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Tips and Tricks
Thursday, June 13, 2013PrintSubscribe
Customizing the Header

The page header is displayed at the top of every page in a web application. By default, the application namespace is displayed in the header, along with the standard theme logo.

Default page header and logo in a Code On Time web app.

Let’s customize the header.

Changing Header Text and Icon

Start the web app generator. Click on the project name, select settings, and press Features. In the Page Header text box, paste the following:

Property Value
Page Header
<span style="color:darkred;">Code On Time</span>

Press Finish and continue to regenerate the web app. When complete, click on the project name and press Develop to open the project in Visual Studio.

In the Solution Explorer, drop your logo image into ~\App_Themes\MyCompany folder.

Dropping the logo file into MyCompany theme folder.

Next, right-click on ~\App_Themes\MyCompany and press Add | Style Sheet. Leave the default name and press OK to create the file “StyleSheet.css”.

Adding a style sheet to the MyCompany theme folder.

Replace the contents with the following:

div#PageHeaderBar {
    background-image: url(colorlogo.png);
    div#PageHeaderBar span {
        margin-left: 110px;
Save the file, and refresh the browser window. The new logo and header will be visible.

Code On Time web app with customized header text and logo.

Placing a Custom User Control in the Header

Sometimes it may be necessary to place dynamic content in the header area. Let’s create custom user control that will be displayed in the header on the Customers page.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, right-click on Customers page node and press New Container.

Adding a new container to the Customers page.

Press OK to save the container with default settings. In the Project Explorer, right-click on Customers / c101 container and press Rename.

Renaming the new container.

Change the container name to “page”, and press Enter key to save.

User controls in the container “page” will be placed in special placeholders on the page when the app is generated. The name of the control instance determines the placeholder.

Right-click on Customers / page, and press New Control.

Adding a new control to the 'page' container.

Next to the User Control lookup on the form, click the New User Control icon.

Creating a new user control.

Assign a name to the new user control.

Property Value
Name CustomerHeader

Press OK to create the new user control. Press OK to save the properties of the control instance and have it added to the Customers / page container.

Right-click on Customers / page / control1 – CustomerHeader and press Rename.

Renaming the new control in the 'page' container.

Change the name to “header” and press Enter key to apply the change.

On the toolbar, press Browse. When generation is complete, navigate to the Customers page. The page will look like the picture below if there are no style sheet rules affecting the header area.

Unchanged custom user control replacing the default header text.

Dynamically Updating the Page Header

Let’s change the custom user control to make it display the primary key value from the selected data row of the Customers master data view.

Right-click on Customers / page / header – CustomerHeader and press Edit in Visual Studio.

Editing the control in Visual Studio.

Replace the existing code base after the <%@ Control %> element with the following:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" style="margin-left:120px;"
            Text="Get Customer Info" OnClick="Button1_Click" />
        <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>

Right-click anywhere in the file, and press View Code. Add the following method:


protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Control dataViewExtender = Parent.NamingContainer
    Label1.Text = ((MyCompany.Web.DataViewExtender)dataViewExtender).SelectedValue;

Visual Basic:

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim dataViewExtender As Control = Parent.NamingContainer.
    Label1.Text = CType(dataViewExtender, MyCompany.Web.DataViewExtender).SelectedValue
End Sub

Save the file. The event handler will respond to a click on the button “Button1”. First, it will find the instance of “view1Extender”. Next, the selected value will be copied to the label “Label1”.

Switch back to the browser. Navigate to the Customers page, and notice that the header text has been replaced with a button and a label.

Customized user control replacing the header element.

Select a customer, and press Get Customer Info button. The label will be updated with the selected Customer ID.

The header label is dynamically updated with the selected CustomerID.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013PrintSubscribe
Data View Refresh

Data views are only automatically refreshed by the client library when data is inserted, updated, or deleted. The user can force a refresh using the Refresh icon in the bottom right corner of every data view. In addition, the Refresh Interval property can be configured to refresh the data view based on a timer.


Certain situations require a refresh based on different conditions. For example, suppose that there are multiple tabs displaying similar data.

Multiple tabs displaying different lists of Orders.

The user may change the value of a record in one of the views.

Order date of an order is changed.

However, when the user switches to another view showing the same record, the old value will be displayed.

The order date is not updated for the same record in a different tab.

Let’s add a custom user control that will contain some custom JavaScript. This code will refresh the data view when the tab is changed in order to ensure that the data visible to the user is always fresh.

Creating Views

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Right-click on Orders / Views / grid1, and press Copy. Right-click on Orders / Views node, and press Paste to duplicate the view.

Copying view 'grid1' of Orders controller.     image

Do this one more time to create three grid views. Double-click on Orders / Views / v100.

Copied view 'v100' of Orders controller.

Make the following changes:

Property New Value
Id OrdersToShip
Label Orders To Ship
Filter Expression
OrderDate is null

Press OK to save. Double-click on Orders / Views / v101.

Copied view 'v101' of Orders controller.

Make the following changes:

Property New Value
Id HighFreight
Label High Freight
Filter Expression
Freight > 30

Press OK to save.

Setting Up the Page

Switch to the Pages tab. On the toolbar, press the New Page icon.

Adding a page to the project.

Assign a name to the page:

Property New Value
Name Filtered Orders

Press OK to save. Drop the new Filtered Orders page node to the right of Home page node.

Dropping 'Filtered Orders' page node on the right side of 'Home' page node.     Page 'Filtered Orders' is now second in the menu.

Right-click on Filtered Orders page, and press New Container.

Adding a container to a page.

Keep the defaults and press OK to save. Right-click on the new container and press New Data View.

Adding a data view to container 'c101'.

Assign the following values:

Property Value
Controller Orders
View grid1
Tag Orders
Activator Tab
Text Orders

Press OK to save. Create another data view with the following properties:

Property Value
Controller Orders
View OrdersToShip
Tag Orders To Ship
Activator Tab
Text Orders To Ship

Create one more data view.

Property Value
Controller Orders
View HighFreight
Tag High Freight
Activator Tab
Text High Freight

Save the data view.

Adding User Control

Right-click on Filtered Orders / c101 container node, and press New Control.

Adding a new control to container 'c101'.

Next to the User Control property, click on the New User Control icon.

Creating a new user control.

Assign a name:

Property Value
Name RefreshDataView

Press OK to save the user control and insert it into the property. Press OK again to save the control.

On the toolbar, press Browse to generate the web application and user control. When complete, right-click on Filtered Orders / c101 / control1 – RefreshDataView node, and press Edit in Visual Studio.

Edit the user control in Visual Studio via the context menu option in the Project Explorer.

The custom user control file will open in Visual Studio. Replace the content after the <%@ Control %> element with the following:

<script type="text/javascript">
    Sys.Application.add_load(function () {
        $('div.TabBar td.Item').click(function () {
            var linkText = $(this).find('a').text();
            var tag = linkText;
            var dataView = Web.DataView.find(tag, 'Tag');
            if (dataView) {
                if (dataView._isBusy == false && dataView.get_isDisplayed())


Viewing the Results

Save the file, and switch to the web app open in your browser window. Navigate to the Filtered Orders page. The page will have three tabs displaying different filtered lists of orders. Note the Order Date of the first record.

Three tabs displaying different lists of orders.

Switch to the High Freight tab. Edit the first record, and change the Order Date.

Changing the Order Date of an order.

Save the change, and switch back to the first tab. Note that the data view refreshes and the updated data is displayed.

The data view has been refreshed - the record is showing the latest changes.

Sunday, December 30, 2012PrintSubscribe
Exclude from Menu & Include In Menu

It is not necessary for all application pages to be visible in the navigation menu. These “system” pages may be accessed by a link from another page or a redirection via the Navigate action.

Exclude From Menu

Let’s exclude the Customer Demographics page from the navigation menu.

'Customer Demographics' navigation menu item.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, right-click on Customer Demographics page node, and press Exclude From Menu.

Using the 'Exclude from Menu' context menu option for 'Customer Demographics' page.     'Customer Demographics' page is now excluded from the menu.

On the toolbar, press Browse. Notice that the Customer Demographics page is no longer present in the navigation menu.

'Customer Demographics' page not present in the navigation menu.

The page may still be accessed by the URL ~/Pages/CustomerDemographics.aspx.

Page 'Customer Demographics' is still accessible via the URL.

Include in Menu

Let’s restore the page to the navigation menu. Switch back to the Project Designer. Right-click on Customer Demographics node, and press Include in Menu.

Using the 'Include in Menu' context menu option for 'Customer Demographics' page.     'Customer Demographics' page is now included the menu.

The page will be included at the end of the menu. Let’s move it back to the original position. Drop Customer Demographics node on the right side of Categories node.

Dropping 'Customer Demographics' page on the right side of 'Categories' page.     'Customer Demographics' page placed after 'Categories'.

On the toolbar, press Browse. The Customer Demographics navigation menu item will have been restored.

'Customer Demographics' page now present in the navigation menu.

Continue to URL Parameters