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Tips and Tricks
Saturday, May 3, 2014PrintSubscribe
Full Screen Mobile Web Apps with Native Performance

Web Apps created with Code On Time have a fluid, native-like performance on both desktop and mobile devices. Mobile end users are accessing web apps through a web browser integrated into operating system of their device. Modern mobile browsers allow adding a web app shortcut to home screen of the device. If a web app is started from home screen, then the browser will hide the address bar and navigation controls taking advantage of the entire real estate of the screen.

Compare the screen shots of a web app created with Code On Time displayed on iPhone 5. Both screen shots show exactly the same web app. The former was started from the home screen of the phone. The latter was started directly in mobile Safari. Web app “installed” to home screen clearly provides access to more information and has a “native” look and feel. A thin black bar at the top of the screen provides a user with vital device status information when interacting with “installed” web app.

Full screen web app created with Code On Time on iPhone 5.  Web app created with Code On Time displayed in Safari web browser on iPhone 5.

The same benefits are obvious if device orientation is changed to landscape.

Full screen web app created with Code On Time on iPhone 5 with landscape orientation.

Web app created with Code On Time displayed in Safari web browser on iPhone 5 with landscape orientation.

It is very easy to install a web app to home screen of a mobile operating system.

Consider the process of installing a web app created with Code On Time on iPad Air.

First, open mobile Safari and navigate to

Tap “Share” button and select “Add to Home Screen” option in the popup window.

Select 'Share|Add to Home Screen' option to add web app created with Code On Time to home screen of iOS device.

Change the name of the link as needed and tap “Add”.

Adjust the icon title and web address of Web App created with Code On Time when installing a home screen shotcut on iOS device such as iPad Air.

An icon with a chosen title will be added to the home screen. This concludes the installation process.

A shortcut icon for a mobile app created with Code On Time on iPad Air home screen.

Note that it is easy to provide a custom application icon and logo for a web app created with Code On Time.

Start your web app to enjoy the full screen experience on iPad Air.

A web app created with Code On Time is displayed full screen on iPad Air.

Here is the installation process for Google Nexus 7.

Enter the address of the web app created with Code On Time and tap “menu” button on the browser toolbar. Select “Add to homescreen” option, change the title as necessary, and tap “Add” .

Context menu in Google Chome provides access to 'Add to homescreen' option on Android devices.Changing the icon title of a web app created with Code On Time when added the app to the homescreen of Android device.

The web app is now installed.

Tap the icon to access the web app created with Code On Time for a full screen experience.

Tap the icon to access the web app for a full screen experience.

Web app with Touch UI on Google Nexus 7 displayed in full screen mode when started from the homescreen.

Web apps created with Code On Time allow changing various settings such as theme and page transition effects. Note that those settings will not be inherited by installed app. Web apps added to home screen maintain their own settings on the device.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014PrintSubscribe
Changing Application Baseline in Text Editor

Code On Time web application generator automatically creates a baseline application straight from your database. For example, if you follow instructions explaining creation of the Northwind sample then a complete web application will be displayed in your web browser without much effort on your part.

'Products' page of the automatically geneated Web Site Factory project

Application generator enumerates all database tables and views specified by the developer to compose the pages and data controllers.

One page is created for each database table or view. The generator will use foreign key relationships that exist in the database to create the baseline navigation menu.

One data controller is composed for each database table. A typical data controller describes available fields, user interface presentation views, and an action state machine in XML format. The framework of the generated application knows how to interpret the contents of the data controller files.

A typical baseline application page defines the data views linked to data controllers.

All pages are stored in the single file Application.Baseline.xml.

All data controllers are stored in the single file Controllers.Baseline.xml.

Both files can be found in the root folder of your project.

This is the snippet from the application baseline that defines the Products page.

<page name="Products" title="Products" description="View Products" index="1080" 
      path="Categories | Products" generate="always" style="Generic">
    <container id="container1" flow="NewRow" />
    <container id="container2" flow="NewRow" style="padding-top:8px" />
    <dataView id="view1" controller="Products" view="grid1" showInSummary="true" 
              container="container1" activator="None" text="" />
    <dataView id="view2" controller="OrderDetails" view="grid1" text="Order Details" 
              filterSource="view1" container="container2" filterFields="ProductID" 
              activator="Tab" autoHide="Container" pageSize="5" showModalForms="true" />
  <controls />
  <about>This page allows products management.</about>

Next snippet shows abbreviated definition of the Products data controller. This data controller is referenced by the page definition above.

<dataController name="Products" conflictDetection="overwriteChanges" label="Products" 
                nativeSchema="dbo" nativeTableName="Products">
    <command id="command1" type="Text">
      <text> select
        "Products"."ProductID" "ProductID"
        ,"Products"."ProductName" "ProductName"
        ,"Products"."SupplierID" "SupplierID"
        ,"Supplier"."CompanyName" "SupplierCompanyName"
        ,"Products"."CategoryID" "CategoryID"
        ,"Category"."CategoryName" "CategoryCategoryName"
        ,"Products"."QuantityPerUnit" "QuantityPerUnit"
        ,"Products"."UnitPrice" "UnitPrice"
        ,"Products"."UnitsInStock" "UnitsInStock"
        ,"Products"."UnitsOnOrder" "UnitsOnOrder"
        ,"Products"."ReorderLevel" "ReorderLevel"
        ,"Products"."Discontinued" "Discontinued"
        from "dbo"."Products" "Products"
        left join "dbo"."Suppliers" "Supplier" on "Products"."SupplierID" = "Supplier"."SupplierID"
        left join "dbo"."Categories" "Category" on "Products"."CategoryID" = "Category"."CategoryID"
    <command id="ProductIDIdentityCommand" type="Text" event="Inserted">
      <text>select @@identity</text>
        <fieldOutput fieldName="ProductID" />
    <field name="ProductID" type="Int32" allowNulls="false" isPrimaryKey="true" 
           label="Product#" readOnly="true" />
    <field name="ProductName" type="String" allowNulls="false" 
           label="Product Name" showInSummary="true" />
    <field name="SupplierID" type="Int32" label="Supplier#" showInSummary="true">
      <items style="Lookup" dataController="Suppliers" newDataView="createForm1" />
    <field name="SupplierCompanyName" type="String" readOnly="true" 
           label="Supplier Company Name" />
    <field name="CategoryID" type="Int32" label="Category#" showInSummary="true">
      <items style="Lookup" dataController="Categories" newDataView="createForm1" />
    <field name="CategoryCategoryName" type="String" readOnly="true" label="Category Name" />
    <field name="QuantityPerUnit" type="String" 
           label="Quantity Per Unit" showInSummary="true" />
    <field name="UnitPrice" type="Decimal" default="((0))" label="
           Unit Price" showInSummary="true" />
    <field name="UnitsInStock" type="Int16" default="((0))" label="Units In Stock" />
    <field name="UnitsOnOrder" type="Int16" default="((0))" label="Units On Order" />
    <field name="ReorderLevel" type="Int16" default="((0))" label="Reorder Level" />
    <field name="Discontinued" type="Boolean" allowNulls="false" 
           default="((0))" label="Discontinued" />
    <view id="grid1" type="Grid" commandId="command1" label="Products">
        <dataField fieldName="ProductName" columns="40" />
        <dataField fieldName="SupplierID" aliasFieldName="SupplierCompanyName" />
        <dataField fieldName="CategoryID" aliasFieldName="CategoryCategoryName" />
        <dataField fieldName="QuantityPerUnit" columns="20" />
        <dataField fieldName="UnitPrice" dataFormatString="c" columns="15" />
        <dataField fieldName="UnitsInStock" columns="15" />
        <dataField fieldName="UnitsOnOrder" columns="15" />
        <dataField fieldName="ReorderLevel" columns="15" />
        <dataField fieldName="Discontinued" />
        </dataField </view>
    <view id="editForm1" type="Form" commandId="command1" label="Review Products"> . . . . .
    <view id="createForm1" type="Form" commandId="command1" label="New Products"> . . . . .
    <actionGroup id="ag1" scope="Grid">
      <action id="a1" commandName="Select" commandArgument="editForm1" />
      <action id="a2" commandName="Edit" />
      <action id="a3" commandName="Delete" />
      <action id="a6" />
      <action id="a7" commandName="Duplicate" commandArgument="createForm1" />
      <action id="a8" commandName="New" commandArgument="grid1" />
    </actionGroup> . . . . .

Notice that the page Products is also referencing the OrderDetails data controller, which is not shown.

The Products data controller is referencing Categories and Suppliers data controllers in the definitions of CategoryID and SupplierID fields.

Multiple pages can reference the same data controller, which significantly simplifies application maintenance. Change one data controller and the changes will propagate to all application pages that make use of it.

The application generator creates Application.Baseline.xml and Controllers.Baseline.xml files the first time the application is generated.

Web application generator also creates Application.Cache.xml and Controllers.Cache.xml files that initially represent the exact copies of the baseline files.

'Baseline' and 'Cache' versions of applications and data controllers are stored in the root folder of the generated web application.

The project generation scripts will read the Application.Cache.xml file and create physical ASP.NET Web Forms for each page. The web forms make use of the standard ASP.NET components and some custom components that come with the application framework.  The complete source code of the entire application framework is included in the generated code base.
The project generation scripts will also split the Controllers.Cache.xml file into multiple data controller files. Web Site Factory projects have all data controllers stored in the ~/Controllers folder. Other types of projects have the data controllers stored in the Controllers folder of the application class library. The definitions of data controllers found in the application folders are shorter and do not have some elements and attributes required by the code generator and Project Designer.

Developers can use the Project Designer to modify the application pages and data controllers.

Properties of 'Products'.'SupplierID' field displayed in Project Designer

The log of changes is automatically recorded in Application.Log.xml and Controllers.Log.xml files. The Project Designer simultaneously updates the contents of Application.Cache.xml and Controllers.Cache.xml files.
The basic relationship of the files is as follows:

Application.Baseline.xml + Application.Log.xml = Application.Cache.xml
Controllers.Baseline.xml + Controllers.Log.xml = Controllers.Cache.xml

If the contents of the database have changed then the data controller baseline of the project can be refreshed. The application generator will delete the “cache” versions of the files and re-apply the contents of the logs to the baselines to produce the new “cache” versions.

Refreshed data controllers of the project will be replaced in the baseline or removed from it.

New data controllers will be added to the baseline for the new database tables and views included in the project. The application generator will also compose a new host page for each new data controller and include it under New Pages navigation option of the site menu.

The Project Designer offers a logical view of the objects. Developers can browse the generated applications and visually inspect and change the properties of various application elements.

Experienced developers may find that the data controller XML files are fairly easy to understand. Data controller files are physical components of your project required at runtime. If you change the data controllers then the changes will be reflected in the application instantly.

You have to remember that the data controller files are the “byproduct” of the application generation process. Direct changes to the data controller will be lost if the project is regenerated.

The same applies to the application pages.

Avoid changing the data controllers and pages in the text editor and either use  the Project Designer or modify the data controller and application baseline instead.

Notice that you can define custom controls that are placed on the application pages. The custom controls are generated as ASP.NET User Controls and can be configured to be produced the “first time only”. Such controls can in fact be modified in the text editor without loosing the changes.

We recommend using Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer when working with the baseline files. Code completion available in these tools will speed up the development process and will highlight the markup errors if any.

Code completion is available in Visual Studio when editing the Application and Controllers baselines.

If you make changes to the baseline files then the changes will not take effect until your refresh the project.

Start the application generator, click on the project name and choose the Refresh action.

Do not select any data controllers in the list. Simply click the Refresh button at the bottom of the dialog to initiate the refresh process. Proceed to generate the application to see the changes in action.

Project 'Refresh' Dialog

Select the data controllers only if you want them to be replaced by the application generator. The application generator will compose a brand new temporary baseline and replace any selected data controllers with their new versions from the temporary file.

You can also create copies of data controllers directly in the baseline.

For example, open the Controllers.Baseline.xml file in the editor and copy the Products controller to the clipboard. Paste the controller right next to the original and remove “nativeSchema” and “nativeTableName” attributes from “dataController” element of the copy.

<dataController name="MyProducts" conflictDetection="overwriteChanges" label="My Products" >
  . . . . .
<dataController name="Products" conflictDetection="overwriteChanges" label="Products" 
                nativeSchema="dbo" nativeTableName="Products" 
  . . . . .

The application generator will treat MyProducts data controller as a custom data controller. Custom data controller is the controller that cannot be matched to any of the tables or views included in your application. The matching is done by comparing nativeSchema and nativeTableName attributes of controllers. Removal of these attributes turns the copy into a custom data controller.

Once again select the project Refresh action. The new controller will be in the list. It has a green icon indicating its special status.

'Refresh' dialog with the custom data controller 'MyProducts'

Do not select the custom controller, click the Refresh button to complete the refresh. If you select the data controller then the refresh process will simply remove it from the baseline.

Activate the Project Designer to see the properties of the custom data controller.  The next screen shot shows the custom data controller MyProducts structure in the Project Explorer. The original data controller Products is highlighted in the hierarchy.

Structure of the custom data controller 'MyProducts' displayed in the Project Explorer. The original controller 'Products' is highlighted in the hierarchy.

Use the custom data controller as you would use any other data controller of your application.

The application and data controller baselines will coexist with the changes done in the Project Designer. Keep in mind that your baseline definitions are combined with the logged modifications produced in the Designer. The final combined result is stored in the “cache” files. The “cache” files are the foundation of the actual application generated by Code On Time.

Individual Baseline Controllers

An alternative way of defining baseline controllers is to create a separate controller file. The name of this file must end with “.baseline.xml”. When refreshing the project, the app generator will scan for files matching the name and inject controllers defined in this file into the baseline. If the name of the controller matches one in the baseline, then the baseline controller will be replaced.

Friday, January 31, 2014PrintSubscribe
User Guide for Mobile Forms

Mobile apps created with Code On Time will display a form view in response to many user actions. A form will present data for a single database table record as a list of fields.

Navigating in a Form

Here is an example of a form displayed in response to a tap on an item in a list of products.

Tap on an item in a list will transition to a form view in a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile app generator.  A form view with portrait orientation displayed by iPhone 5s in a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile app generator.

A field label is displayed above the field value on devices with smaller screens. If orientation of a mobile device is changed, then a label will be displayed on the left side of the field value.

A form view of a mobile created with Code On Time mobile/desktop application generator is presented in landscape orientation.

Note that a change in orientation will also reveal additional user interface elements. Actions “Edit”, “Delete” and “New” are visible on the application toolbar in the top right corner of the screen.  Action “Edit” is the only available choice available on the mobile phone with a portrait orientation. Mobile apps created with Code On Time have a responsive design that ensures optimal viewing on a device with any screen size.

If a field label is too long, then it may become partially hidden. Tap and hold a field label for three quarters of a second to see a hint with the full label text.

Tap and hold a label in a form view for about a second to see the full text in a popup in mobile apps created with Code On Time mobile app generator.

Fields of a form are grouped in one or more categories defined by the application. Tap a category to collapse a list of fields. Tap the same category again to have it expanded.

Tap a field category in a form view to have it collapsed in mobile apps created with Code On Time mobile app generator.   A collapsed field category in a form of a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile app generator.

An item card with a summary of a data record will be displayed at the bottom of a form view when on a master-detail page. Links to related detail lists are displayed below the card.

Tap a link under the card and the form will transition to a list with corresponding items.

A summary card with links to details of the selected master record is dislayed in master-detail pages of mobile apps created with Code On Time mobile app generator.   Tap on the detail link below the summary card to see a list of details in a mobile created with Code On Time mobile database app generator.

Actions in Forms

The context menu provides access to all actions available in a form view. Tap the context menu icon on the right side of the toolbar to see the menu of actions.

Tap a context menu button on the toolbar to see a complete list of actions available in a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile database app generator.   A context menu panel with a list of actions available in a form view on a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile/desktop application generator.

A context menu sidebar will be docked to the right side of mobile devices with a larger screen. Context menu button is not visible if the sidebar is docked.

Form view actions listed in the docked sidebar on iPad Air in a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile/desktop app generator.

A subset of available actions is presented on the application toolbar as icons. The number of visible icons depends on the screen size.

Tap an icon to activate the corresponding action.

Tap a toolbar icon to activate a corresponding action available in a form view of an app created with Code On Time mobile app generator.

Form view may also display action buttons at the top and bottom of the view if the sidebar is undocked. The number of visible action buttons depends on the screen size. Tapping on a button will execute an action, which may result in a different set of buttons becoming available.

Editing of a data record in a form is activated when 'Edit' button is tapped in a mobile app created with Code On Time database mobile app generator.   A form view is displayed in edit mode in response to 'Edit' action in a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile database app generator.

Entering Data in Forms

Application form view will display input controls in response to “Edit” and “New” actions. Ability to create or edit data is controlled by the application and may not be available to all users.

Tap and hold a field value in a form view to quickly execute “Edit” action. The form will switch to “Edit” mode in response to tap and hold.  The form will set a focus on the field input control if you continue holding a finger on the screen of your mobile device.

Tap and hold a field value in the form view to activate 'Edit' mode in a mobile apps created with Code On Time mobile app generator.  Extended 'tap and hold' on a field value will set focus on the field input control in a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile database app generator.

Form view will activate a standard text input keyboard on mobile devices when a text field is focused.

A numeric native keyboard is activated if the field has a numeric data type.

A numeric keyboard is displayed when a numeric field is focused in a form view of a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile app generator.

Fields configured to capture phone numbers will also have a dedicated input keyboard.

A 'phone number' keyboard is displayed when a 'phone' field is focused in a form view of a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile app generator.

Specialized native keyboards will also display if the focused text field is configured as URL or Email.

Lookup fields with lists of values will be displayed as native input controls.

A native 'select' input control is displayed for lookup fields with lists of values in mobile apps created with Code On Time mobile database app generator.

Focused date fields will cause a native date input control to display. The type of control depends on the operating system of a mobile device.

Date input control on iPhone 5 is shown next.

A native date input control of iOS 7 is shown in a form view of a mobile app created with Code On Time application generator.

Date input control on Nexus 7 is shown in this screenshot.

A native Android date input control is visible in a form view of a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile database app generator.

A specialized native date-time input control is displayed for fields that  allow capturing both date and time.

Database applications frequently require complex search criteria when selecting lookup values. It is possible that lookup tables contain many thousands of possible choices. Code On Time mobile apps are automatically configured to display a custom lookup input control for database lookup fields.

A lookup input control is shown before and after a tap on the field value.

A database lookup input is displayed in a form view of a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile app generator.   A list of lookup values with support for endless scrolling, search, filtering, and sorting is displayed in a mobile app created with Code On Time mobile database application generator.

A list of lookup values behaves in exactly the same fashion as standalone lists with support for endless scrolling, search, filtering,  and sorting. Existing lookup items can be modified and new ones can be created if allowed by application business logic.

Advanced Form View Features

Application may define a status bar explaining a workflow status of a data item selected in a form view. The status bar is displayed at the top of the form. The contents of the status bar can be scrolled with horizontal swiping motions.

Status bars help users to understand the workflow status of items selected in a form view in mobile apps created with Code On Time mobile/desktop application generator.

Fields of complex forms are frequently organized in multiple categories. Categories can be independently collapsed and expanded. The screenshot shows a form with multiple categories displayed in iPad Air.

Collapsible field categories makes easier to work with large number of fields in mobile apps created with Code On Time mobile app generator.

Categories can be further organized with tabs. Tabs are displayed at the bottom of a form view. This screenshot shows a tabbed form with multiple categories displayed in Nexus 7 tablet.

A form view with multiple categories and tabs in a mobile app created with Code On Time app generator.

If a form view is scrolled down, then a heading with the value of an identifiable data field may be displayed below the toolbar. This will happen if an identifiable field is not visible on the screen. The identifiable field is displayed as the first data element in lists.

A heading with the value of identifiable field is dispalyed when a user scrolls down a form view in mobile apps created with Code OnTime mobile app generator.

The heading will disappear if a user starts editing data or scrolls the identifiable field back into view. Tap on the heading to have it hidden.