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User Interface
Friday, May 4, 2012PrintSubscribe
Rapidly Find Data Using Quick Find

The simplest method to search for data in Code On Time web applications is Quick Find.

Quick Find is located on the left side of the action bar above grid views. It allows searching for values in the visible fields. The application will split the search text by spaces and use each word as a filtering parameter when executing a query.

Quick Find text box on the action bar of Code On Time web application

For example, let’s find any customer that contains the text “owner”. Enter the text in the Quick Find, and press Enter on your keyboard. You can see that we now have a list of records that contain “owner” in the Contact Title field.

Search results for 'owner' in Customers grid view

Let’s find all owners in Mexico. In the Quick Find box, type “owner mexico”, and press Enter on your keyboard. This will fetch a shorter list. All data rows will contain both words in the fields. For example, “owner” is found in Contact Title, and “mexico” is found in Country.

The screenshot shows the search result for 'owner mexico'.

The order of words in the query does not matter. For example, search for “france owner”. The search will find all three owners from France.

Search results for 'France owner' in Customers grid view

You can also search for numeric values in any field of the record. Switch to the Products page, and search for “40”. The first product has “40” in Units On Order. The second product has a Unit Price of “40”. The third product has “40” in Quantity Per Unit.

Search results for '40' in Products grid view

Numbers and words can be mixed in the search query. Search for “40 biscuit”. The search query found two records that have those parameters.

Search results for '40 biscuit' in Products grid view

The user input is never incorporated in the SQL text, eliminating possibility of an SQL Injection attack. Search for “drop database”. No records will be found, and the database will not be dropped. The application framework will include parameter names in the query and pass the user-entered criteria as parameter values.

SQL injection attack by searching for 'drop database' is ineffective

You can clear any filter by either clicking on the “x” icon on the right side of the filter detail bar, or by clicking on the filter description.

Clear filter by clicking on the text of the filter description in Code On Time web app

Developers can also configure “hidden” fields to participate in the Quick Find.

Friday, May 4, 2012PrintSubscribe
Configuring an Auto Complete Field

Code On Time web application generator assigns Lookup item style to all foreign key fields.

'EmployeeID' field rendered as lookup in Code On Time web application

The Lookup item style has powerful searching and filtering capabilities, but may require several clicks to find a record. A speedy alternative to the lookup is the Auto Complete items style. The user types in a value in the field, and a list of matching field entries will be displayed.

Open the Project Designer. In the Explorer, switch to Controllers tab. Double-click on Orders / Fields / EmployeeID field node.

'EmployeeID' field from Orders controller in Code On Time Project Explorer

Change the following properties:

Property New Value
Items Style Auto Complete
Data Value Field EmployeeID
Data Text Field LastName

Press OK to save the field. On the tool bar, click Browse to generate the application.

When it opens in your default web browser, navigate to Orders page and edit an order. Click on the dropdown arrow, and you will see a list of all options.

Employee Last Name data field as auto complete showing full list of available options

Close the dropdown and type in the letter “d”. A list of matching employees whose last name start with “D” will appear.

Auto Complete results from typing in 'd' in 'EmployeeID' field

Now type “o”, and that list of employees will narrow down to those that have last names that start with “Do”.

Auto Complete results from typing in 'do' in 'EmployeeID' field

You can now hit Tab or Enter on the keyboard, or click on the list item, to insert it into the field.

Option selected from list of auto complete list items

If the entered text does not match to any items in the list, then the input field will revert to the original value.

Let’s make this field take less real estate on the users screen.

Switch back to the Designer. In the Project Explorer, double-click on Orders / Views / editForm1 / c1 – Orders / EmployeeID data field node.

EmployeeID data field in editForm1 view of Orders controller configured with Auto Complete items style

Change the following setting:

Property New Value
Columns 20

Press OK to save the data field, and click Browse on the tool bar.

Navigate to Orders page, and edit a record. The data field is now twenty characters wide.

EmployeeID data field is now 20 characters wide

Friday, May 4, 2012PrintSubscribe
Configuring a Check Box

The Discontinued field in the Products controller is a Boolean field. By default, Code On Time web application generator assigns Drop Down List style to fields of this type, which allows “Yes”, “No”, or “(select)” options to be selected. The “(select)” option represents null, “Yes” represents True, and “No” represents False.

'Discontinued' field with items style of 'Drop Down List'

However, this field is mandatory, and can only be in two states — True or False. It would be more convenient to the end user if this field was presented as a Check Box.

Start the Project Designer. In the Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Double-click on Products / Fields / Discontinued field node.

Discontinued field of the Products controller in the Project Explorer

Make the following changes:

Property New Value
Allow null values False
Code Default 0
Items Style Check Box

Press OK to save your changes. On the tool bar, click on Browse to generate the application.

When the application opens in your default browser, navigate to Products page. You will see that Discontinued field is now a check box.

'Discontinued' field now displayed as a Check Box

In the grid view, the Discontinued field is rendered as a check box as well.

Discontinued field rendered as check box in Products grid view

The text displayed to the right of the Check Box in form view can be changed using the Header Text property of the data field.

Switch back to the Design environment. In the Project Explorer, double-click on Products / Views / editForm1 / c1 – Products / Discontinued data field node.

Discontinued data field in the editForm1 data view of Products controller

Change the following property:

Property Value
Header Text This product is no longer available.

Press OK to save the data field, and press Browse on the tool bar. Select a record on the Products page. You will see the new Header Text is displayed to the right of the check box.

'Discontinued' check box data field with a custom Header Text