Web Application Generator

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Web Application Generator
Friday, December 7, 2012PrintSubscribe
Creating a Custom Report Template

When it becomes necessary to customize your reports beyond the scope of the settings available in the Project Designer, you will need to create a custom report template.

The default report for Customers view of “grid1” is displayed below.

Default report for Customers view of 'grid1'.

Let’s change make the following changes to the report:

  1. Highlight the Contact Name column in yellow.
  2. Change the color of Address header to red.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab and double-click on Customers / Views / grid1 node.

View 'grid1' of Customers controller in the Project Explorer.

Change the following:

Property New Value
Create custom report template true

Press OK to save your changes. On the toolbar, press Browse to generate the template. When complete, select Develop option to open the project in Visual Studio.

In the Solution Explorer, double-click on ~\Reports\Customers_grid1.rdlc file.

Custom report template file selected in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer.

In the Design window that was opened, highlight the cell containing the text “[ContactName]”. On the toolbar, press the Background Color icon.

Changing the background color of the 'Contact Name' column.

Change the background color to yellow and press OK to apply.

Next, highlight the cell containing the “Address” header. On the toolbar, select the Foreground Color icon.

Changing the foreground color of 'Address' column header.

Select the color red and press OK. Save the file.

Switch back to the web application open in your browser and refresh the web page. If you closed it, press Browse in the Project Designer window.

Navigate to the Customers page, and activate the Report | PDF Document option on the action bar.

Creating a report from the list of customers.

Open the file that was saved to your hard drive. The report will be created from the template and will display the customizations.

Customers report with yellow highlight on 'Contact Name' column and red text in 'Address' header.

Friday, December 7, 2012PrintSubscribe
“Font” Property

In Code On Time web applications, default reports will be generated with a “Medium” font size, such as the picture below.

Customers report with 'Medium' font size.

The report font size can be changed to fit more data or be easier to read.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab and double-click on Customers / Views / grid1 node.

View 'grid1' of Customers controller.

Change the Font property:

Property New Value
Report Font X-Small

Press OK to save. On the toolbar, press Browse.

Navigate to the Customers page. On the action bar, press Report | PDF Document.

Creating a PDF report from the list of customers.

The report font size is now smaller, and fits a lot more information on each page.

Customers report with 'X-Small' font size.

A larger font size may also be used. Go back to the Designer, and change the following:

Property New Value
Report Font X-Large

Press OK to save and Browse the project. Create another report.

Customers report with 'X-Large' font size.

Intermediate font sizes of “Small” and “Large” are also available.

Thursday, December 6, 2012PrintSubscribe
“Page Orientation” Property

When a report is created from a view that has more than seven fields, the report is rendered with landscape orientation, such as the example shown below. When a report has less than seven fields, the report is rendered in portrait orientation.

Report created from 'Customers' grid view oriented as landscape.

The report orientation can also be forced to render portrait or landscape by using the “Page Orientation” property.

Let’s change the Customers report displayed above to be presented in portrait orientation.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Double-click on Customers / Views / grid1 node.

View 'grid1' of Customers controller.

Change the following:

Property New Value
Page Orientation Portrait

Press OK to save. On the toolbar, press Browse.

Navigate to the Customers page. On the action bar, press Report | PDF Document.

Printing a PDF Report from Customers grid view.

Open the PDF file that was saved to your hard drive. The report will be in portrait orientation.

Report created from 'Customers' grid view oriented as portrait.