Application Factory

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Application Factory
Monday, August 18, 2014PrintSubscribe
Reports as Email Attachments, Data Views without Extenders, Azure SDK 2.4

Code On Time release introduces the following features and fixes.

  • Implemented support for attachments in Email Business Rules. Multiple xml tags <attachment/> can be specified in the body of the email template.
  • Added SMTP settings to Features page of Project Wizard
  • Report handler now supports static method Report.Execute to enable generation of report data on the server. The method accepts filter, sort expression, controller, view, template name, and output format as parameters.
  • SQL business rules can generate emails. This allows creating multiple complex emails with optional attachments using the full power of SQL dialect of the database engine.
    1) First, a business rule must set EnableEmailMessages property of the business rules class.
    2) Next, another business rule executing in the same sequence will return a list of data rows with columns titled as "To", "Subject", "Body", etc. to produce a list of outgoing emails.
  • Desktop and Touch UI now support parsing of "data-" attributes to enable initialization of data views from user controls without using server-side tags. This feature will be the core capability in virtual pages. We are also considering replacing DataViewExtender references with the new “data-” attributes in the generated pages. For example, a master detail relationship between Categories and Products can be declared with this snippet of XML:
    <div id="categories" data-controller="Categories" data-show-in-summary="true"></div>
    <div id="products" data-controller="Products" 
        data-filter-fields="CategoryID" data-filter-source="categories"></div>
  • Generate from SQL will include byte fields if "base Table Name" is specified. Base table name will be used to create the controller to ensure the labels make sense.
  • Updated "Generate From SQL..." function to add up to 1000 data fields to grid1.
  • Added ability to "not create controllers automatically" when creating a new project. This will create a database object filter of "__none" and will not create any controllers.
  • If multiple views are available, then page header is not displayed in grid/list below the tabs representing view names in Touch UI apps.
  • Touch UI recognizes data-content-framework attribute on custom pages to enable upcoming support for built-in CMS (content management system). The future supported values are "bootstrap" and "" (empty string).
  • Custom pages do not fire appscroll events to improve performance of long “bootstrap” pages.
  • Wide and Tall pages will disabled sidebar and page header in Touch UI applications.
  • First virtual page of the data app will not display  a page header
  • Custom controls can use data-page-header attribute to set up the text of the page header in Touch UI apps. The page header is inherited from activator label (if any) and will not be displayed if it matches the first page.
  • Azure SDK 2.4 is now supported in Azure Factory project type.
  • Implemented enhanced processing of Azure SDK references to prevent duplicates created after Azure SDK upgrade. Azure Factory project do not include a reference to Azure Storage for Azure SDK 2.4. It must be added manually when needed.
  • Negative search with quick find now requires a space in front of the sample. So the search sample "to-do" will not be treated as "positive 'to' and negative 'do'".
  • Moved resetting of Result.Canceled to beginning of SelectedValue loop to allow PreventDefault on each individual selected row in business rules executed for data view with multiple row selection.
  • Report handler uses a more robust method of figuring the base URL of application to ensure correct image URLs in reports.
  • Application framework adds "order by row_number__" to "SELECT" requests to ensure consistent results on multi-processor machines running SQL Server. Thank you Patrick Saunders and fgary6861!
  • The contents of "virtual" pages marked as data-app-role="page" is wrapped in a div with class app-page-content. This significantly improves the rendering of Bootstrap content pages in CMS.
  • Touch UI: Settings menu displays "Settings" label.
  • Touch UI: Action Group menus of actions display header text of action group as a header for the panel.
  • Touch UI: Method $ navigates to a virtual page. The method must be used when programming custom virtual pages to complete navigation.
  • Touch UI: The framework will not auto-enhance virtual pages marked as data-enhance="false".
  • Touch UI: Custom user controls can implement "delayed" transitions to pages if remote data is required to display the page. The tutorials are coming up this week.
  • Touch UI: Action groups with child items are displayed on the sidebar.
  • Property "field" can be used to reference field names when configuring filters for and $app.execute methods.
  • Method $app.execute will execute "Select" command if a command is not specified. It will also use "grid1" as the default view Id.
  • Data controllers based on Result Sets produced by business rules will work correctly with field names that contain non-alphanumeric characters or starting with numbers.
  • Touch UI: User controls without activators do not have an empty link on the "main" user interface page.
  • Added null field check for negative quick find searches.
  • Generate button in Project Designer will always be shown if "Browse" is hidden.
  • Fixed DotNetNuke project file to create Web.*.config files in /WebApp, not /Sandbox folder.
  • Project Designer's "Generate" button will be hidden if User Interface = Touch UI.
  • Touch UI: View selector options in context menu will synchronize with the view selection tabs of grid/list.
  • Modified "Data Controller" construction selectors on "Database Connection" page.
  • Fix the bug causing Quick Find to fail if "," without a following query sample are entered.
  • Select "includes" / "does not include" filter in advanced search bar if another search criteria is present will not throw an exception in Desktop UI.
  • Fixed the spelling with incorrect processing of map-latitude and map-longitude tags in Touch UI apps.
  • Included new translated resources in hr locale. Thank you uremovic!
  • Updated lookups to use sort expression of view.
  • Moved execution of ControllerAction methods into "InternalExecuteBusinessRules" method to ensure parity between those methods and business rules.
  • Minimized simultaneous appearance of multiple progress indicators in Touch UI apps.
  • Enhanced visual appearance of Dedicated Login in Touch UI.
  • Touch UI:  Summary views are refreshed only if they are visible on the page and are in the direct sight of a user.
  • Negative search uses NULL value check on fields to ensure correct output. Previously presence of NULL values in a data row was causing exclusion of correct “negative” data rows from the output.
Saturday, August 16, 2014PrintSubscribe
Reports at Attachments in Email Business Rules

Application framework allows generating reports on the server. This capability makes it possible to produce reports as attachments of email business rules.

Consider the following Email Business Rules implementing a simple notification executed in response to Update command in Categories data controller.

Property Value
Command Name Update
Type Email
Phase After
Port: 587
Password: PASSWORD
EnableSSL: true

From: "Sales Admin" <>
Subject: Category "{CategoryName}" has changed!

Dear Admin,

This product category has been changed.
See attachment for category product details.

System Monitor

<attachment type="report">
<attachment type="report">
    <name>{CategoryName} Products</name>
    <sortExpression>UnitPrice desc</sortExpression>
            <value type="Int32">{CategoryID}</value>

Note the two attachment elements embedded directly in the email message. Each element defines a snippet of XML markup describing the report execution arguments.

The first attachment is produced for Categories data controller. Data is filtered by CategoryID of the modified record. The report is produced for editForm1 view.

The second attachment is produced for Products data controller. Data is filtered by CategoryID and sorted in descending order of Unit Price. The report is produced for grid1 view.

Note the field names of the updated data record referenced in curly braces. Expressions {CategoryName} and {CategoryID} are replaced with the actual values during processing.

Attachment definitions are removed from the email body by application framework. The framework will generate each report using specified arguments and attach the report to the email before it is sent out to the recipient.

Run the application and edit any category. Click OK button to save the changes.

An email business rule will trigger an email notification with two report attachments produced in a Touch UI app created with Code On Time application generator.

The data will be saved after a slight delay.

Check your smart phone device for messages.

An email notification on an Android device generated by an Email Business Rule of an app produced with Code On Time.

This is how the email message may look.

The text of the email notification produced by an Email Business Rule in an app created with Code On Time applicaition generator.

Click on an attachment to see the report data in a PDF reader installed on your device.

An attachment report with Category details displayed in Adobe Reader on an Android device.

An attachment report with a list of Products in changed category displayed in Adobe Reader on an Android device.

Saturday, August 16, 2014PrintSubscribe
Producing Reports in Binary Format

Application end users download the data reports by selecting menu options in the user interface.

Standard reporting options in an app with Touch UI produced with Code On Time application generator.

The report is produced in the requested format on the server and streamed back to the client browser. The report data is automatically filtered and sorted exactly as displayed to the end user.

A report produced in Microsoft Word format by an app with Touch UI created with Code On Time application generator.

Application developers may need to produce a report on the server with arbitrary filters and sort expression in response to the user actions. The report data file may be stored in the database, archived in the file system, or sent as an email attachment. Application framework offers a simple method that allows to do just that.

Consider the following sample business rule.


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using MyCompany.Data;
using MyCompany.Handlers;
using System.IO;
using MyCompany.Web;

namespace MyCompany.Rules
    public partial class CustomersBusinessRules : MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules

        /// <summary>
        /// This method will execute in any view for an action
        /// with a command name that matches "Custom" and argument that matches "ProduceReport".
        /// </summary>
        public void r100Implementation(string customerID, string companyName, string contactName,
            string contactTitle, string address, string city, string region, string postalCode,
            string country, string phone, string fax)
            // This is the placeholder for method implementation.
            ReportArgs args = new ReportArgs();
            // controller
            args.Controller = "Orders";
            // sort expression
            args.SortExpression = "OrderDate desc";
            // data filter
            args.Filter = new FieldFilter[] {
                new FieldFilter  {
                    FieldName = "CustomerID",
                    Operation = RowFilterOperation.Equal,
                    Value = customerID
            // filter details
            args.FilterDetails = "This report has been produced on the server for customer " + companyName;
            // produce report in binary format
            byte[] reportData = Report.Execute(args);
            // save report to the local file system
                Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Test.pdf"),
            // report the MIME type and file extension that go with the binary data
            Result.ShowAlert("MIME: {0}, Extension: {1}", args.MimeType, args.FileNameExtension);

Visual Basic:

Imports MyCompany.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Security
Imports MyCompany.Handlers
Imports System.IO
Imports MyCompany.Web

Namespace MyCompany.Rules

    Partial Public Class CustomersBusinessRules
        Inherits MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules

        ''' <summary>
        ''' This method will execute in any view for an action
        ''' with a command name that matches "Custom" and argument that matches "ProduceReport".
        ''' </summary>
        <Rule("r100")> _
        Public Sub r100Implementation(ByVal customerID As String, ByVal companyName As String,
                                      ByVal contactName As String, ByVal contactTitle As String,
                                      ByVal address As String, ByVal city As String,
                                      ByVal region As String, ByVal postalCode As String,
                                      ByVal country As String, ByVal phone As String, ByVal fax As String)
            'This is the placeholder for method implementation.
            Dim args As ReportArgs = New ReportArgs()
            ' controller
            args.Controller = "Orders"
            ' sort expression
            args.SortExpression = "OrderDate desc"
            ' data filter
            args.Filter = New FieldFilter() {
                New FieldFilter With {
                    .FieldName = "CustomerID",
                    .Operation = RowFilterOperation.Equals,
                    .Value = customerID
            ' filter details
            args.FilterDetails = "This report has been produced on the server for customer " + companyName
            ' produce report in binary format
            Dim reportData As Byte() = Report.Execute(args)
            ' save report to the local file system
                Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Test.pdf"),
            ' report the MIME type and file extension that go with the binary data
            Result.ShowAlert("MIME: {0}, Extension: {1}", args.MimeType, args.FileNameExtension)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

The code is executed in response to a custom action Produce Report selected in the context menu of application.

Custom action used to invoke a 'Code' business rule in an app with Touch UI creatd with Code On Time application builder.

Static method Report.Execute performs a server-side execution of the standard report action. The custom implementation of the “Code” business rule displays details about the produced binary data array.

Information about MIME type and file extension reporting by a business rule after producing a report in PDF format in an app with Touch UI.

This sample saves the report data to My Documents folder of the server computer. Here is the actual report.

This report has been generated by a custom action with the help of Report.Execute method invoked by custom business rule in an app with Touch UI produced with Code On Time.

Instance of a class ReportArgs exposes several properties that control the report rendering on the server.

Property Description
Controller Specifies the name of the data controller.
View Specifies the ID of the data controller view that will be used to produce data.
SortExpression Defines a sort expression that determines the order of data rows passed to the reporting engine for processing.
Filter Defines an array of filters applied to the report data passed to the reporting engine for processing.
FilterDetails Specifies the optional message displayed below the report header in standard reports.
Format Specifies the format of the output. The default format is Pdf. Other options are Word, Excel, and Image.
Template Name Specifies the name of the custom report template. If left blank, then a standard template is automatically created by application framework.
MimeType Indicates the MIME type of the report data produced by Microsoft Report Viewer. Use this property when sending report as an email attachment.
FileNameExtension Indicates the file name extension that matches the data produced by Microsoft Report Viewer. Use this property to provide a correct extension for the file name.