Web 2.0

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Web 2.0
Monday, February 23, 2009PrintSubscribe
Starting DataViewExtender in "New" Mode

The latest update to Data Aquarium Framework introduces two new properties, StartCommandName and StartCommandArgument. You can use these properties to start a DataViewExtender instance in the desired mode by forcing it to execute a command just before the view is rendered in a web browser.

Quick Sample

Create a new page ~/NewProduct.aspx in a project generated with our ASP.NET Code Generator.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" 
    AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="NewProduct.aspx.cs" Inherits="NewProduct" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="Server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="Header1Placeholder" runat="Server">
    New Product
<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="Header2Placeholder" runat="Server">
<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="BodyPlaceholder" runat="Server">
    <div id="Products" runat="server" />
    <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="ProductsExtender" runat="server" 
        Controller="Products" View="createForm1" 
        StartCommandName="New" StartCommandArgument="createForm1" />

If you were to omit two last attributes in DataViewExtender markup then a read-only view of the first record of your data controller command is displayed. The framework treats all views the same way - there is no magic in "createForm1" name. The client engine will simply select the first record and present it in a specified view.

A client-side command "New" must be executed to force a display of a new record in createForm1. New properties will do the trick.


Client-Side State Machine

Another great feature available to developers is the client-side action state machine.

Run sample described above and then create a new record. As soon as a record is inserted you will be redirected to the "grid" view of all products. The same happens if you press Cancel button.

Suppose you want to use Cancel button to simply reset the form to the original "new" state. Also you want to rename button OK to Save and have it display a newly inserted record in "preview" mode that will lead to some fictitious step 2. A new button Save and New will create a new record and switch to the "new" mode right after a new record is created.

Open ~/Controllers/Products.aspx and change action group with scope "Form" as shown below.

<actionGroup scope="Form">
    <!-- modified actions -->
    <action whenLastCommandName="Select" whenLastCommandArgument="editForm1" 
            commandName="Edit" />
    <action whenLastCommandName="Select" whenLastCommandArgument="editForm1" 
            commandName="Delete" confirmation="Delete?" />
    <action whenLastCommandName="Select" whenLastCommandArgument="editForm1" 
            commandName="Cancel" headerText="Close" />
    <!-- no changes -->
    <action whenLastCommandName="Edit" commandName="Update" headerText="OK" />
    <action whenLastCommandName="Edit" commandName="Delete" confirmation="Delete?" />
    <action whenLastCommandName="Edit" commandName="Cancel" />
    <!-- modified actions -->
    <action whenLastCommandName="New" commandName="Insert" commandArgument="ShowProduct" 
            headerText="Save" />
    <action whenLastCommandName="New" commandName="Insert" commandArgument="SaveAndNew" 
            headerText="Save and New"/>
    <action whenLastCommandName="New" commandName="New" commandArgument="createForm1" 
            headerText="Cancel" confirmation="Do you want to reset this form?"/>
    <action whenLastCommandName="Insert" whenLastCommandArgument="ShowProduct" 
            commandName="Select" commandArgument="createForm1"/>
    <action whenLastCommandName="Insert" whenLastCommandArgument="SaveAndNew" 
            commandName="New" commandArgument="createForm1"/>
    <action whenLastCommandName="Select" whenLastCommandArgument="createForm1" 
            commandName="Navigate" commandArgument="~/Default.aspx?ProductID={ProductID}" 
            headerText="Continue to Step 2"/>
    <action whenLastCommandName="Select" whenLastCommandArgument="createForm1" 

You probably noticed that new attribute whenLastCommandArgument is used to filter actions and complements attribute whenLastCommandName.

Action Insert creates a new record and in a case of success will try to select an action that is matched to the last command and argument. Pairs command/argument with values Insert/ShowProduct and Insert/SaveAndNew will trigger automatic execution of commands Select/createForm1 and New/createForm1.

Server-side actions Insert, Update, Delete, and any custom actions are forcing the state machine to execute if command has been successfully completed and server code did not request redirect or client script execution.

Here is how the screen looks when you refresh ~/NewProduct.aspx.


Enter details of a new product and click Save button. Product review form is presented.


If you click on Continue to Step 2 then you will be redirected to a URL that looks similar to the one below:


Hiding View Selector

The "orange" view selector at the top may spoil your view workflow ideas. Modify the content Content1 as shown below:

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="Server">
<style type="text/css">
    table.ViewSelector {

The view selector will be hidden from users.


Thursday, November 27, 2008PrintSubscribe
Instant Details for Lookup Fields

Data Aquarium Framework provides powerful data lookup capabilities. We have extended them one step further by offering instant details for lookup fields.

Navigate to http://dev.codeontime.com/demo/nwblob, select Products in the drop down in the left top corner and select any product. Notice that an arrow is displayed next to Product Name field. The view component has detected that Product Name is defined as a lookup field and displayed an instant details link.


Click on the arrow and a Details page for Manjimup Dried Apples product will be presented.


Notice that instant details arrows are also displayed next to Supplier Company Name field and Category Name field. Follow category name link and the next level of details is presented.


You can rename the category, change description or upload a new image. As soon as you save the changes or click on Close button you will returned back to the product instant details. Click Close button on products instant details and you are back on the page with the order details.

In just a few clicks you can jump straight to the details of the lookup data and make necessary adjustments or research. The same details preview is available when you jump to item details displayed in RSS data feeds of your ASP.NET web application.

Monday, September 29, 2008PrintSubscribe
DataViewExtender Events: selected and executed

Data Aquarium Framework includes a collection of JavaScript components that are rendering user interface in a web browser and are interacting with the server components of the framework. You can participate in the client-side life cycle by creating JavaScript event handlers that are responding to selected and executed events raised by Web.DataView component instances injected into the page by DataViewExtender server components.

Event selected is fired when a row is selected in the user interface. You can use get_selectedKey() method of Web.DataView component to find a primary key of a selected record.

Event executed is fired when a command has been executed. Event handler is provided with the result of execution on the server including auto-incremental primary key field values and error messages if any.

Let's explore these events by creating master-detail AJAX grid views that link Products to Suppliers in Northwind database.

Generate an Aquarium Express project with Code OnTime Generator from Northwind database and open this project in Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition.

Add page Events.aspx to the root of the web site as shown in the sample below.

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
    CodeFile="Events.aspx.cs" Inherits="Events" Title="Events Demo" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="Server">

    <script type="text/javascript">
function pageLoad() {
    var dataView = Web.DataView.find('SuppliersExtender');
    if (dataView) {

var justInserted = false;

function onSupplierSelected(sender) {
    if (justInserted) 
        justInserted = false;
        updateProductsVisibility(sender.get_lastCommandName() != 'New');
function onSupplierExecuted(sender, args) {
    switch (sender._lastArgs.CommandName) {
        case 'Insert':
            justInserted = true;
        case 'Delete':
function updateProductsVisibility(visible) {
    Sys.UI.DomElement.setVisible($get('ProductsPanel'), visible);

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="Header1Placeholder" runat="Server">
    Client-Side Events
<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="Header2Placeholder" runat="Server">
<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="BodyPlaceholder" runat="Server">
    <div id="Suppliers" runat="server" />
    <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="SuppliersExtender" runat="server" 
        Controller="Suppliers" TargetControlID="Suppliers" PageSize="5"/>
    <br />
    <div id="ProductsPanel" style="display:none">
        <div id="Products" runat="server" />
        <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="ProductsExtender" runat="server" 
            Controller="Products" TargetControlID="Products" PageSize="5"
            FilterFields="SupplierID" FilterSource="SuppliersExtender" />

Open this page in a browser. You will see that products are not displayed under the suppliers grid.


Click on any supplier row and the page will display a list of relevant products.  If you start adding a new supplier then the list of products will disappear. The list of products will show up again when you actually insert a supplier record. The list of products goes away when you delete a supplier.


How does this work?

Let's do a quick code walkthrough.

Element ProductsPanel is wrapped around the placeholder for Products. It doesn't matter if the DataViewExtender component is within the boundaries of the panel. Just make sure that the placeholder is hidden.

<div id="ProductsPanel" style="display:none">
    <div id="Products" runat="server" />
    <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="ProductsExtender" runat="server" 
        Controller="Products" TargetControlID="Products" PageSize="5"
        FilterFields="SupplierID" FilterSource="SuppliersExtender" />

ASP.NET AJAX Extensions library automatically invokes JavaScript function pageLoad() when the runtime client components are instantiated and initialized. It works very much like Page_Load function in your server code, which is called when ASP.NET is ready to pass your a control over a page with all server components ready for use. Method Web.DataView.find will find an instance of JavaScript Web.DataView component that was injected into the page by SuppliersExtender server component. This is a convenient spot to assign event handlers of selected and executed events.

function pageLoad() {
    var dataView = Web.DataView.find('SuppliersExtender');
    if (dataView) {

Function onSupplierSelected will be called whenever a supplier record is selected by a user. This method is invoking updateProductsVisibility function and passes true as a parameter if the last executed action command is not New. We are also making sure that visibility of the products grid is not altered if we just have executed an insertion of a new supplier.

var justInserted = false;

function onSupplierSelected(sender) {
    if (justInserted) 
        justInserted = false;
        updateProductsVisibility(sender.get_lastCommandName() != 'New');

Actions that cause an insertion or a deletion of a supplier will result in product details being displayed or hidden accordingly.

function onSupplierExecuted(sender, args) {
    switch (sender._lastArgs.CommandName) {
        case 'Insert':
            justInserted = true;
        case 'Delete':

The actual update of products grid visibility is very simple. We are using standard JavaScript components of ASP.NET AJAX Extensions library to hide DOM element with ProductsPanel identifier.

function updateProductsVisibility(visible) {
    Sys.UI.DomElement.setVisible($get('ProductsPanel'), visible);

You can enhance this code to suit your own needs by interacting with div elements on your page, which will typically result in hiding and showing of arbitrary page fragments to create less cluttered and more intuitive user interface presentation in your AJAX ASP.NET applications created with Code OnTime Generator.