Web Application Generator

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Web Application Generator
Tuesday, October 30, 2012PrintSubscribe
Order Form Sample–Part 23

Let’s add a Total field to the Orders controller. This field will add Subtotal and Freight together to show the final cost of the whole order.

Adding the Field

In the Project Explorer, right-click on Orders / Fields node. Press New Field.

New Field context menu option for Orders data controller.

Give this new field the following settings:

Property Value
Name Total
Type Currency
The value of this field is computed at run-time by SQL Expression true
SQL Formula
(select sum(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)) 
from "Order Details" 
where "Order Details".OrderID = Orders.OrderID) + Orders.Freight
The value of this field is calculated by a business rule expression true
Label Total
Values of this field cannot be edited True
Data Format String c
Context Fields OrderDetails, Freight

Press OK to save this field.

Binding the Field to Views

Drop Orders / Fields / Total* (Currency, read-only) field node onto Orders / Views / grid1 node.

Dropping Total field node onto 'grid1' view.     Total data field created in view 'grid1'.

Drop Total field node onto Orders / Views / editForm1 view node.

Dropping Total field node onto 'editForm1' view.     Total data field created in view 'editForm1'.

SQL Business Rule

If you used an SQL Business Rule to handle Subtotal, double-click on Orders / Business Rules / Calculate (Sql / Execute) node.

Calculate SQL Business Rule in Orders controller.

Append the following highlighted line to the Script property:

Property New Value
select @Subtotal = sum(unitprice * quantity * (1 - discount)) 
from [Order Details] 
where OrderID = @OrderID

set @Total = @Subtotal + @Freight

Code Business Rule

If you are using C# or Visual Basic to handle the Subtotal field, right-click on Orders / Business Rules and press Edit Rule in Visual Studio.

Edit Rule in Visual Studio context menu option for a code business rule.

Make the following changes to the code base:


using System;
using MyCompany.Data;

namespace MyCompany.Rules
    public partial class OrdersBusinessRules : MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules

        public void r101Implementation(
                    int? orderID,
                    string customerID,
                    string customerCompanyName,
                    int? employeeID,
                    string employeeLastName,
                    DateTime? orderDate,
                    DateTime? requiredDate,
                    DateTime? shippedDate,
                    int? shipVia,
                    string shipViaCompanyName,
                    decimal? freight,
                    string shipName,
                    string shipAddress,
                    string shipCity,
                    string shipRegion,
                    string shipPostalCode,
                    string shipCountry,
                    decimal? subtotal)
            using (SqlText calc = new SqlText(@"select sum(unitprice * 
                    quantity * (1 - discount)) from 
                    [Order Details] where OrderID= @OrderID"))
                calc.AddParameter("@OrderID", orderID);
                object total = calc.ExecuteScalar();
                if (DBNull.Value.Equals(total))
                    UpdateFieldValue("Subtotal", 0);
                    UpdateFieldValue("Total", 0);
                    UpdateFieldValue("Subtotal", Convert.ToDecimal(total));
                    UpdateFieldValue("Total", Convert.ToDecimal(total) + freight);

Visual Basic:

Imports MyCompany.Data
Imports System

Namespace MyCompany.Rules

    Partial Public Class OrdersBusinessRules
        Inherits MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules

        <Rule("r101")> _
        Public Sub r101Implementation( _
                    ByVal orderID As Nullable(Of Integer), _
                    ByVal customerID As String, _
                    ByVal customerCompanyName As String, _
                    ByVal employeeID As Nullable(Of Integer), _
                    ByVal employeeLastName As String, _
                    ByVal orderDate As Nullable(Of DateTime), _
                    ByVal requiredDate As Nullable(Of DateTime), _
                    ByVal shippedDate As Nullable(Of DateTime), _
                    ByVal shipVia As Nullable(Of Integer), _
                    ByVal shipViaCompanyName As String, _
                    ByVal freight As Nullable(Of Decimal), _
                    ByVal shipName As String, _
                    ByVal shipAddress As String, _
                    ByVal shipCity As String, _
                    ByVal shipRegion As String, _
                    ByVal shipPostalCode As String, _
                    ByVal shipCountry As String, _
                    ByVal subtotal As Nullable(Of Decimal))
            Using calc As SqlText = New SqlText(
                    "select sum(unitprice * quantity * (1 - discount)) " +
                    "from [Order Details] where OrderID=@OrderID")
                calc.AddParameter("@OrderID", orderID)
                Dim total As Object = calc.ExecuteScalar()
                If DBNull.Value.Equals(total) Then
                    UpdateFieldValue("Subtotal", 0)
                    UpdateFieldValue("Total", 0)
                    UpdateFieldValue("Subtotal", Convert.ToDecimal(total))
                    UpdateFieldValue("Total", Convert.ToDecimal(total) + freight)
                End If
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

JavaScript Business Rule

You can also implement a JavaScript business rule that will use the returned value of Subtotal and sum it with Freight to calculate the value of Total.

Right-click on Orders / Business Rules, and press New Business Rule.

New Business Rule context menu option for Orders controller.

Assign the following values:

Property Value
Type JavaScript
Command Name Calculate
Phase After
[Total] = [Subtotal] + [Freight];

Viewing the Results

On the toolbar, press Browse to regenerate the application. Navigate to the Order Form page, and select any order. You will see a Total field that sums up Subtotal and Freight.

Total field present in the Orders edit form.

When any of the order detail records are changed, the Subtotal and Total will be updated.

Total field updated when order details change.

Sunday, October 28, 2012PrintSubscribe
Order Form Sample–Part 22

The Subtotal field is now present in the application. The field does not reflect changes when new order items are entered. We will add a business rule to the Orders controller to calculate the subtotal.

In the Project Explorer, switch to Controllers tab. Double-click on Orders / Fields / Subtotal node.

Subtotal field node under Orders controller in the Project Explorer.

Change the following properties:

Property New Value
The value of this field is calculated by a business rule expression true
Context Fields OrderDetails

Press OK to save.

Right-click on Orders / Business Rules node, and press New Business Rule.

New Business Rule context menu option for Orders controller.

The business rule can be implemented using SQL or C# / Visual Basic.

SQL Business Rule

Assign these values:

Property Value
Type SQL
Command Name Calculate
Phase Execute
select @Subtotal = sum(unitprice * quantity * (1 - discount)) 
from [Order Details] 
where OrderID = @OrderID

Press OK to save the business rule.

Code Business Rule

Assign the following values:

Property Value
Type C# / Visual Basic
Command Name Calculate
Phase Execute

Press OK to save the business rule.

On the toolbar, press Browse. The business rule placeholder file will be created.

Right-click on Orders / Business Rules / Calculate (Code / Execute) – r101 node, and press Edit Rule in Visual Studio.

Edit Rule in Visual Studio context menu option for a code business rule.

The rule file will open in Visual Studio. Replace the body of the rule with the following code:


using System;
using MyCompany.Data;

namespace MyCompany.Rules
    public partial class OrdersBusinessRules : MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules
        public void r101Implementation(
                    int? orderID, 
                    string customerID, 
                    string customerCompanyName, 
                    int? employeeID, 
                    string employeeLastName, 
                    DateTime? orderDate, 
                    DateTime? requiredDate, 
                    DateTime? shippedDate, 
                    int? shipVia, 
                    string shipViaCompanyName, 
                    decimal? freight, 
                    string shipName, 
                    string shipAddress, 
                    string shipCity, 
                    string shipRegion, 
                    string shipPostalCode, 
                    string shipCountry, 
                    decimal? subtotal)
            using (SqlText calc = new SqlText(@"select sum(unitprice * 
                    quantity * (1 - discount)) from 
                    [Order Details] where OrderID= @OrderID"))
                calc.AddParameter("@OrderID", orderID);
                object total = calc.ExecuteScalar();
                if (DBNull.Value.Equals(total))
                    UpdateFieldValue("Subtotal", 0);
                    UpdateFieldValue("Subtotal", Convert.ToDecimal(total));


Visual Basic:

Imports MyCompany.Data
Imports System

Namespace MyCompany.Rules

    Partial Public Class OrdersBusinessRules
        Inherits MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules

        <Rule("r101")> _
        Public Sub r101Implementation( _
                    ByVal orderID As Nullable(Of Integer), _
                    ByVal customerID As String, _
                    ByVal customerCompanyName As String, _
                    ByVal employeeID As Nullable(Of Integer), _
                    ByVal employeeLastName As String, _
                    ByVal orderDate As Nullable(Of DateTime), _
                    ByVal requiredDate As Nullable(Of DateTime), _
                    ByVal shippedDate As Nullable(Of DateTime), _
                    ByVal shipVia As Nullable(Of Integer), _
                    ByVal shipViaCompanyName As String, _
                    ByVal freight As Nullable(Of Decimal), _
                    ByVal shipName As String, _
                    ByVal shipAddress As String, _
                    ByVal shipCity As String, _
                    ByVal shipRegion As String, _
                    ByVal shipPostalCode As String, _
                    ByVal shipCountry As String, _
                    ByVal subtotal As Nullable(Of Decimal))
            Using calc As SqlText = New SqlText(
                    "select sum(unitprice * quantity * (1 - discount)) " +
                    "from [Order Details] where OrderID=@OrderID")
                calc.AddParameter("@OrderID", orderID)
                Dim total As Object = calc.ExecuteScalar()
                If DBNull.Value.Equals(total) Then
                    UpdateFieldValue("Subtotal", 0)
                    UpdateFieldValue("Subtotal", Convert.ToDecimal(total))
                End If
            End Using

        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

This function uses SqlText utility class to create an instance of a query connected to the project’s database.
This simple query selects a sum of UnitPrice multiplied by Quantity multiplied by one minus the

Note that SqlText utility class is generated as a part of the code base of your application. It uses the
default database connection string and ADO.NET to execute the query.

Viewing the Results

On the toolbar, press Browse. Navigate to the Order Form page, and select an order. Note the value of Subtotal field.

Orders form with a subtotal value.

Change one of the values in an order detail. The Subtotal will be updated to reflect the changes.

If one of the order details is changed, the subtotal will be updated to reflect the changes.

Friday, October 26, 2012PrintSubscribe
Order Form Sample–Part 21

Let’s add a Subtotal field to the order. This field will sum up the extended prices of all order details.

In the Project Explorer, switch to Controllers tab. Right-click on Orders / Fields, and press New Field.

New Field context menu option for Orders data controller.

The new field’s settings will be:

Property Value
Field Name Subtotal
Type Currency
The value of this field is computed at run-time by SQL Expression True
select sum(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)) 
from "Order Details"
where "Order Details".OrderID = Orders.OrderID
Label Subtotal
Values of this field cannot be edited True
Data Format String c

Press OK to save the field.

Your application will incorporate this SQL Formula in the SELECT statements composed at runtime. This statement will look similar to:

select *, 
   select sum(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount)) from "Order Details"
   where "Order Details".OrderID = Orders.OrderID
   ) Subtotal
   "Orders" Orders

This is the output produced when the statement is executed in SQL Management Studio. The actual statement will look more complex, and may include user-defined sorting, filtering, and paging parameters.

Simplified statement of 'Subtotal' SQL Formula calculation in SQL Management Studio

We’ll need to bind this field to views, so that the end user can see the field value.

Drop Orders / Fields / Subtotal field node onto Orders / Views / grid1 node.

Dropping Subtotal field node onto 'grid1' view node.     Subtotal data field node has been created in 'grid1'.

Drop Subtotal field node onto Orders / Views / editForm1 node.

Dropping Subtotal field node onto 'editForm1' view node.     Subtotal data field node has been created in 'editForm1'.

Drop Subtotal field node onto Orders / Views / createForm1 view node.

Dropping Subtotal field node onto 'createForm1' view node.    Subtotal data field node has been created in 'createForm1'.

Regenerate the application, and select any order on the Order Form page. You will see the Subtotal field showing the sum of extended prices.

Subtotal data field is present in editForm1 of Orders.