Business Rules/Logic

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Business Rules/Logic
Tuesday, June 19, 2012PrintSubscribe
Value Conversion

Project requirements may dictate that conversion should be performed on field values.

For example, the Customer# field of the Customers table in the Northwind database may need to be converted to uppercase.

Customer# field value is uppercase.

However, there is no mechanism preventing users from saving lowercase letters in the field.

Customer# field has no validation to prevent lowercase letters.

Let’s create an SQL Business Rule to perform field value conversion.

Validate on Insert or Update

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Right-click on Customers / Business Rules node, and select New Business Rule.

New Business Rule for Customers controller.

Use the following properties:

Property Value
Command Name Insert|Update
Type SQL
Phase Before
set @CustomerID = UPPER(@CustomerID)

Press OK to save the business rule. On the toolbar, press Browse.

Navigate to the Customers page, and edit a record. Insert some mixed-case letters in the Customer# field.

Value of Customer# with lowercase letters.

Save the record. The field value will be converted to uppercase.

Value of Customer# has been converted to uppercase.

Validate on Calculate

You can also perform just-in-time value conversion, when the user moves focus away from the field.

Switch back to the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, double-click on Customers / Business Rule / Insert|Update node.

InsertUpdate business rule for Customers controller.

Change the Command Name property:

Property New Value
Command Name Calculate

Press OK to save the business rule. In order for the calculation to be performed, the field needs to cause a server request.

In the Project Explorer, double-click on Customers / Fields / CustomerID field node.

CustomerID field of Customers controller.

Make the following changes:

Property New Value
The value of this field is calculated by a business rule expression. True
Context Fields CustomerID

Press OK to save the field. On the toolbar, press Browse.

On the Customers page, edit a record. Insert mixed-case characters into the Customer# field.

Lower case characters inserted into CustomerID field.

Press Tab on your keyboard or click on another field. The client library will convert the value in Customer# field into uppercase.

CustomerID value converted to uppercase.

Expanding the Business Rule

The user may still click on the OK button and save the lowercase characters in the field. Therefore, you may need to combine both Insert|Update and Calculate command handling. The following Command Name will cover all possible methods of changing the field.

Property New Value
Command Name Calculate|Insert|Update

The same business logic can be implemented with the help of C#/Visual Basic Business Rules.

Friday, June 15, 2012PrintSubscribe
Implicit Filters with Dynamic Access Control Rules

The property Context Fields can pass values from the current record to the lookup data view. The value is passed in the format LookupFieldName=FieldNameOfThisView as an external filter. Multiple value mappings can be specified.

If LookupFieldName matches a data field in the lookup view, then an automatic “equals” filter will be applied to the lookup. If the LookupFieldName does not match, then the application framework will not perform filtering. A developer can use the passed external filter field value to create a filter expression or business rule implementing custom filtering.

Let’s create a business rule for a lookup view that takes advantage of values passed in the Context Fields property.

Navigate to the Orders page, and select an order. Create a new order detail, and activate the lookup for ProductID. The Northwind database has 77 products. All products will be available for selection in the Products lookup.

Lookup list of all 77 products available for selection.

Let’s exclude products already associated with order details of the existing order from this view.

Start the Project Designer. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Controllers tab. Double-click on Products controller node.

Products controller selected in the Project Explorer.

Change the Handler property:

Property New Value
Handler ProductsBusinessRules

Press OK to save the controller. Double-click on OrderDetails / Fields / ProductID field node.

ProductID field of OrderDetails controller.

Change the Context Fields property:

Property New Value
Context Fields ExistingOrderID=OrderID

Press OK to save the field. On the toolbar, press Exit to close the Project Designer, and click Generate.

When complete, click on the project name, and select Develop to open Visual Studio.

In the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio, double-click on ~\App_Code\Rules\ProductsBusinessRules.cs(.vb) file.

ProductsBusinessRules file in the Code On Time web application.

Replace the existing code with the following business rule:


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using MyCompany.Data;

namespace MyCompany.Rules
    public partial class ProductsBusinessRules : MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules
        protected override void EnumerateDynamicAccessControlRules(string Products)
            FieldValue orderId = SelectExternalFilterFieldValueObject(
            if (orderId != null && orderId.Value != null)
                    "[ProductID] in (select ProductID from [Order Details] " +
                    "where OrderID = @OrderID)",
                    new SqlParam("@OrderID", orderId.Value));

Visual Basic:

Imports MyCompany.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Linq

Namespace MyCompany.Rules

    Partial Public Class ProductsBusinessRules
        Inherits MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules
        Protected Overrides Sub EnumerateDynamicAccessControlRules(Products As String)
            Dim orderId As Object = SelectExternalFilterFieldValueObject(
            If (orderId IsNot Nothing AndAlso orderId.Value IsNot Nothing) Then
                    "[ProductID] in (select ProductID from [Order Details] " +
                    "where OrderID = @OrderID)",
                    New SqlParam("@OrderID", orderId.Value))
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

The business rule tries to locate the external filter field ExistingOrderID. If it is found, and the value is not null, then the business rule will register an access control rule. The access control rule will deny access to products that are matched to the “Order Details”.“ProductID” column if the column OrderID is equal to the value passed in ExistingOrderID filter field.

Save the file, and run the web application.

Navigate to the Orders page, and select an order. Note the number of order details belonging to the order.

Order Details child view displaying 3 records that belong to the selected order.

Create a new order detail. Click on (select) link in the Product Name lookup.

Product Name lookup on the New Order Details create form.

The Product lookup will open. There will be no products that are already ordered. In the example below, there are only 74 products displayed out of 77 products in the database.

Limited subset of 74 products displayed in the lookup.

Monday, June 4, 2012PrintSubscribe
Items Style User Id Lookup

ASP.NET Membership offers a prefabricated registry of users and roles. There are situations in which the membership User ID needs to be referenced in the database. You can reference a User ID with the User Id Lookup items style.

Create an Owner field in the Orders table.

Start SQL Server Management Studio. In the Object Explorer, right-click on Databases / Northwind / Tables / dbo.Orders node, and select Design option.

Design Orders table in Northwind database.

Add a column with the following properties:

Column Name Data Type Allow Nulls
OwnerId nvarchar(50) True

Save the table design modifications.

Note that the data type of the field may be configured as uniqueidentifier if you are working with SQL Server. If your database engine is MySQL, then int type can be used instead.

Start Code On Time web application generator. Click on the project name, and refresh the Orders data controller.

Refresh the Orders controller.

Press Generate to regenerate the web application. When it opens in a browser window, navigate to Orders page and edit a record. The OwnerId field is just a simple text box. It needs to be converted into a User Id Lookup.

The OwnerId field is a simple text box.

Start the Project Designer. Switch to the Controllers tab, and double-click on Orders/ Fields / OwnerId node.

OwnerId field in the Orders controller in Code On Time Project Explorer.

Give this field the following properties:

Property Value
Label Owner
Items Style User ID Lookup

Press OK to save the field. On the toolbar, press Browse, and wait for the application to load.

Navigate to the Orders page, and edit a record. The Owner field will now be a lookup.

OwnerId field is now a User Id Lookup.

Click on the lookup link, and it will show a list of users.

User Id Lookup displaying a list of users.

When you select a user, the User Id will be inserted into the field.

Owner field displaying the User Id.

Continue to Password Text Mode