User Interface

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User Interface
Sunday, March 7, 2010PrintSubscribe
How do I display a path stored in a field as an image?


Do you have an example of how we can display the image by using the DataFormatString and HTMLEncode? Basically, our database has a field "photo_url" which store the path to the photo in the file system. Can it behave like an image field in terms of presentation?

Please try the following:

1. Start the code generator, click on the name of your project and press "Design" button, select the data controller name and add a new field to the data controller.

2. If the name of the image field is "PhotoPath" then name the new field "PhotoPathImage".

3. Set the type of the new field to "String".

4. Set "Allow null values." to true.

5. Check "The value of the field is computed at runtime" and enter the same snippet from the data controller's command command1 that selects the actual field "PhotoPath". For example, the Northwind's database Employees.PhotoPath will look as follows:


6. Assign a label to the new field. For example, "Photo Path"

7. Uncheck HTML encoding.

8. Enter <img src="{0}"/> as a data format string.

9. Save the field.

10. Add a new data field to grid1 or editForm1 and set its FieldName to PhotoPathImage.

The field will be presented as an image.

Sunday, January 31, 2010PrintSubscribe
Universal Annotations and Dynamic Field Configuration

We are announcing immediate availability of two new features in Web Site Factory and Data Aquarium Framework premium projects. The features are included in the latest release of the product and are available to all subscribers to the Premium Projects.

Universal Annotations

This feature allows end users to extend any data records exposed by your application with custom annotations and attachments. Users can activate this feature on demand and enter notes and attach any number of files. The notes and attachments are stored outside of the application database in a specified folder.

You can activate this feature for the entire application or for individual data controllers.

The live demo is available at

Click on the link above and sign in as admin/admin123% or user/user123% . Select any customer record and press edit button. Action Annotate will become available on the action bar of the form.


Click on Annotate button and the screen will transform as follows. New category Notes and Annotations is dynamically added to the form layout.


Enter a note and attach a few files. The screen will transform into the following. The category Notes and Attachments will move to a dedicated tab. Each note and attachment are presented as fields of the data record.


This feature requires no coding and may prove to be invaluable when end users are in the need of custom fields that were not incorporated in the database by design.

Note that users in role Administrators are allowed to add and delete notes and attachments. All other roles are only allowed to add new notes and attachments . Every note and attachment label incorporates the user name, email, and time-stamp.

Dynamic Field Configuration

Dynamic field configuration allows to provide data-driven run-time properties of individual data fields.

Here is the dynamic configuration of ProductName field in Products data controller.


Expression HeaderText=CategoryCategoryName will force the Data Aquarium Framework to use the name of the product category as the HeaderText of the field.

You can see this in action at

The grid view automatically uses the category name of the first record on the page or the category name of the selected product as a header text of the first column.


The same affect is taking place when you view your data in a form.


You can override dynamically many properties of any field in a data controller through stored or calculated database table columns any properties of the fields in a given row. Open ~/App_Code/Data/DataField.cs(vb) to see available data field properties.


Dynamic field configuration is a great addition to the arsenal of developers building extensible data driven applications.

Sunday, January 24, 2010PrintSubscribe
Floating Data Field Layout

The new floating layout of data fields allows automatic hypertext-like display of data fields in Web Site Factory applications. The floating layout can be applied to any data field category in a form view. You can see this in action at if you select an employee record.


The layout is useful when you have a large number of fields in your database tables. The forms will automatically adjust themselves when you edit the record or resize the window. Here is the same form in edit mode. Notice that the field composition is not the same this time.


You can make this form even more compact if you request the field category to start the new column.

Here is the same record with the floating category of data fields that was configured to start the new column.


Here is the same record in edit mode.


You can instruct the code generator to start all form view categories in the new column and use the floating field layout on Features page of the project settings.
