A new update includes the following features available in Data Aquarium Framework projects:
- Ability to create lookup items in-place. This useful feature allows users of your applications to quickly add a lookup item if the item is not available yet.
Let's say you are entering a new product and have typed in quite a lot of information on the New Product form just to discover that the supplier of the product has not been registered yet. In a typical web application you are in trouble - close your form and add the supplier first. Not so if your application has been created with Data Aquarium Framework. Simply click on the New Item icon next to the lookup to create and automatically select a new lookup item. You can see this feature in action here.
- A few issues with master/detail links with multiple data view extenders on the same page were resolved. Now a sample applicati0n that is being generated for Data Aquarium Framework project by Code OnTime Generator has been enhanced to create a spectacular master/detail demo page. See the live example here.
- A new highlight and select feature has been integrated into the framework. Now you can simply click on any row in the grid views of the application to select it. This can be used as a simple visual reference by users. Users can click on any part of the row when selecting a record in a lookup view. This feature makes it easier to work with master/detail pages. Now you can quickly select a master row by clicking anywhere in a grid to get your details displayed.
This feature simply issues a Select command without any arguments when you click on any column of a highlighted row in a grid view. Try this out in our live demo here.
- Firefox 3.0 has been rendering action bar menu items that were hanging far under the bar. This bug has been fixed.
Database Lookups for ASP.NET and AJAX 3.5 project benefits from the bug fixes and java script component enhancements. The in-place creation of lookup items is available only in the full version of Database Lookups included with Data Aquarium Framework.