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web application generator
Sunday, March 8, 2015PrintSubscribe
Grouping Date Values in Charts

When using a date as a row in a chart, it is necessary to form groups for each date value. Otherwise, a row will be created for each date. This excess of rows will render the chart useless:

Data Field Tag
OrderDate pivot1-row1-line

A line chart with too many date values as rows.

The data behind the chart looks like the following:

The data for a chart with too many date rows.

Instead of listing each date as a unique value, the dates should be placed into buckets in order to provide a clearer view of the data. For example, let’s group the dates by quarter. Add the “quarter” keyword to calculate the quarter of each date.

Data Field Tag
OrderDate pivot1-row1-line-quarter

The chart is now easier to read.

A line chart showing count of orders by quarter.

The data for the chart looks as follows:

Line chart showing orders by quarter.

However, notice that we have lost information about the year. To solve this problem, we need to group the dates by year first, and then by quarter.

Data Field Tag
OrderDate pivot1-row1-line-year pivot1-row2-quarter

The chart now displays quarters per year.

Line chart showing orders over quarters by year.

The data is shown here:

Data for chart showing orders grouped by year and quarter.

However, what happens when the data is filtered to produce a different subset of data? The chart may become useless again.

The filter has caused the chart to display only a single point.

The single row is displayed below.

Only a single row is displayed in the data.

In order to solve this problem, an automatic grouping function can be used. By specifying a group of “date”, the server will make several attempts with various groups. The chart with a number of rows closest to 25 will be selected and displayed to the user.

Data Field Tag
OrderDate pivot1-row1-line-date

The function has decided to use year/month/week as the most optimal solution for the currently applied filter.

The auto date grouping decided to use year/month/week.

The data can be seen below.

The data for the chart.

When the filter is cleared and all data from the Orders table is displayed, the group mode will try to maintain the number of rows. The function has elected on using year/month.

All data is visible in the chart.

The new data can be seen here:

All data is visible in the table.

A full list of available groups is displayed below.

Keyword Description Example Value
date An automatic function that will attempt several combinations of groups and select the result that has a number of rows closest to 25.  
timeofday Takes the hours, minutes, and second of the date. 12:30:45
minute Takes the minute from the date. 30
halfhour All dates with minutes less than 30 will be grouped into the hour group. All dates above 30 will be grouped into the half-hour group. 1:30
hour The hour will be used as the value. 1:00
day Uses the day of the month. 31
dayofweek Uses the day of the week. The value will be formatted according to the current culture. Saturday
dayofyear The day of the year. 156
weekofmonth The week of the month. The value is derived from the first letter of the word “Week” in the current culture’s language, plus the number. W3
week The week of the year. W16
month The month of the year. The values will be formatted according to the current culture. January
quarter The quarter in the year. The value is derived from the first letter of the word “Quarter” in the current culture’s language, plus the number. Q1
year The year. 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015PrintSubscribe
Map Chart Type

The “map” chart type displays a map using the Google Maps API. It accepts values in the form of addresses and renders them as pins on the map. This chart type can be useful for displaying values associated with regions or locations. However, it may be more beneficial to use Maps presentation style to allow for data interaction or Geo Chart Type instead.

The map below shows the location of customers by country.

Data Field Tag
Country pivot1-row1-map

A simple map chart that shows the location of customers by country.

The data for the map is displayed below.

The data for the count of customers by Country.

Clicking on a data point will reveal the value.

Clicking on a data point in the map will reveal the value.

The type of map can be specified with the “maptype” property. The default value is “hybrid”. The other options are “normal”, “terrain”, or “satellite”. The example below shows the “terrain” map type.

Data Field Tag
Country pivot1-row1-map pivot1-maptype:"terrain"

A map chart using map type of 'terrain'.

The switcher for map type is disabled by default. The switcher can be enabled by adding the “usemaptypecontrol” keyword. It will appear in the top-right corner.

Data Field Tag
Country pivot1-row1-map pivot1-usemaptypecontrol

The map type switcher has been enabled in the top-right corner.

By default, the user cannot use the scroll wheel to zoom. This functionality can be enabled by adding the “enablescrollwheel” keyword.

Data Field Tag
Country pivot1-row1-map pivot1-enablescrollwheel
Sunday, March 8, 2015PrintSubscribe
Line Chart Type

The “line” chart type shows a line that plots a value as it changes over the horizontal axis. A typical use case might be plotting a value over time.

To use “line” chart type, add the keyword “line” to any “pivot-” tag, and make sure that it is separated with hyphens (-).

Data Field Tag
OrderDate pivot1-row1-date-line

The chart is using the “date” keyword, which directs the server to attempt several combinations of date groupings. The best fit group is selected and displayed to the user. An equivalent tag combination on OrderDate data field would be “pivot1-row1-year-line pivot1-row2-month”.

Simple line chart using count of orders by order date.

The data for the chart can be seen here.

Data for a simple line chart using count of orders by order date.

Clicking or hovering over a data point will reveal the value.

Clicking on a data point in the line will reveal the value.

When multiple columns or values are specified, more than one line will be drawn with a different color. It is clear that Davolio’s performance in Q1 of 1997 had declined.

Data Field Tag
OrderDate pivot1-row1-year-line pivot1-row2-quarter
EmployeeID pivot1-col1

Multiple values or columns will render as different colored lines in a line chart.

The data displays the multiple columns of data below.

The multiple columns are visible in the data .

By default, lines will be drawn straight. The lines can be curved by specifying the keyword “curve”.

Data Field Tag
OrderDate pivot1-row1-year-line pivot1-row2-quarter pivot1-curve
EmployeeID pivot1-col1

A line chart with "curve" enabled.

The line chart can also be drawn vertically. Specify “vertical” for the orientation property and the chart axes will be flipped.

Data Field Tag
OrderDate pivot1-row1-year-line pivot1-row2-quarter pivot1-orientation:"vertical"
EmployeeID pivot1-col1

A line chart that is drawn vertically.

One can enable zooming and panning on the chart by specifying the “explorer” keyword.

Data Field Tag
OrderDate pivot1-row1-year-line pivot1-row2-quarter pivot1-explorer
EmployeeID pivot1-col1

Using the scroll wheel will change the scale of the vertical axis.

The chart has a very small scale.

The chart has been zoomed in.

Clicking and dragging will pan the chart.

The chart has been panned.

Right-clicking on the chart area will reset the chart. Note that the “explorer” functionality may cause interference with the user scrolling through the page – use only when necessary.

Continue to Pie Chart Type