User Interface

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User Interface
Thursday, January 13, 2011PrintSubscribe
Data Controller URL Parameters

Code On Time applications recognize several URL parameters that allow constructing simple URL actions to open a multiple-purpose page in “new”, “edit” , or “view” mode.

The following URL will start a record in "new" mode.

The following URL will start the Products page with product #7 displayed in "edit" mode.

The following URL will select a Product record with ID = 35 in "view" mode:


The “_controller” parameter is optional if your page presents a single data controller. You have to use this parameter to ensure that master-detail pages will respond correctly. The following URL will navigate to the protected Suppliers page and will select supplier #22 in “edit” mode. You will have to sign in to access the page.


Notice that cancellation or successful Insert, Update, or Delete action will automatically navigate back to the previous page that was loaded in the browser prior to navigation with data controller URL parameters. This convenient behavior will save time that is typically needed to write redirection logic in similar situations.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011PrintSubscribe
Modifying User Interface With CSS

Code On Time applications rely exclusively on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to provide all presentation elements of generated web applications with colors, fonts, backgrounds, borders, paddings, margins, and other embellishments.

Here is a typical screen that you will find in an application generated with the default theme.


If you load your application in Internet Explorer browser, press F12 to bring up the Developer Toolbar and select Disable | CSS option on the toolbar then the page will looks similar to the following screen shot.


As you can see the page is “black on white” with a few blue links and lacks any style. This allows for total customization of the user interface. You may choose to follow the route of complete user interface customization from scratch or add incremental enhancements to the existing themes provided by Code On Time.

Here is how you can proceed with minor enhancements.

Activate Developer Toolbar window and select Disable|CSS one more time to enable the stylesheets in the browser window.

Click on the “arrow” icon of the Developer Toolbar and inspect any column in a data row of the grid view. If the selection rectangle does not show up when you move the mouse pointer over the page then click the “arrow” again to turn the selection mode off and hit “refresh” icon. Try selecting the UI element on the page again. This is needed if you have activated the toolbar and then interacted with the page in the browser. The toolbar will not be aware of the changes produced by AJAX scripts.

The screen shot shows a thin blue box around the cell in the first row of the Products grid in Category Name column. The Developer Toolbar on top of the browser shows the HTML corresponding to the selection. Three CSS classes Cell, CategoryID, and StringType and assigned to the table cell.


We will change the presentation of CategoryID field column to occupy 200 pixels horizontally.

Open you project in Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer. Select the folder ~/App_Themes/MyCompany and add the new CSS stylesheet item to your project. “MyCompany” is the default namespace of Code On Time projects. If you have changed the namespace of your project then choose the corresponding folder in the Solution Explorer.


Enter the following CSS rule into the stylesheet.

    width: 200px;

Run the project and refresh the contents of the browser window.  The third column Category Name of the grid view is now substantially wider.


Use similar techniques to alter other elements of the user interface in your Code On Time applications.

Notice that sometimes your own CSS rules will come into conflict with the rules of core theme. Use the word “!important” right after the value of the CSS property as shown in the following example.

    width: 200px !important;
Tuesday, December 28, 2010PrintSubscribe
Multiple Value Filters

Code On Time applications now support multiple value adaptive filters that can be activated from the context menu of a columns in a grid view and in a search bar.

The screen shot below shows new Filter option in the context menu of Category Name column or the Products page.


The menu option will activate a a selection window similar to the one below.


Displayed options are sensitive to the presence of other filters. The window automatically adapts the list of available options.

Here you can see the products filtered by Category Name and Supplier Company Name. Both fields are filtered by multiple values.


If you activate the search bar by clicking on the arrow next to the Quick Find field then the new “include” function is selected in the relevant search parameter. Click on any of the filter options in the search value field of a parameter to activate the option selection window.


Notice that options presented in the selection window are sensitive to search criteria entered on the search bar if the window has been activated from the search bar.


Multiple value filtering works with all data types including numbers and dates. The next screen shot shows products further restricted to those with Reorder Level of “0” and “10”.


Users can collapse the search bar and further refine the search results using the Quick Find search box.

Multiple value filtering significantly simplifies development of data aware applications and saves tremendous amount of time required to develop a similar functionality from scratch. Multiple value filtering requires no programming and is automatically available in all views of your application.