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Wednesday, February 13, 2013PrintSubscribe
Setting Default Value for Lookup Fields

A common enhancement in line-of-business web applications is to provide default values when a new record is being created. Default values may be set using an SQL business rule. However, lookup fields require two fields to be populated – one value for the actual foreign key column in the table (typically a unique identifier or Guid) and another value for the alias field (typically the name of the lookup item).

For example, the ReportsTo column of the Employees table in the Northwind sample database contains the EmployeeID of the manager employee. A default web application created from this database creates an alias field ReportsToLastName. This virtual field is selected from the parent table and displayed as the value.

ReportsTo data field in editForm1 of Employees controller has an alias of 'ReportsToLastName'.

If a default value is set for the ReportsTo field, the display text will not be updated and will appear to be null. However, when the user saves the record, the ReportsToLastName field value will be calculated and displayed properly.

To ensure that the last name is displayed, let’s create an SQL business rule that will populate both ReportsTo and ReportsToLastName.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Right-click on Employees / Business Rules node, and press New Business Rule.

Creating a new business rule for Employees controller.

Select one of the following methods below.

SQL Business Rule

Assign the following values:

Property Value
Type SQL
Command Name New
Phase Execute
set @ReportsTo = 1
set @ReportsToLastName = 'Fuller'

Press OK to save the business rule.

JavaScript Business Rule

Assign the following values:

Property Value
Type JavaScript
Command Name New
Phase After
set @ReportsTo = 1
set @ReportsToLastName = 'Fuller'

Press OK to save the business rule.

C# / Visual Basic Business Rule

Assign the following values:

Property Value
Type C# / Visual Basic
Command Name New
Phase Execute

Press OK to save. On the toolbar, press Browse to generate the business rule file.

When complete, right-click on Employees / Business Rules / New (Code / After) – r100 and press Edit Rule in Visual Studio.

Editing the rule in Visual Studio.

The file will open in Visual Studio. Replace the code base with the following:


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using MyCompany.Data;

namespace MyCompany.Rules
    public partial class EmployeesBusinessRules : MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules
        public void r100Implementation(
                    int? employeeID, 
                    string lastName, 
                    string firstName, 
                    string title, 
                    string titleOfCourtesy, 
                    DateTime? birthDate, 
                    DateTime? hireDate, 
                    string address, 
                    string city, 
                    string region, 
                    string postalCode, 
                    string country, 
                    string homePhone, 
                    string extension, 
                    string notes, 
                    int? reportsTo, 
                    string reportsToLastName, 
                    string photoPath)
            UpdateFieldValue("ReportsTo", 1);
            UpdateFieldValue("ReportsToLastName", "Fuller");

Visual Basic:

Imports MyCompany.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Security

Namespace MyCompany.Rules
    Partial Public Class EmployeesBusinessRules
        Inherits MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules
        <Rule("r100")>  _
        Public Sub r100Implementation( _
                    ByVal employeeID As Nullable(Of Integer),  _
                    ByVal lastName As String,  _
                    ByVal firstName As String,  _
                    ByVal title As String,  _
                    ByVal titleOfCourtesy As String,  _
                    ByVal birthDate As Nullable(Of DateTime),  _
                    ByVal hireDate As Nullable(Of DateTime),  _
                    ByVal address As String,  _
                    ByVal city As String,  _
                    ByVal region As String,  _
                    ByVal postalCode As String,  _
                    ByVal country As String,  _
                    ByVal homePhone As String,  _
                    ByVal extension As String,  _
                    ByVal notes As String,  _
                    ByVal reportsTo As Nullable(Of Integer),  _
                    ByVal reportsToLastName As String,  _
                    ByVal photoPath As String)
            UpdateFieldValue("ReportsTo", 1)
            UpdateFieldValue("ReportsToLastName", "Fuller")
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Viewing the Results

On the toolbar, press Browse.

Navigate to the Employees page. On the action bar, press New Employees. Note that the default value for Reports To field is correctly displayed.

Default value for Reports To has been populated and displays correctly.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013PrintSubscribe
“Filter Expression” Property of Views

The “Filter Expression” property allows limiting the records displayed in a specific view by an SQL compatible logical expression.

The default Orders grid view in a sample Northwind web application displays all orders.

List of all orders.

Let’s create a new view by the name of “Orders This Month” that will only display orders placed in the current month.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Right-click on Orders / Views / grid1 node, and press Copy.

Copying 'grid1' view of Orders controllers.

Right-click on Views, and press Paste. A duplicate of view “grid1” will be created.

Pasting onto Views node of Orders controller.      Duplicate of 'grid1' view, called 'v100' has been created.

The properties screen for the new view will be open in the Project Browser. Make the following changes:

Property New Value
Label Orders This Month
Filter Expression $thismonth(OrderDate)

Press OK to save. Double-click on Orders / Views / grid1 node.

View 'grid1' of Orders controller.

Change the label:

Property New Value
Label All Orders

Press OK to save. On the toolbar, press Browse.

Navigate to the Orders page. The All Orders view will continue to display an unfiltered list of orders.

The default grid view of Orders displaying an unfiltered list.

Use the View Selector dropdown in the top-right corner to switch to the Orders This Month view. Only orders placed in the current month will be displayed.

A list of orders filtered in the current month.

When the command is configured in order to retrieve data from the database, the Filter Expression is parsed by the application framework and any standard filter operators will be replaced by the SQL equivalent. SQL compatible logical expressions may also be used. In the example above, the filter is passed to the application framework as the following:


The framework converts the filter to the following where expression.

"Orders"."OrderDate" between @p0 and @p1

This expression is then inserted into the select command and passed to the server.

with page_cte__ as (
row_number() over (order by "Orders"."OrderID") as row_number__
,"Orders"."CustomerID" "CustomerID"
,"Orders"."EmployeeID" "EmployeeID"
,"Orders"."OrderDate" "OrderDate"
,"Orders"."RequiredDate" "RequiredDate"
,"Orders"."ShippedDate" "ShippedDate"
,"Orders"."ShipVia" "ShipVia"
,"Orders"."Freight" "Freight"
,"Orders"."ShipName" "ShipName"
,"Orders"."ShipAddress" "ShipAddress"
,"Orders"."ShipCity" "ShipCity"
,"Orders"."OrderID" "OrderID"
,"Customer"."CompanyName" "CustomerCompanyName"
,"Employee"."LastName" "EmployeeLastName"
,"ShipVia"."CompanyName" "ShipViaCompanyName"
"dbo"."Orders" "Orders"
    left join "dbo"."Customers" "Customer" on "Orders"."CustomerID" = "Customer"."CustomerID"
    left join "dbo"."Employees" "Employee" on "Orders"."EmployeeID" = "Employee"."EmployeeID"
    left join "dbo"."Shippers" "ShipVia" on "Orders"."ShipVia" = "ShipVia"."ShipperID"

("Orders"."OrderDate" between @p0 and @p1)
select * from page_cte__ where row_number__ > @PageRangeFirstRowNumber 
    and row_number__ <= @PageRangeLastRowNumber
Wednesday, February 6, 2013PrintSubscribe
SQLAnywhere 12 Sample Web Application

When Sybase SQLAnywhere 12 database server is installed, it will come with a sample database called “demo. Let’s create a Web Site Factory application from this database.

Installing SQLAnywhere 12

First, download SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 12 for Windows x64 from the Sybase website if you have not done so already.

Download the file and follow instructions to install the database server.

Creating the Web App

Start Code On Time web application generator. At the bottom of the page, click on Create a new web application link. On the New Project screen, select Web Site Factory.

Selecting Web Site Factory project to create.

Assign a name of “SQLAnywhereDemo”, pick the programming language of your choice, and press Create.

Assigning a name and language, and creating the project.

Press Next to reach the Database Connection page. From the Data Provider dropdown, select “.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Anywhere 12”. Paste in your connection string in the field below.

Selecting the data provider and pasting in the connection string.

Press Next twice to reach the Reporting page. Check the box to enable reporting.

Enabling reporting for the generated web application.

The next page allows configuration of Custom Membership and Role Providers. Leave the default settings and press Next until you reach the Theme page. Select “Vantage” from the list.

Selecting the 'Vantage' theme.

Hold down Shift key and press Next to skip to the Summary page. Press Generate.

Summary page for the SQL Anywhere project.

When generation finishes, the web application will open in the default browser.

Default Products page for SqlAnywhere demo database web application.