User Interface

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User Interface
Wednesday, February 29, 2012PrintSubscribe
Web App Themes C-D

Cay (Chrome)

Cay Theme (Chrome)

Citrus (Firefox)

Citrus Theme (Firefox)

Classic (Opera)

Classic Theme (Opera)

Construct (Safari)

Construct Theme (Safari)

Convention (Internet Explorer 9)

Convention Theme (Internet Explorer 9)

Dark Knight (Chrome)

Dark Knight Theme (Chrome)

Labels: User Interface
Wednesday, February 29, 2012PrintSubscribe
Web App Themes A-B

Aquarium (Internet Explorer 9)

Aquarium Theme (Internet Explorer 9)

Azure (Chrome)

Azure Theme (Chrome)

Belltown (Firefox)

Belltown Theme (Firefox)

Berry (Opera)

Berry Theme (Opera)

Bittersweet (Internet Explorer 9)

Bittersweet Theme (Internet Explorer 9)

Labels: User Interface
Wednesday, February 22, 2012PrintSubscribe
Row Number in Data Views

A data view can be configured to display a row number when records are presented to the users. The row number will represent the index of a data row with current filters and sort order applied.


If the filters or sort order has changed then the same record will have a different logical row number.


If you want to enable the row number in a data view then select the data view in Designer and check the Show Row Number option.
