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Code Generator
Friday, November 1, 2013PrintSubscribe
Account Manager: Managing Projects

Navigate to

Projects configured for synchronization are displayed here.

Viewing a list of projects.

The project can be marked as deleted by pressing Delete on the action bar. Users will not be able to share changes with other project members if the project has been deleted.

Select “Deleted Projects” from the view selector in the top-right corner to view a list of deleted projects.

Viewing deleted projects by using the view selector.

Restore the project by pressing “Restore” on the action bar.

Restoring a deleted project.

Use the view selector to return to the list of active projects. Click on the Project Name link in the first column to view a list of revisions.

Viewing a list of revisions for a project.

Revisions can be deleted and restored in the same fashion as described above. Note that deleting a revision will prompt all users to update the project the next time they access the Project Designer. Upon update, all transactions associated with the deleted revision will become undone.

Details of the project can be viewed on the Project Info tab.

Viewing the details of a project.

Switch back to the Revisions tab, and click on the revision link in the Created On column. The list of all transactions from the revision will be displayed.

List of transactions.

Details of the revision can be seen on the Revision Info tab.

Viewing the details of a revision.

Return to the list of all projects by clicking on the “Projects” link on the menu bar.

Friday, November 1, 2013PrintSubscribe
Account Manager: Registering Purchases

First, navigate to

You will see a list of purchases tied to the current account. The user limit and expiration date is also displayed.

The "Purchases" page displays a list of purchases associated with the account.

Add a new purchase to the account by pressing Register Purchase on the action bar. Enter  the payer email and activation code, and press OK. If the purchase is found but not yet registered in the Account Manager, it will be added to your account.

The payer email and activation code is entered in the Find Your Purchase form.

Note that the new purchase must be of the same edition as the original purchase of the account.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013PrintSubscribe
“Filter Expression” Property of Views

The “Filter Expression” property allows limiting the records displayed in a specific view by an SQL compatible logical expression.

The default Orders grid view in a sample Northwind web application displays all orders.

List of all orders.

Let’s create a new view by the name of “Orders This Month” that will only display orders placed in the current month.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Right-click on Orders / Views / grid1 node, and press Copy.

Copying 'grid1' view of Orders controllers.

Right-click on Views, and press Paste. A duplicate of view “grid1” will be created.

Pasting onto Views node of Orders controller.      Duplicate of 'grid1' view, called 'v100' has been created.

The properties screen for the new view will be open in the Project Browser. Make the following changes:

Property New Value
Label Orders This Month
Filter Expression $thismonth(OrderDate)

Press OK to save. Double-click on Orders / Views / grid1 node.

View 'grid1' of Orders controller.

Change the label:

Property New Value
Label All Orders

Press OK to save. On the toolbar, press Browse.

Navigate to the Orders page. The All Orders view will continue to display an unfiltered list of orders.

The default grid view of Orders displaying an unfiltered list.

Use the View Selector dropdown in the top-right corner to switch to the Orders This Month view. Only orders placed in the current month will be displayed.

A list of orders filtered in the current month.

When the command is configured in order to retrieve data from the database, the Filter Expression is parsed by the application framework and any standard filter operators will be replaced by the SQL equivalent. SQL compatible logical expressions may also be used. In the example above, the filter is passed to the application framework as the following:


The framework converts the filter to the following where expression.

"Orders"."OrderDate" between @p0 and @p1

This expression is then inserted into the select command and passed to the server.

with page_cte__ as (
row_number() over (order by "Orders"."OrderID") as row_number__
,"Orders"."CustomerID" "CustomerID"
,"Orders"."EmployeeID" "EmployeeID"
,"Orders"."OrderDate" "OrderDate"
,"Orders"."RequiredDate" "RequiredDate"
,"Orders"."ShippedDate" "ShippedDate"
,"Orders"."ShipVia" "ShipVia"
,"Orders"."Freight" "Freight"
,"Orders"."ShipName" "ShipName"
,"Orders"."ShipAddress" "ShipAddress"
,"Orders"."ShipCity" "ShipCity"
,"Orders"."OrderID" "OrderID"
,"Customer"."CompanyName" "CustomerCompanyName"
,"Employee"."LastName" "EmployeeLastName"
,"ShipVia"."CompanyName" "ShipViaCompanyName"
"dbo"."Orders" "Orders"
    left join "dbo"."Customers" "Customer" on "Orders"."CustomerID" = "Customer"."CustomerID"
    left join "dbo"."Employees" "Employee" on "Orders"."EmployeeID" = "Employee"."EmployeeID"
    left join "dbo"."Shippers" "ShipVia" on "Orders"."ShipVia" = "ShipVia"."ShipperID"

("Orders"."OrderDate" between @p0 and @p1)
select * from page_cte__ where row_number__ > @PageRangeFirstRowNumber 
    and row_number__ <= @PageRangeLastRowNumber