ASP.NET Code Generator

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ASP.NET Code Generator
Sunday, August 3, 2008PrintSubscribe
Database Lookups and Data Aquarium Framework Updates

The latest updates of code generator projects include standard project Database Lookups for ASP.NET and AJAX 3.5 and premium project Data Aquarium Framework.

Database Lookups project has been changed to make SelectedValue property a default property of the control. Java script components were updated to eliminate the problem with the loss of focus in a web form when a data lookup window has been closed. DataViewLookup control will now work without script errors when included in the content template of UpdatePanel control.

Data Aquarium Framework has been updated to include the same fixes described above. Addition components are now generated to make integration of the framework with existing ASP.NET applications a snap. Component ControllerDataSource has been introduced to tap into the power of Data Aquarium Framework to generate dynamic SQL statements on the fly. Now you can connect your existing data views, including GridView, DetailView, and FormView, to this data source control and gain instant ability to page and sort through thousands of records, and provide sophisticated filtering capabilities to end users. Use any commercial web control library that supports standard data binding with Data Aquarium Framework. New control DataViewTextBox is based on the standard TextBox and provides no-code database auto complete for your web forms.

See a demo application that showcases the latest features at

Download the source code of the sample page here.

Saturday, July 26, 2008PrintSubscribe
GUI of Web Form Builder Applications

Here we will show many of the available features of an application generated with Web Form Builder code generator project.



On the left side of the screen, you can see all the database objects discovered in your database. Clicking on an item will bring you to a list of records contained in the table. At the bottom of the list, you can page through the records by clicking on a page number. Sorting is done by clicking on the column header you wish to sort by. First click sorts in ascending order, and second click sorts in descending order. Sorting and paging are executed via client callbacks, eliminating the need for post backs, and speeding up your application.



To create a filter, press Filter, which is located directly above the record list. A drop down and text field will appear. Select which field you wish to filter from the drop down, type in the filter criteria, and press Apply. The records will filter by your selection. Any partial or full filter will work. To remove your filter, press Cancel.


You can also use a comma to apply multiple filters, and comparison operators to further specify your filter. After applying a filter, you can still sort and page. If you choose to visit another page and return, the filter will remain, saving a lot of time. If you cancel your filter, but want to reapply it, the most recent filter will be remembered when you press Filter again.


Detail View

If you click on the first field of a record, you will be sent to the detail view of the record. All the information about the record is displayed here, as well as all the related child records. On the detail record lists, filtering and sorting is still available to you. You can edit the record by pressing Edit, delete by pressing Delete, and create a new record by pressing New.


Editing Records

When you press Edit, the form switches into editing mode. Here, you can change many of the fields. Lookup values are represented as drop down controls. Read-only lookup fields are automatically inferred from your database and correspond to the editable lookup fields of your record. When you finish editing, press Update to save all changes, or press Cancel to go back without saving. You can also click on any of the objects on the left to go straight to their respective record lists without changing.


If you try to delete certain records which causes database constraint violation, the command will be canceled and an error message will appear. This can occur because the record can have associated child records, as in the example below.


Creating New Records

To create a new record, first go to the database object in which you would like to have the new record in. Press the link where it says "Click here to create a new record." The new record screen will appear, and now you can add values to all the editable fields, and set values to lookup fields with drop down controls. Press Insert to create your new record, or Cancel to go back to the previous screen without saving. Notice that when fields with database constraints are incorrectly entered, an error message will appear.


Generating Reports

The second option above the records list allows you to generate reports of the current database object. Pressing PDF creates an Adobe PDF report. Pressing Excel creates an excel report. Image creates a .tiff file of the report. On all of these, a multi-page list will be created, showing all the fields for all the records. The date created and page number will be shown at the bottom. Report title and column headers are displayed for all of the pages. All fields are available for report generating, including those in master-detail pages. Any filters applied to the record list will also be applied to the generated report.


PDF report:


Excel report:


Image report:


This is just a short preview of some of the great user interface features that Web Form Builder applications generated with Code OnTime Generator have to offer. Find more useful resources on our support page.

Thursday, May 29, 2008PrintSubscribe
Data Aquarium Framework

Nothing is simpler today than publishing a database on the web. A third generation of ASP.NET provides countless tools and components that assist you with this task. Yet, every time you work on your next database web application a thought comes to mind - why is it so difficult to make your data look good on the web?

Sure, you can throw in a data source and a few data presentation controls to have a quick and dirty web form in just a few minutes. Next you have to change the page layout, handle user validation errors, apply better styling, customize columns and fields, create additional pages to have a data lookup grid. By the end of the day you have a sizable chunk of code, which grows up from virtually nothing. Then you are bracing yourself to hear user requests to add a few data filters and have the screen look different to each user role.

Does it have to be that way?

Naturally you are looking for advanced commercial controls and components to ease the pain. You are rarely getting a real relief. Instead you are obtaining a pretty face for you forms at the expense of a bloated code.

Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. Your web form simply requires a very high level of customization and you have to deal with it. But this is not the case for most of your web projects.

A better approach is needed. Let's consider a better way to create database web forms. Let's make them look like the one in the picture.

See the live Demo now

First, you start with SQL query. A simple SELECT statement that joins together a database table with the linked lookups will provide a method of obtaining a real world object entity, which is supposed to be displayed in a web form.

select "Products"."ProductID" "ProductID" ,"Products"."ProductName" "ProductName" ,"Products"."SupplierID" "SupplierID" ,"Supplier"."CompanyName" "SupplierCompanyName" ,"Products"."CategoryID" "CategoryID" ,"Category"."CategoryName" "CategoryCategoryName" ,"Products"."QuantityPerUnit" "QuantityPerUnit" ,"Products"."UnitPrice" "UnitPrice" ,"Products"."UnitsInStock" "UnitsInStock" ,"Products"."UnitsOnOrder" "UnitsOnOrder" ,"Products"."ReorderLevel" "ReorderLevel" ,"Products"."Discontinued" "Discontinued" from "dbo"."Products" "Products" left join "dbo"."Suppliers" "Supplier" on "Products"."SupplierID" = "Supplier"."SupplierID" left join "dbo"."Categories" "Category" on "Products"."CategoryID" = "Category"."CategoryID"

You may have a few queries with the same columns, but have them return a different subset of records by adding the WHERE clause, and various sorting options via the ORDER BY clause. This will give alternative views to your entity, which in this case is Products from the Northwind sample database that comes with Microsoft SQL Server.

A wealth of information is available in this query. You know the base table name ("dbo"."Products"), the list of columns, the where and order by sections if any. This informati0n allows to automatically construct UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements when the time comes to update the database. You may also select distinct column values, apply additional filters to the where clause, or alter the query to change the sort order of rows.

The class Regex from System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace will help with that.

Second, create an inventory of all fields returned by SELECT query. It may look like the one displayed below. Such inventory can be stored in XML file along with query itself.

NameTypeAllow NullsPrimary KeyLabelRead OnlyDefaultLookup
ProductNameStringNoNoProduct NameNo
SupplierIDInt32YesNoSupplier# No
SupplierCompanyNameStringYesNoSupplier Company NameYes Supplier
CategoryCategoryNameStringYesNoCategory NameYes Category
QuantityPerUnitStringYesNoQuantity Per UnitNo
UnitPriceDecimalYesNoUnit PriceNo((0))
UnitsInStockInt16YesNoUnits In StockNo((0))
UnitsOnOrderInt16YesNoUnits On OrderNo((0))
ReorderLevelInt16YesNoReorder LevelNo((0))

This inventory is invaluable in generating SQL statements to read and write the database information. It is also suitable to use as a design document when you start creating a database web form. If the field inventory is stored in XML format then you can use XPath expressions to easily lookup required information just in time when you need it.

Third, define presentation views on top of the field inventory. Not all of the fields are displayed in all views of a typical web form. You can greatly simplify control of the GUI presentation by listing views with data fields that are actually displayed to the user.

In our example, you may define one grid view to present a list of record, a form view to display a single record in the edit mode, and another form view that will allow user to add new records. You can see the grid view in action in the picture above.

ViewTypeField NameAlias Field NameColumnsData Format String
grid1GridProductName 40
QuantityPerUnit 20
UnitPrice 15c
UnitsInStock 15
UnitsOnOrder 15
ReorderLevel 15
editForm1FormProductName 40
QuantityPerUnit 20
UnitPrice 15c
UnitsInStock 15
UnitsOnOrder 15
ReorderLevel 15
createForm1FormProductName 40
QuantityPerUnit 20
UnitPrice 15c
UnitsInStock 15
UnitsOnOrder 15
ReorderLevel 15

Use Microsoft Ajax Extensions to create an AJAX component to render this data as HTML. Spruce it up with some Ajax Control Toolkit goodies to enhance the presentation. You will also need to deliver the views and fields information to this component via a call to a JSON-enabled web service, which can be done with the tools that Visual Studio 2008 provides out of the box. Here is the editForm1 in action.

editForm1 in action

Fourth, define a state machine for your form. The most time consuming process in web form development is figuring out the logic of the screen mode changes. Considerable amount of code may need to be written to cope with the data validation errors, unpredictable user actions, such as clicking on the browser's Back button, and other such events.

AJAX components are generally tolerant to the evil Back button. But AJAX techniques along are not solving the problem.

Consider implementing a state machine that allows a flow of screen mode changes in the context of the previously executed command. Make sure to break down the flow by the context. For example, in our example we have commands specific to a grid view row, commands displayed in the action bar, and a row of push buttons displayed in forms.

ScopeLast CommandCommandArgumentHeader Text
Grid SelecteditForm1
EditUpdate Save
Form Edit
Cancel Close
EditUpdate OK
NewInsert OK
Action Bar NewcreateForm1
CustomExportCsvExport to Spreadsheet
CustomExportRsvView RSS Feed
CustomMyCommandMy Command

Implement this state machine within the AJAX component that is responsible for user interface and you are done.

Data Aquarium Framework implements the steps described above and can be used as a foundation of your own project. A few source code files that provide server-side plumbing and a simple Data Controller web service that serves as gateway for the Data View client-side AJAX component allow for a simple Model-View-Controller implementation, which works great in many scenarios.

You can download the sample of the XML data controller descriptor. The data controller descriptor design can be illustrated by the following picture.


Data Aquarium Framework is a premium project that comes with Code OnTime Generator. The entire framework source code is included in the generated source code. Feel free to make any adjustments and get your database web forms done faster.

Download Code OnTime Generator here.

You can see the application built with Data Aquarium Framework in action right in this page if you scroll to the bottom.