Web Application Generator

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Web Application Generator
Monday, March 5, 2012PrintSubscribe
Orders: Setting a Sort Expression

Now that the Order Form page has been set up, we will want to customize several settings. First, we shall optimize the Orders controller. The list of order is currently displayed in alphabetical order of Customer Company Name. It would make more sense to sort the orders according to the date the order was made. Switch back to the Designer, and open the “dv100” Orders data view in the Explorer. Double click on grid1. Scroll down to the Sort Expression field, and enter “OrderDate desc” (do not enter the double quotes).

Sort Expression for a View in Code On Time Designer

Press OK to save the view, and press Generate to regenerate the application. If you navigate to Order Form page, you will see that the orders are sorted in descending order of Order Date.

Orders sorted by Order Date

Monday, March 5, 2012PrintSubscribe
Orders: Configuring Lookup Fields

When creating a new order, the first item that will be entered will probably be the customer. Due to the denormalized nature of Northwind database, the customer information is stored in the table Customers, and the Orders table references a customer via a foreign key field CustomerID. Upon creating a new order, it would be convenient if the user were prompted to either select an existing customer or create a new one. When the customer is selected, the shipping information should be copied from the customer to the order.

Switch back to the Designer, open grid1 view under Order Form page, expand CustomerID data field, and double click on the CustomerID field.

CustomerID field in Code On Time Designer

Enter the following settings for CustomerID:

Property Text
Data Value Field CustomerID
Data Text Field CompanyName


Search on Start True
Activate If Blank True
Lookup window description Select a customer.

CustomerID Lookup configuration in Code On Time Designer

Press OK to save the field.

When the customer has been selected, we’d want the application to prompt the user to select the employee handling the order. To make this part easier, let’s add photos of each employee in the lookup.

Open EmployeeID data field, and double click on EmployeeID field.

EmployeeID field in Code On Time Designer

Change the following settings for EmployeeID:

Property Text
Activate If Blank True
Lookup window description Select an employee.

EmployeeID Lookup configuration in Code On Time Designer

Press OK to save the record.

Switch to the Controllers tab at the bottom of the Explorer, open Employees controller, open Views, and right click on grid1. Press New Data Field.

New Data Field for Employees controller

Select a Field Name of “Photo”, and save the data field.

New Photo Field in Employees Controller

In the upper left corner, press Generate, and wait for the application to load. Navigate to the Order Form page, and press New Orders on the action bar. You will be prompted to select a customer.

CustomerID Lookup showing filtering and advanced search in Code On Time Preview

When you search for and select a customer, you will then be prompted to select an employee. You can see the photo for each employee as well.

Employee ID Lookup for Order Form

Select the employee, and you will see that the shipping fields have been populated from the selected customer.

New Order Form in Code On Time Preview

Monday, March 5, 2012PrintSubscribe
Business Rules and Baseline Processing Enhancements

Code On Time release includes the following bug fixes and enhancements:

  • Application baseline will not be deleted upon project refresh if the application generator detects that the baseline has been changed.
  • Selection of text in the input fields of the application generator via a mouse double-click will no longer lead to lost input focus.
  • Fields requiring formatting on the server via System.String.Format method are correctly formatting the native value of the field instead of its 'string' representation. This applied to fields with Format On Client set to false.
  • Adaptive filtering adjusts the upper range for DateTimeOffset fields by 1 day.
  • Microsoft Sql Server "tinyint" type is treated as "Byte" by the code generator.
  • Application framework is using ConvertToType method to convert values passed from the client to the server compatible data types.
  • The data sheet view will not allow editing data if user-selectable Edit or New actions are not available in the UI.
  • Various cosmetic improvements in the Social theme.
  • Static property DataControllerBase.DefaultDataControllerStream is now available to support data controller virtualization.
  • Method BusinessRules.UpdateFieldValue has been enhanced to update field values without the need to use SelectFieldValeObject method.
  • using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using MyCompany.Data;

    namespace MyCompany.Rules
        public partial class SharedBusinessRules : MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules

            [ControllerAction("Orders", "Update", ActionPhase.Before)]
            public void DoIt(decimal orderId, string ShipAddress)
                UpdateFieldValue("ShipAddress", ShipAddress + "*");

  • Incorrect type conversion in business rules processor is fixed.
  • Method ViewPage.ToList correctly processes fields that exist in the data controller only and do not have a matching property in data access objects.