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Wednesday, July 18, 2012PrintSubscribe
Enhancing Applications with Custom Input Controls

The client library of a generated web application offers a tightly integrated suite of presentation views and input controls with automatic data binding. The library is not designed to replace the popular presentation frameworks such as jQuery or Ajax Control Toolkit. The purpose of the client library is to provide a standard extensible presentation layer of a multi-tier web application.

Consider the following screen of the Northwind sample. The standard input elements lookup, dropdown, and text are rendered in the Products form view. It is possible to replace the standard text input element of the Reorder Level field with a modern input control.

The standard input elements such lookup, dropdown, and text are rendered in the Products form view.

The application client library incorporates the entire jQuery and jQuery UI. This allows using a slider plugin for presentation purposes.

The screenshot shows the slider input control in action.

The input control for 'Reorder Level' field is replaced with a fancy slider from jQuery UI.

Input controls are implemented in JavaScript language.

Custom scripts are combined in a single file _System.js, which is included in each generated application. The code generator will automatically build this file from the scripts located under [Documents]\Code OnTime\Client\Scripts folder. The generator scans the folder every time it starts and tries to detect any changes to scripts located there. If the changes are detected, then the entire set of scripts is combined and stored in the single [Documents]\Code OnTime\Library\Data Aquarium\Scripts\_System.js file. The combined script is copied to the appropriate output folder of the project when the app is generated.

Here is how the scripts may be organized on the hard drive of your computer.

Sample contents of '[Documents]\Code OnTime\Client' folder.

Close the code generator and create the file [Documents]\Code OnTime\Client\Scripts\Sample Editors\ReorderLevelSlider.js using Visual Studio or your favorite text editor. Enter the following content and save the file.

// The "factory" object for Reorder Level input field
MyCompany$ReorderLevelSlider = function () { }
MyCompany$ReorderLevelSlider.prototype = {
    // This method is invoked for an input element of a data controller field
    // associated with the editor. Return 'true' if no other editors are allowed.
    attach: function (element, viewType) {
        if (viewType != 'Form')
            return false;
        // figure the initial Reorder Level
        var reorderLevel = $(element).val();
        reorderLevel = reorderLevel == '' ? 0 : parseInt(reorderLevel);
        // mark the element and its parent with CSS classes and hide the element
        // create a 'div' element with a slider
        var slider = $('<div>').insertAfter(element)
            .css({ marginTop: '4px', marginBottom: '4px' })
                value: reorderLevel,
                min: 0,
                max: reorderLevel < 100 ? 100 : reorderLevel,
                step: 5,
                slide: function (event, ui) {
                    // find the parent element of the ReorderLevel input
                    var parent = $(ui.handle).parents('.reorder-level-parent');
                    // change the value of the ReorderLevel input
                    $('.reorder-level-elem', parent).val(ui.value);
                    // update the label with the value of the slider
                    $('.reorder-level-label', parent).text(ui.value)
                        .css('font-weight', 'bold');
        // create a 'span' to be used as a slider label
            .css('marginBottom', '4px');
        return true;
    // This method is invoked by the client library before the input element
    // of the field is destroyed. Return 'true' if no other editors are allowed.
    detach: function (element, viewType) {
        if (viewType != 'Form')
            return false;
        // detach the slider from the input element
        $(element).siblings('div:ui-slider').slider('destroy'); // mandatory
        $(element).siblings('span,div').remove();     // optional cleanup
        $(element).show();                            // optional call
        return true;

The script defines a “factory” object MyCompany$ReorderLevelSlider that will be invoked by the client library to allow attaching and detaching custom input enhancements at runtime for the designated data controller fields. Methods attach and detach must return true if no other enhancements are allowed to be associated with the input field. The client library will create a single instance of a “factory” object and use is it as needed when the presentation interface of a web app is changed in response to user actions. If input elements are rendered then the factory object will be asked to attach to the inputs associated with it. If the input elements are not needed anymore then the client library will ask the “factory” object to remove any enhancements it may have created previously.

Start the web application generator. The new script will become a part of the _System.js file. It can now be used in any project that you are working on.

Activate Project Designer and select Controllers / Products / Fields / ReorderLevel field node on the Controllers tab of Project Explorer.

Field 'Reorder Level' selected in Project Explorer of Code On Time web application generator.

Change the field as follows.

Property New Value
Editor MyCompany$ReorderLevelSlider

Save the changes, click Browse button on the designer toolbar.

Make sure to refresh the application as soon as any of its pages in displayed in the browser to ensure that the most recent version of the _System.js file is downloaded.

Navigate to the Products page, select a product and start editing in a form view. The new input control will be displayed.

Monday, July 9, 2012PrintSubscribe
Validation with JavaScript Business Rules

Data integrity is a primary concern of any database application. Data constraints must exist on the database and application server level, while client-side validation will make a web app more responsive and user-friendly.

For, example, consider the following screenshot of the New Order Details form. End users can select any product and enter any price, quantity, and discount. The database engine will validate the constrains of the table Order Details and raise an exception when invalid data is submitted.

A potenially invalid data can be entered by users in the automatically constructed 'New Order Details' form of the web app created with Code On Time web application generator. It is up to the database engine to be last line of defence when enforcing the data integrity. The client side validation could help a lot here.

 JavaScript Business Rules can help avoiding an unnecessary web server round-trip and report a possibility of error to the users. It is also possible to prevent alteration of pricing once it is entered.

Start Project Designer, activate configuration navigator, enter “order details product id” without quotes, and select the first match.

"Navigate To" quickly locates a project configuration element in Code On Time design environment

This will activate Controllers/ OrderDetails / Fields / ProductID field node on the Controllers tab in Project Explorer.

A data controller field selected in Project Explorer of Code On Time web application generator

Enter the following properties and click OK to save the changes.

Property Value
Copy UnitPrice=UnitPrice

Select UnitPrice field of the same data controller and change its properties as follows.

Property Value
The value of the field is calculated by a business rule expression. Yes
Context Fields ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, Discount

The configuration of the fields will cause the client library to copy the unit price form the Products lookup to the UnitPrice field of the Order Details data controller. Any changes to ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, or Discount will raise an action with Calculate command.

If the Calculate action has not been processed on the client, then the client library will send the entered data to the server to allow processing by server-side business rules. Any modification of the fields mentioned above will result in webserver round-trip, should the implementation be stopped right at this point. Instead, let’s implement a client-side processing of the field values.

Right-click OrderDetails / Business Rules node in Project Explorer and add a new business rule with the following properties. Save the changes.

Property Value
Type JavaScript
CommandName Calculate|Insert|Update
Phase Before
Script Paste the script shown next.

This is the implementation of the business rule that will perform complex multi-step validation.

// 1. If the collected values are not valid then do not enforce the rule.
//    The client library will instruct the user to correct the input.
var success = this.validateInput();
var commandName = this.arguments().CommandName;
var triggerFieldName = this.arguments().Trigger;

// 2. Reset the base price for calculation of price limits 
//    if the product selection has changed or if an existing
//    data row has been selected for editing
if ([ProductID] !='ProductID')) {
    var basePrice = [UnitPrice];
    if (triggerFieldName != 'ProductID')
        basePrice = [UnitPrice.OldValue];'UnitPrice', basePrice);'ProductID', [ProductID]);
    if (triggerFieldName == 'ProductID') {
        [Quantity] = 1;
        [Discount] = 0;
// 3. Adjusting base price for an existing record var originalUnitPrice ='UnitPrice'); if (originalUnitPrice == null) { originalUnitPrice = [UnitPrice.OldValue];'UnitPrice', originalUnitPrice); } // validate Unit Price field if (success) { // 4. Make sure that the price does not exceed the original price by more than 5% var minPrice = originalUnitPrice; var maxPrice = originalUnitPrice * 1.05; success = [UnitPrice] != null; if (!success) this.result.focus('UnitPrice', 'Please enter the price.'); else { success = minPrice <= [UnitPrice] && [UnitPrice] <= maxPrice; if (!success) this.result.focus('UnitPrice', 'The price must be between {0:c} and {1:c}', minPrice, maxPrice); } } // validate Quantity field if (success) { // 5. The quanity must be greater than zero. success = [Quantity] != null && [Quantity] > 0; if (!success) this.result.focus('Quantity', 'The quantity must be greater than zero.'); } // validate Discount field if (success) { // 6. If the value is greater then 1, then convert the value to a percentage if ([Discount] > 1) [Discount] = [Discount] / 100; // 7. Confirm that the the discount is between 0.00 and success = [Discount] != null && [Discount] >= 0.00 && [Discount] <= 0.99; if (!success) this.result.focus('Discount', 'The discount must be between 0.00 and 0.99 (0% - 99%).'); else { if ([Discount] >= 0.15 && commandName.match(/Insert|Update/)) { // 8. Confirm that the a high discount is desired (> 15%) success = this.result.confirm( 'The discount of {0:p} seems a bit high. Proceed?', [Discount]); if (!success) this.result.focus('Discount'); } } } // 9. Wrapping up if (commandName == 'Calculate' || !success) this.preventDefault();
JavaScript business rule in OrderDetails data controller of the Northwind sample created with Code On Time web application generator

The business rule script is written in JavaScript. The scrip includes references to the fields of the data controller enclosed in square brackets. The client library automatically creates a JavaScript class with methods composed of the business rules. The field references are replaced with the internal calls to the client library.

Click Browse button on the toolbar, sign in as admin/admin123% and navigate to Customers / Order Details page.

The client-side business rule will be engaged as soon as a new record record is being entered or an existing one is modified. The business rule will react to changes to the fields specified in the Context Fields property of UnitPrice when Calculate action is raised. The field UnitPrice depends on itself. It does not matter, which application field is used to trigger the Calculate action. The only field that cannot trigger the calculation is the ProductID. The Context Fields of a lookup will provide filtering information for the lookup window. Any field names in the Context Fields of ProductID will make the client library treat them as context filters, which will prevent users from seeing any products in the lookup window.

JavaScript Business Rules provide a true abstraction level and separation from the user interface. The business rule is not actively selecting user interface elements to collect input values, which allows flexible modification of the presentation and the rule itself. The same business rule can service any number of data controller views regardless of the view types.

There are nine distinct steps in the business rule.

1. Initial Input Validation

The client library automatically performs basic validation of the entered values. The scripts declares success variable, which is helping to determine if any special validation shall be applied to the fields.

The command causing the rule to execute is stored in commandName variable. The possible values are Calculate, Insert, or Update.

The script also makes a note of the field that has triggered the business rule. The trigger field name will be known only when Calculate action is raised. The possible triggers are ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, and Discount.

var success = this.validateInput();
var commandName = this.arguments().CommandName;
var triggerFieldName = this.arguments().Trigger;

This is an example of a basic validation that does not require custom coding.

An example of basic automatic validation by the client library in web app created with Code On Time web application generator

2. Determination of The “Base” Price

The script will memorize the last ProductID and UnitPrice in the properties of the data view instantiated on the browser page. The base price is used to ensure that users do not enter lesser values and to prevent the price inflation by more than 5%. If the product has just been saved, then the script will reset values of fields Quantity and Discount and set the focus on the Quantity field.

if ([ProductID] !='ProductID')) {
    var basePrice = [UnitPrice];
    if (triggerFieldName != 'ProductID')
        basePrice = [UnitPrice.OldPrice];'UnitPrice', basePrice);'ProductID', [ProductID]);
    if (triggerFieldName == 'ProductID') {
        [Quantity] = 1;
        [Discount] = 0;

This screen shot shows the form after the product selection.

The business rule assigns default values to Quantity and Discount and sets the focus on Quantity when a product has been selected

3.  Adjusting Base Price for Existing Records

If the user is editing an existing record then the old (original) value of the UnitPrice is memorized in the data view properties.

var originalUnitPrice ='UnitPrice');
if (originalUnitPrice == null) {
    originalUnitPrice = [UnitPrice.OldValue];'UnitPrice', originalUnitPrice);

4. Price Validation

The script figures the minimum and maximum price that can be entered by the user. If the price is blank, then the user is instructed to enter a value. If the price is out of range, then the user is forced to correct the problem.

var minPrice = originalUnitPrice;
var maxPrice = originalUnitPrice * 1.05;
success = [UnitPrice] != null;
if (!success)
    this.result.focus('UnitPrice', 'Please enter the price.');
else {
    success = minPrice <= [UnitPrice] && [UnitPrice] <= maxPrice;
    if (!success)
                'The price must be between {0:c} and {1:c}', minPrice, maxPrice);

This is the price validation in the form view.

Price validation by a JavaScript business rule in a form view

This is how the price validation is performed in the data sheet view.

Price validation by a JavaScript business rule in a data sheet view

5. Quantity Validation

The script ensures that a positive Quantity is entered.

success = [Quantity] != null && [Quantity] > 0;
if (!success)
    this.result.focus('Quantity', 'The quantity must be greater than zero.');

Quantity validation by a JavaScript business rule in a form view

6.  Automatic Conversion of Discount

The Discount column in Order Details table has the Single type. There is also a database constraint that requires the value to be between zero and one. The business rule will help the user by automatically converting the discount to a fraction of 100.

if ([Discount] > 1)
    [Discount] = [Discount] / 100;

A user has entered  a value greater  than one in this screenshot.

User enters the value of 17 that will be rejected by the database constraint

The value is automatically converted when a user leaves the field.

Business rule automatically adjusts the value when user leaves the field

7. Discount Range Validation

If the end user is trying to enter a particularly high discount that remains out of range even after the automatic conversion, then the validation error is displayed.

success = [Discount] != null && [Discount] >= 0.00 && [Discount] <= 0.99;
if (!success)
            'The discount must be between 0.00 and 0.99 (0% - 99%).');

Discount of 1000% is rejected by the JavaScript business rule

8. High Discount Confirmation

If a user has entered a discount of more than 15%, then the business rule will confirm that only when a record is inserted or updated. The Calculate action will not display a confirmation.

if ([Discount] >= 0.15 && commandName.match(/Insert|Update/)) {
    success = this.result.confirm(
            'The discount of {0:p} seems a bit high. Proceed?', [Discount]);
    if (!success)

A confirmation is displayed when a user tries to Insert or Update a record with a discount higher than 15%

JavaScript code is executed in the browser and offers a luxury of having a conversation with the user. The conversational implementation of server-side business rule is very complex due to asynchronous execution of client and server code.

9. Wrapping Up

The default behavior of the client library is to send the collected values to the server for processing by application. The client-side business rule can prevent that. The JavaScript business rule prevents server-side execution of Calculate action. It is also preventing server-side processing of Insert and Update if the the validation has not been successful.

if (commandName == 'Calculate' || !success)