Web Application Generator

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Web Application Generator
Wednesday, May 30, 2012PrintSubscribe
Configuring a Multi-Line Text Box

The application generator automatically configures memo (long text) fields as multi-line text boxes. The column Categories.Description from the Northwind sample is an example of a memo field.

Description field on Categories edit form rendered as a multiline text box.

The property Rows of the Categories.Description data field has a default value of “5”. Changing the number of rows of the data field to “1” will convert the field into a single-line text box.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Double-click on Categories / Fields / Description field node.

Description field of Categories controller in the Project Explorer.

At the top of the Designer window, switch to the Data Fields tab. Change all data fields as shown next:

Property New Value
Rows 1

Change all Categories data fields Rows property to '1'.

Save all changes, and click Browse on the toolbar.

When the web app opens in your default web browser, navigate to the Categories page and edit a record. The Description field is now rendered as a single-line text box.

Description field on Categories edit form rendered as a single line text box.

The Rows property of standard string fields is blank. Changing it to any value greater than “1” will convert the data field into a multi-line text box.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012PrintSubscribe
Multi-Field Copy

When a new order is created in the Northwind database, users will select a customer using the Customer Company Name lookup field. This action can result in automatic population of the shipping information.

Orders create form with a selected customer. The shipping information is not copied over.

Let’s make an assumption that fields Ship Name, Ship Address, Ship City, Ship Region, Ship Postal Code, and Ship Country should default to the customer’s Contact Name, Address, City, Region, Postal Code, and Country values when a lookup value is selected.

Lookup list of Customers

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Double-click on Orders / Fields / CustomerID field node.

CustomerID field of Orders controller in the Project Explorer.

List the fields that will be copied in the Copy property. The field on the right is from the lookup, and the field on the left is the copy destination. Note that the field must be present in the lookup view in order for the value to be copied. If a field needs to be copied but not displayed to the end user, add the field as hidden.

Property New Value


Press OK to save the field. On the tool bar, press Browse.

When the web application opens in your default web browser, navigate to the Orders page and create an order. Select a customer using the lookup. The shipping information will be copied from the customer to the order.

Orders create form with a selected customer. The shipping information is copied from the Customer.

Navigate to Customers page and select a customer Bon app’ in the master view. On the action bar of the detail view Orders, click New Orders. The client library will automatically perform reverse lookup. The customer is already known, and the contact information will be copied over by the Customer Company Name lookup field, despite the fact that it is hidden on the form.

Reverse Lookup in action in web application created with Code On Time.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012PrintSubscribe
Data Views: Search On Start

By default, grid and data sheet views will open the first page of records.

Suppliers grid view showing the first page of suppliers.

If the number of records is small, then it works great. If the number of records is very large, then it is pointless to display the first page before the users specify what they are looking for. The data view can be configured to not request any records and have Advanced Search Bar open by default.

Start the Project Designer. Double-click on Region / Suppliers / container1 / view1 data view node.

'View1' on Suppliers page of Project Explorer.

Change the following property:

Property New Value
Search On Start True

Press OK to save the data view, and click on Browse to generate the web application.

When the web page opens in the browser, navigate to the Suppliers page. The data view will open in search mode.

Suppliers grid view opened in search mode with Advanced Seearch Bar displayed and no records requested.

You can pull the first page of data by pressing the Search button without specifying any search parameters. If you enter parameters, then the matching records will show up.

Pressing 'Search' on the search bar will request the first page of records.

If the search bar is disabled, then the Quick Find will be available to enter the initial search criteria.

Search On Start allows users to enter criteria in the Quick Find if Advanced Search Bar is unavailable.