServer.EXE" arguments="/port:{a:project/a:webServer/@port} /path:&quot;$MyProjectPath&quot; /vpath:&quot;/$ProjectName&quot;" mode="nowait"/>
            <execute fileName="http://localhost:{a:project/a:webServer/@port}/$ProjectName/default.aspx" arguments="-new" mode="nowait"/>

The script in introducing a new variable $MyProjectPath, which is set to c:\data\MyProjects.

The variable is used to copy the generated code from [My Documents] location to the one specified by the variable and then ASP.NET Development Server is directed to use this location when executing the project.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009PrintSubscribe
Tracking User Actions

Tracking of user activities is a common requirement for many business applications. Data Aquarium Framework support Microsoft ASP.NET Membership via an advanced user management and login/logout user interface components. You can quickly create business rules to track user actions.

Sample Application

Generate a Data Aquarium project with the membership option enabled. Here is a typical screen shot of a Northwind database sample after the user with the name user has signed in.


Task 1

You want to keep a journal of user activities. The built-in .NET diagnostics facility will play a role of a journal where we will be keeping all activity records.


Create a business rules class Class1 and create method OrdersAfterUpdate as shown below. Link the business rules class to ~/Controllers/Orders.xml data controller as explained here.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using MyCompany.Data;

public class Class1 : BusinessRules
    [ControllerAction("Orders", "Update", ActionPhase.After)]
    protected void OrdersAfterUpdate(int orderId, FieldValue shipAddress)
            "Order #{0} has been updated by '{1}' on {2}", 
            orderId, Context.User.Identity.Name, DateTime.Now));
        if (shipAddress.Modified) 
                 "Address has changed from '{0}' to '{1}.",
                 shipAddress.OldValue, shipAddress.NewValue));


Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports MyCompany.Data

Public Class Class1
    Inherits BusinessRules

    <ControllerAction("Orders", "Update", ActionPhase.After)> _
    Protected Sub OrdersAfterUpdate(ByVal orderId As Integer, _
                                    ByVal shipAddress As FieldValue)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format( _
            "Order #{0} has been updated by '{1}' on {2}", _
            orderId, Context.User.Identity.Name, DateTime.Now))
        If (shipAddress.Modified) Then
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format( _
                 "Address has changed from '{0}' to '{1}.", _
                 shipAddress.OldValue, shipAddress.NewValue))
        End If
    End Sub

End Class

Open application in a web browser and select Orders data controller from the drop down in the top left corner. Start editing any order in the grid or form view and make sure to change Ship Address field. This field is the last visible field in the screen shot.


Hit OK button and the business method rule will intercept the action as soon as a successful database update has been completed. The first line of code will report the order ID and the user’s identity. The second line of code will detect the change in the address field.


Property Context provides business rules developers with the same Request, Response, User, Application, Session, and Server properties that are available  to web form developers.

The first two properties shall not be used since they provide information related to a current web service request and cannot be used to influence the user interface presentation.

Use the other properties as you if you were writing a typical web form.

Replace System.Diagnostics.Debug with a business object that is designed to keep track of user activities in a permanent data store such as a database table.

Task 2

All records in a database of orders must be marked with a reference to a user. User information will be utilized to filter data and for data analysis and reporting purposes.


Alter table [Northwind][.dbo].[Orders] to include new field UserName by executing the following SQL statement.

alter table Orders
add UserName varchar(50)

Modify command command1 in the data controller ~/Controllers/Orders.xml to select the new field twice. Once the field is selected under its own name and the other time we are selecting this very field under alias UserNameReadOnly. The reason for that is explained later.

        <command id="command1" type="Text">
    "Orders"."OrderID" "OrderID"
    ,"Orders"."UserName" "UserName"
    ,"Orders"."UserName" "UserNameReadOnly"
from "dbo"."Orders" "Orders"

Add two field definitions for UserName instances in SQL statement to the list of data controller fields.

    <field name="UserName" type="String" label="User Name"/>
    <field name="UserNameReadOnly" type="String" label="User Name" readOnly="true"/>

Let’s add the new read-only version of the field and a hidden version of the field to the list of data fields of views grid1 and editForm1.

<dataField fieldName="UserNameReadOnly"/>
<dataField fieldName="UserName" hidden="true"/>

Modify view createForm1 to include field UserName as a single hidden field.

<dataField fieldName="UserName" hidden="true"/>

We will silently assign a user name when a new record is created to the data controller field UserName. The captured value will be displayed when users review existing records but will be drawn from UserNameReadOnly for display purposes instead.

Add the following business rule to class Class1.


[ControllerAction("Orders", "Update", ActionPhase.Before)]
[ControllerAction("Orders", "Insert", ActionPhase.Before)]
protected void OrdersBeforeUpdate(FieldValue userName)
    userName.NewValue = Context.User.Identity.Name;
    userName.Modified = true;


    <ControllerAction("Orders", "Update", ActionPhase.Before)> _
    <ControllerAction("Orders", "After", ActionPhase.Before)> _
    Protected Sub OrdersBeforeUpdate(ByVal userName As FieldValue)
        userName.NewValue = Context.User.Identity.Name
        userName.Modified = True
    End Sub

This method will be automatically invoked whenever an order is about to be updated or inserted into database.

The first line will assign name of the currently logged-in user to the UserName field.

The second line will indicate that the field has actually changed. The framework is using Modified property of FieldValue instances to determine if a field shall be included in automatically generated SQL statement to update or insert a record.

You can also do an update on your own without relying on the framework. The best place for that sort of updates is in business rules methods with ActionPhase.After specifies as a parameter of ControllerAction attribute.

Here is how the grid of orders will look if you update a few records. The right-most column is displaying the name of the user.


The two fields UserName and UserNameReadOnly are required since read-only fields are never transferred to the server from the client web page. Hidden fields are never displayed but always travel from the client to the server and back. By introducing two versions of the same field we overcome this limitation imposed by the framework’s optimization logic.


Business rules in Data Aquarium Framework provide an excellent place to universally track user activities.