It is our pleasure to announce release The highlight of this release is the ability to create Native Apps for iOS, Mac OS, and Windows 10. Any app created with the new release will work on mobile devices.

For the first time we are also introducing framework support for 1-to-1 database entities. Model Builder automatically recognizes one-to-one relationships in your database and creates a singles editable entity with full transactional support when updating, inserting, and deleting records. See examples from Adventure Works database below:
Person 1-to-1 Entity Model

Employee 1-to-1 Entity Model

Model Builder configures the new lookup style “1-to-1” on the primary keys of entities. Borrowed fields are configured as virtual to enable data input. The framework treats all fields as if they belong to a single record. Saving data will distribute information to the right tables in the context of a transaction.
Transactional support has been extended to “Many-To-Many” fields. For example, if the master with a many-to-many field fails to delete due to database constraints then the linked delete many-to-many items will be rolled back.
Linked-In OAuth provider is now available to allow authentication and single sign-on.
New robust implemention of GEO location detection is available in mobile and web apps.
App generator now uses “var” keyword whenever possible for a cleaner code.
Also for the first time we make the full power of Unlimited Edition available at no charge on the trial basis. The code framework of Unlimited Edition apps is incorporated in the single FreeTrial.dll included in the apps. Unlimited Edition Trial makes possible testing of the full featured applications.