Business Rules/Logic

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Business Rules/Logic
Tuesday, April 14, 2009PrintSubscribe
Tracking User Actions

Tracking of user activities is a common requirement for many business applications. Data Aquarium Framework support Microsoft ASP.NET Membership via an advanced user management and login/logout user interface components. You can quickly create business rules to track user actions.

Sample Application

Generate a Data Aquarium project with the membership option enabled. Here is a typical screen shot of a Northwind database sample after the user with the name user has signed in.


Task 1

You want to keep a journal of user activities. The built-in .NET diagnostics facility will play a role of a journal where we will be keeping all activity records.


Create a business rules class Class1 and create method OrdersAfterUpdate as shown below. Link the business rules class to ~/Controllers/Orders.xml data controller as explained here.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using MyCompany.Data;

public class Class1 : BusinessRules
    [ControllerAction("Orders", "Update", ActionPhase.After)]
    protected void OrdersAfterUpdate(int orderId, FieldValue shipAddress)
            "Order #{0} has been updated by '{1}' on {2}", 
            orderId, Context.User.Identity.Name, DateTime.Now));
        if (shipAddress.Modified) 
                 "Address has changed from '{0}' to '{1}.",
                 shipAddress.OldValue, shipAddress.NewValue));


Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports MyCompany.Data

Public Class Class1
    Inherits BusinessRules

    <ControllerAction("Orders", "Update", ActionPhase.After)> _
    Protected Sub OrdersAfterUpdate(ByVal orderId As Integer, _
                                    ByVal shipAddress As FieldValue)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format( _
            "Order #{0} has been updated by '{1}' on {2}", _
            orderId, Context.User.Identity.Name, DateTime.Now))
        If (shipAddress.Modified) Then
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format( _
                 "Address has changed from '{0}' to '{1}.", _
                 shipAddress.OldValue, shipAddress.NewValue))
        End If
    End Sub

End Class

Open application in a web browser and select Orders data controller from the drop down in the top left corner. Start editing any order in the grid or form view and make sure to change Ship Address field. This field is the last visible field in the screen shot.


Hit OK button and the business method rule will intercept the action as soon as a successful database update has been completed. The first line of code will report the order ID and the user’s identity. The second line of code will detect the change in the address field.


Property Context provides business rules developers with the same Request, Response, User, Application, Session, and Server properties that are available  to web form developers.

The first two properties shall not be used since they provide information related to a current web service request and cannot be used to influence the user interface presentation.

Use the other properties as you if you were writing a typical web form.

Replace System.Diagnostics.Debug with a business object that is designed to keep track of user activities in a permanent data store such as a database table.

Task 2

All records in a database of orders must be marked with a reference to a user. User information will be utilized to filter data and for data analysis and reporting purposes.


Alter table [Northwind][.dbo].[Orders] to include new field UserName by executing the following SQL statement.

alter table Orders
add UserName varchar(50)

Modify command command1 in the data controller ~/Controllers/Orders.xml to select the new field twice. Once the field is selected under its own name and the other time we are selecting this very field under alias UserNameReadOnly. The reason for that is explained later.

        <command id="command1" type="Text">
    "Orders"."OrderID" "OrderID"
    ,"Orders"."UserName" "UserName"
    ,"Orders"."UserName" "UserNameReadOnly"
from "dbo"."Orders" "Orders"

Add two field definitions for UserName instances in SQL statement to the list of data controller fields.

    <field name="UserName" type="String" label="User Name"/>
    <field name="UserNameReadOnly" type="String" label="User Name" readOnly="true"/>

Let’s add the new read-only version of the field and a hidden version of the field to the list of data fields of views grid1 and editForm1.

<dataField fieldName="UserNameReadOnly"/>
<dataField fieldName="UserName" hidden="true"/>

Modify view createForm1 to include field UserName as a single hidden field.

<dataField fieldName="UserName" hidden="true"/>

We will silently assign a user name when a new record is created to the data controller field UserName. The captured value will be displayed when users review existing records but will be drawn from UserNameReadOnly for display purposes instead.

Add the following business rule to class Class1.


[ControllerAction("Orders", "Update", ActionPhase.Before)]
[ControllerAction("Orders", "Insert", ActionPhase.Before)]
protected void OrdersBeforeUpdate(FieldValue userName)
    userName.NewValue = Context.User.Identity.Name;
    userName.Modified = true;


    <ControllerAction("Orders", "Update", ActionPhase.Before)> _
    <ControllerAction("Orders", "After", ActionPhase.Before)> _
    Protected Sub OrdersBeforeUpdate(ByVal userName As FieldValue)
        userName.NewValue = Context.User.Identity.Name
        userName.Modified = True
    End Sub

This method will be automatically invoked whenever an order is about to be updated or inserted into database.

The first line will assign name of the currently logged-in user to the UserName field.

The second line will indicate that the field has actually changed. The framework is using Modified property of FieldValue instances to determine if a field shall be included in automatically generated SQL statement to update or insert a record.

You can also do an update on your own without relying on the framework. The best place for that sort of updates is in business rules methods with ActionPhase.After specifies as a parameter of ControllerAction attribute.

Here is how the grid of orders will look if you update a few records. The right-most column is displaying the name of the user.


The two fields UserName and UserNameReadOnly are required since read-only fields are never transferred to the server from the client web page. Hidden fields are never displayed but always travel from the client to the server and back. By introducing two versions of the same field we overcome this limitation imposed by the framework’s optimization logic.


Business rules in Data Aquarium Framework provide an excellent place to universally track user activities.

Saturday, April 11, 2009PrintSubscribe
Filtering And Business Rules

Data Aquarium Framework offers a unique approach to creating reusable business rules and logic for ASP.NET applications. Today we will explore filtering with business rules.

All code samples are built for a Data Aquarium application generated from Northwind database.

Task 1

You want to enhance the customer lookup capability of Northwind application to display only USA customers when users are editing orders in a grid view and have a UK customer list when users are editing orders in form view. This should not affect any other views that are presenting customers.


Create new class Class1 and add property Country as shown in example below.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using MyCompany.Data;

public class Class1 : BusinessRules
    public Class1()

    [RowFilter("Customers", "grid1", "Country")]
    public string Country
            RowFilter.Canceled = String.IsNullOrEmpty(
            if (RowFilter.LookupContextController == "Orders" && 
                    RowFilter.LookupContextView == "editForm1")
                return "UK";
                return "USA";



Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports MyCompany.Data

Public Class Class1
    Inherits BusinessRules

    <RowFilter("Customers", "grid1", "Country")> _
    Protected ReadOnly Property Country() As String
            RowFilter.Canceled = _
            If RowFilter.LookupContextController = "Orders" AndAlso _
                    RowFilter.LookupContextView = "editForm1" Then
                Return "UK"
                Return "USA"
            End If

        End Get
    End Property

End Class

This class is inherited from MyCompany.Data.BusinessRules base. 

Property Country is adorned with RowFilter attribute. This attribute will force the framework to evaluate the property whenever grid1 view of data controller Customers is expected to present data. The value of the property will be applied as a server-side filter.

The filtering property Country is notifying the framework that its value shall be ignored when property LookupContextController of RowFilter is null. This can be accomplished by assigning boolean value False to RowFilter.Canceled.

Row filter is constructed only once for each data page request received from the client. The framework will reset the cancellation flag of row filter prior to evaluating each business rules property matched to the requesting data controller view. If evaluation of the property has resulted in cancellation then property value is ignored. Otherwise the value is inserted as a parameterized SQL expression in the WHERE clause of SELECT statement constructed by the framework.

The third argument of RowFilter attribute  applied to Country property specifies the name of the field that must be filtered. This is useful if the property of the business rule is named differently than the actual field defined in the data controller view. It is redundant in our example.

Class BusinessRules features RowFilter property that gives you access to Controller, View, LookupContextController, LookupContextView, and LookupContextFieldName that are useful to determine if and how the filter shall be applied.  Lookup context properties are informing you if the data has been requested by the lookup field. You can examine lookup context field name to apply a server-side filter to the data that might be helpful if the same database lookup data is used to provide lookup values to more than one table in your database. If the data is requested by a standalone data view then you will find that all of the lookup context properties are equal to null.

Multiple RowFilter attributes can be applied to the same property.

Now you have to link the new business rules to Customers data controller defined in ~/Controllers/Customers.xml. This is done by adding attribute handler as shown here.

<dataController name="Customers" 
    label="Customers" xmlns="urn:schemas-codeontime-com:data-aquarium" 

Run your application or navigate to the online demo at

Start editing any order in the grid view of orders.


Click on the link with the customer name.


Customer lookup window will display 13 records of customers from USA.


Press Escape key and click on any other link in Customer Company Name column. Click Edit button to start editing record in the form view editForm1.


Click on the lookup link in Customer Company Name field. Notice that only UK customers are presented.


Let’s see if our business rules have affected the global list of customers. Navigate to About ninety customer records shall be displayed. We have used RowFilter.Canceled property to prevent filtering when the data is no requested in the context of the lookup field.


Task 2

You want to limit the list of employees to those born between 1/1/1950 and 11/1/1960.


Continue modifying our class and add BirthDate and BirthDate2 properties.


[RowFilter("Employees", "grid1", "BirthDate", 
public DateTime BirthDate
        return new DateTime(1950, 1, 1);

[RowFilter("Employees", "grid1", "BirthDate", 
public DateTime BirthDate2
        return new DateTime(1960, 1, 1);


<RowFilter("Employees", "grid1", "BirthDate", _
            RowFilterOperation.GreaterThanOrEqual)> _
            Protected ReadOnly Property BirthDate() As DateTime
         Return New DateTime(1950, 1, 1)
     End Get
End Property

<RowFilter("Employees", "grid1", "BirthDate", _
            RowFilterOperation.LessThanOrEqual)> _
           Protected ReadOnly Property BirthDate2() As DateTime
        Return New DateTime(1960, 1, 1)
    End Get
End Property

Link Class1 to ~/Controllers/Employees.xml data controller in the same fashion as we did for Customers data controller. Properties BirthDate and BirthDate2 are creating a range filter for employee field BirthDate.

You can see filtering by BirthDate in action at

This filter is consistently applied whenever employee information is presented in data views.

Task 3

You want to filter data based on ASP.NET session variable.


Business rules have property Context that provide access to standard Request, Response, Session, Cache, and Application objects available in ASP.NET web forms. If you have a value stored in the session variable then you can easily apply its value as a filter.

<RowFilter("Customers", "grid1", "Country")> _
Protected ReadOnly Property CountryFilter() As String
        Return Context.Session("Country")
    End Get
End Property

Task 4

You want to filter data for a certain user roles.


The following code will inspect user role if a current user is not a member of Admin role then only customers from Finland are presented. Administrator’s view is not limited by a filter, which is accomplishing by cancelling filtering caused by CountryFilter property.

<RowFilter("Customers", "grid1", "Country")> _
Protected ReadOnly Property CountryFilter() As String
        If Context.User.IsInRole("Admin") Then
            RowFilter.Canceled = True
            Return String.Empty
            Return "Finland"
        End If
    End Get
End Property

Remember that if multiple filter properties are applicable to a give data page request then each filtering property must cancel row filter on its own.


Business rules in Data Aquarium Framework web applications allow efficient data filtering logic that is reused throughout your application. Subscribe to premium projects and start being productive today.

Sunday, April 5, 2009PrintSubscribe
Present What You Want

Data Aquarium Framework offers users of your applications impressive data filtering and reporting capabilities. Nevertheless there will always be a situation when you need to present a specific database record or a group of records on demand.

Filtering Via URL Parameter

The simplest method is to redirect your user to a specific page while supplying a record ID in the URL. For example, navigate to and you will see an employee with EmployeeID equal to 5 presented in the list.


Remove EmployeeID from the URL and all employees are displayed.


You are not limited to the record IDs only. For example, the following URL will select all employees with job title “Sales Representative” working in London office:


If the filtered field is visible by default then Data Aquarium Framework will automatically hide the corresponding field column in the grid view since the field value is presumed to be known to the user. There is little value repeating “Sales Representative” and “London” in each row in the picture above. You may want to verify that each employee is indeed working in London and has the title that we have specified.

Filtering Via an Element on The Page

You can also point your DataViewExtender components to read the filter value form any element on the page.

Add ~/Products.aspx page to the Data Aquarium project generated from Northwind database. Modify this page as shown below.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" 
    AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Products.aspx.cs" 
    Inherits="Products" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="Server">
    <style type="text/css">
            font-weight: bold;
            padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
            background-color: #FDEAB1;
            color: #60302A;
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="Header1Placeholder" 
<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="Header2Placeholder" 
<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="BodyPlaceholder" 
    <asp:HiddenField ID="ProductID" runat="server" Value="5" />
    <!-- "edit" mode -->
    <div class="Caption">
        "Edit" Mode</div>
    <div id="EditProduct" runat="server">
    <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="DataViewExtender1" runat="server" 
        FilterSource="ProductID" FilterFields="ProductID" 
        StartCommandName="Edit" StartCommandArgument="editForm1" />
    <!-- "new" mode -->
    <div class="Caption">
        "New" Mode</div>
    <div id="NewProduct" runat="server">
    <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="DataViewExtender2" runat="server" 
        Controller="Products" ShowActionBar="false" 
        StartCommandName="New" StartCommandArgument="createForm1"
        PageSize="1" />
    <!-- "read" mode -->
    <div class="Caption">
        "Read" Mode</div>
    <div id="ViewProduct" runat="server">
    <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="ProductListExtender" runat="server" 
        FilterSource="ProductID" FilterFields="ProductID" 
        StartCommandName="Select" StartCommandArgument="editForm1" />

You can see this page live at

At the top of the page there is HiddenField server control ProductID with its value set to 5.

    <asp:HiddenField ID="ProductID" runat="server" Value="5" />

Three different views are presented on the page. Let’s take a look at each of them.

The first view presents data in edit mode.

    <!-- "edit" mode -->
    <div class="Caption">
        "Edit" Mode</div>
    <div id="EditProduct" runat="server">
    <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="DataViewExtender1" runat="server" 
        FilterSource="ProductID" FilterFields="ProductID" 
        StartCommandName="Edit" StartCommandArgument="editForm1" />

It uses hidden field as a filter source and filters by the field ProductID.  The startup command displays view editForm1 in edit mode.


The second view displays an empty record and does not specify any filter.

    <!-- "new" mode -->
    <div class="Caption">
        "New" Mode</div>
    <div id="NewProduct" runat="server">
    <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="DataViewExtender2" runat="server" 
        Controller="Products" ShowActionBar="false" 
        StartCommandName="New" StartCommandArgument="createForm1"
        PageSize="1" />

The startup command is executed only after the data controller data is transferred to the client browser. This will cause the controller to read the first page of records from the database. We are reducing the number of returned records to one by specifying the corresponding page size. You can eliminate retrieval of any records if you link a business rules filter to the Products data controller.

Here is the screen shot of the view.


The third view uses the hidden field as a filter source to display a view of a single record in “read” mode in editForm1.

    <!-- "read" mode -->
    <div class="Caption">
        "Read" Mode</div>
    <div id="ViewProduct" runat="server">
    <aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="ProductListExtender" runat="server" 
        FilterSource="ProductID" FilterFields="ProductID" 
        StartCommandName="Select" StartCommandArgument="editForm1" />

Here is how the view looks when rendered in a web browser.


Generated data controllers are configured by default to switch to grid1 view when user successfully executes Insert, Update, Delete, or Cancel command. You may want to play with configuration of actions in ~/Controls/Products.xml to make do what you see fit for your purposes. Read about it here.

Preventing Filtering

You may also want to prohibit any filtering at all. This is easy to accomplish if you assign None to the FilterSource property of the DataViewExtender component.

<aquarium:DataViewExtender ID="ProductExtender" runat="server" 
    TargetControlID="ProductList" Controller="Products" 
    FilterSource="None" />


It is very easy to filter and display records that you want to be presented. URL parameters and elements on the page can be automatically consumed as sources of filter values.

Next we will take a look at server-side filtering via code in business rules.