Database Lookups

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Database Lookups
Thursday, June 7, 2012PrintSubscribe
Items Style–User Name Lookup

Data fields can be configured as a User Name Lookup to allow selection and insertion from the user names registered in the ASP.NET membership tables.

First, add an Owner column in the Orders table.

Start SQL Server Management Studio. In the Object Explorer, right-click on Databases / Northwind / Tables / dbo.Orders node, and select Design option.

Design the Orders table in the Northwind database using SQL Server Management Studio.

Add the following column:

Column Name Data Type Allow Nulls
OwnerName nvarchar(50) True

Save the table design. Switch to Code On Time web application generator, and refresh the Orders controller.

Refresh the Orders controller.

Generate the application. Navigate to the Orders page, and select a record. The Owner Name field will just be a simple text box. Let’s convert this text box into a User Name Lookup.

Owner Name field is currently a simple text box.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Double-click on Orders / Fields / OwnerName field node.

OwnerName field in the Orders controller.

Change the Items Style property:

Property New Value
Items Style User Name Lookup

Press OK to save the field. On the toolbar, click Browse.

Navigate to the Orders page and edit a record. The Owner Name field will now be a lookup.

Owner Name field is now a User Name Lookup.

When you activate the lookup, a list of users will be displayed.

Activating a User Name Lookup will display a list of users.

Select a user, and the user name will be inserted into the field.

Selecting a user from the lookup will insert the User Name into the field.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012PrintSubscribe
Using Alternative Views for Data Lookup

Lookup fields, when activated, display a view to allow the users to select an item. By default, the first grid view in the controller is used. Let’s create and use an alternate view for the CustomerID lookup field in the Orders controller.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Right-click on Customers / Views and select New View option.

Create New View in Customers controller in Code On Time Project Explorer.

Configure the new view with the following values:

Property Value
Id grid2
Type Grid
Command command1
Label Customers from USA
Header Text This is a list of customers from the United States.
Filter Expression Country='USA'

Press OK to save the view.

Next, add all data fields that exist in grid1 except Country. In the Project Explorer, right-click on Customers / Views / grid2 node, and select New Data Field option.

New Data Field in 'grid2' view of Customers controller.

Specify the field name for the data field:

Property Value
FieldName CustomerID

Press OK to save the data field. Create the rest of the data fields:

Field Name

On the toolbar, press Browse. When the application starts in the web browser, navigate to Orders page. Edit a record, and activate the lookup for Customer Company Name.

Customer Company Name lookup on the Orders edit form.

The lookup window will display Customers (grid1) view. Click on the View dropdown on the right side of the action bar and select Customers from USA. The view grid2 will be displayed, showing only customers from USA. There will not be a Country column.

Select Customers from USA view using the view selector.

Let’s configure Orders.CustomerID lookup field to use grid2 by default. Switch back to the Project Designer. Double-click on Orders / Fields / CustomerID field node.

CustomerID field of Orders controller.

Change the Items Data View property:

Property New Value
Items Data View grid2

Press OK to save the field. To prevent users from selecting Customers from USA view on other pages, let’s remove the view from the view selector.

In the Project Explorer, double-click on Customers / Views / grid2 view node.


Prevent the view from showing up in the view selector:

Property New Value
Show in View Selector False

Press OK to save the view. On the toolbar, select Browse. Navigate to the Orders page, and edit a record. Activate the Customer Company Name lookup. The grid2 view will be displayed.

Customer Company Name lookup using the 'Customers from USA' view.

Monday, June 4, 2012PrintSubscribe
Data Field Search Modes

The Advanced Search Bar allows end users to combine specific search parameters to find the data they need.

When the user first opens the search bar, three search fields will be present, matching the first three data fields in the grid.

Default advanced search bar for Products grid view.

The web app can be customized to require users to use a search field, suggest a field, or restrict users from searching by a specific field.

For example, the customized search bar below has one required field (Product Name) and three suggested fields (Unit Price, Units In Stock, Units On Order) that appear when the user opens the search bar for the first time. The required Product Name field cannot be changed.

Customized search bar for Products grid view. Product Name is required and cannot be changed. Unit Price, Units In Stock, and Units On Order are suggested.

If a search is performed without entering a parameter in the required field, the user will be notified that the field is required.

When a search is performed without a required search parameter, the user will be prompted to enter a parameter.

The Discontinued field was marked as “Forbidden”, and does not show up on the list of searchable fields.

Fields marked as 'Forbidden' will not show up on the list of search fields.