Application Factory

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Application Factory
Thursday, January 5, 2012PrintSubscribe
Baseline + Log = Cache

Code On Time has released update

This release introduces important changes to the code generator architecture that will speed up code generation.

Understanding Baseline and Cache

The previous version of the code generator created baseline application and controller collection files every time the project is generated. The temporary baseline was deleted right after the completion of the code generation. The logs of Designer changes to the application and controller collection are stored in Application.Log.xml and Controllers.Log.xml files. The transactions from the log files were applied to the corresponding baselines during each code generation session.

Things have changed with this release.

The baselines is now permanent.

You will notice four new files as soon as you change and/or generate a project.

The files are Application.Baseline.xml, Application.Cache.xml, Controllers.Baseline.xml, and Controllers.Cache.xml.

The "baseline" files are persistent copies of the baseline app and controllers.

"Cache" files are results of applying the designer transactions from the log to the "baseline".

Application.Baseline.xml + Application.Log.xml = Application.Cache.xml

Controllers.Baseline.xml + Controllers.Log.xml = Controllers.Cache.xml

You can copy the baseline from one project to another or change the baseline in XML editor if you need to move a part of your app to another existing/new project.

The new Refresh mechanism will delete *.Cache.xml files and will also offer developer a chance to indicate if any controllers in Controllers.Baseline.xml must be replaced with the fresh copy constructed by the code generator. Application baseline will be intact. Any new "host" pages for new data controllers will be added under "New Pages" node in the application. An example of using Refresh can be found at /blog/2011/12/ease-auditing.html.

The net effect is as follows:
1. If your project has a large number of designer changes then it may take a long time to process the log. The new release will process them once and will not do so again until a Project Refresh is requested. This will bring the time to process the log to zero.

2. If you change the project in Designer then the changes are written to the *.Log.xml and to the *.Cache.xml file at the same time.

3. Introduction of baselines will eliminate the issue of controllers acquiring unwanted fields that reflect changes to the database. The application navigation menu will also remain unchanged. Any new pages constructed by the code generator will show up in a predictable "New Pages" node.

Other Changes

The list of enhancements included in the release.

  • You can now develop your applications OFFLINE even if you are not connected to the internet.
  • New “Social” theme is now available.
  • The project summary page has been enhanced to offer Design, Settings, Refresh, and Generate actions.
  • Implementation of Created By/On and Modified By/On will not interfere with the Import.
  • Import correctly displays the upload controls when executed under local web development server.
  • New “White Smoke” theme is now available.
  • Action bar assigns "First" and "Last" CSS classes to the corresponding action  buttons in "flat" action groups.
  • Annotation Icon on the action bar has been restored.
  • Customized properties Description and Confirmation defined on standard actions are not overwritten by default values. For example, entering a confirmation on Delete action does not require a customized HeaderText of the action.
  • Action "Settings" displays a list of Project Wizard shortcuts. Shortcuts provide quick access to specific configuration settings group. Button Finish is displayed in all groups to allow convenient completion of configuration.
  • Standard control Welcome has a margin at the bottom and will not overlap with the data views and controls that belong to the same container.
  • Chart view with "Show View Selector" = False will not raise an exception at runtime.
  • Exit from Designer while the preview is generated will not result in exception if user activtes the designer and tries to preview once more.
  • Referential integrity verification mechanism has been integrated in Designer. The first check is removal of any references to a data field from other categories of a data view when a data field is moved or inserted in a different category.
    A data field can exists only in once category in a view.
  • Horizontal scrolling position is now retained in Project Explorer when an project element is changed in Designer.
  • All pages of Project Wizard now feature icons in headings of pages to match the menu of page shortcuts.
  • Project Wizard now supports Left Shift+Next shortcut to skip the rest of the steps remaining. Left Shift + Next will proceed to the summary of data controllers.
  • Sample images of themes are now integrated in the Project Wizard. 
  • Missing "partial" attribute on ControllerUtilities class is not available.

Friday, December 16, 2011PrintSubscribe
Search and Core Library Enhancements

Code On Time has released update that includes several enhancements and bug fixes described below.

  • Search in Quick Find or Automatic Search Bar will clear the selected record and hide any related details link to previously selected master. Applying a filter will also reset the selected record.
  • Date and numeric “fuzzy” values are now accepted in automatic search bar and filter filters. For example, users can now enter "Thu" in the search field of DateTime type or enter a date as 12162011 (for 12/16/2011).
  • Virtual method HandleException can be implemented to perform global exception processing for all exceptions raised when actions are executed.
  • Data access objects and BLOB processing code of the application framework now uses class ControllerUtilities to determine the "standard" views that must be used to execute SELECT / UPDATE / INSERT / DELETE operations.
    All operations with the exception of INSERT are using "editForm1". INSERT is using "createForm1". The utility class allows overriding the decision making process, which allows a non-generic view name to be returned for certain data controller when executing specific actions.
  • Calls to UpdateFieldValue in the business rule method execute in response to Command Name = "Custom" and Command Argument = "abc.." will refresh updated fields.
    This can be used as an alternative to "Calculated" fields to update values in the record in response to user-initiated action.
  • BLOB processing will allow caching if IE 6,7,8 is downloading the binary object over SSL. Otherwise it is impossible to see the downloaded file on the client.
  • Time dropdown is displayed for fields with Data Format String of "{0:g} or "{0:G}". The dropdown now correctly handles am/pm values.
  • User-defined filter "'Field' Does Not Equal 'Empty'" will now work correctly.
  • Prevents an exception raised when an empty area of Project Explorer is clicked and selected node is not available.
  • Fixed the bug with processing of "_display" argument that can specified in the URL along with data controller URL parameters.
  • Preview and Generate actions executed from within Project Designer will not raise and exception if IIS Express is not installed on the computer. The code generator will try to use the local web development server that comes standard with Visual Studio.
  • Code generator validates presence of resources referenced in the "*.*proj" files of generated projects. If the resource (file) does not exist then the reference is excluded.
    The major side effect is the ability to change the theme in the projects other than Web Site Factory without breaking the generated web app. Developers can try all available themes in all types of projects without issues.
  • Various cosmetic changes to the code generator UI.

Examples of ControllerUtilities class and sample implementation of HandleException are presented below.

The first class instructs the application framework to use myCreateForm when application data access objects are trying to insert records through MyController data controller.

The second class shows how to display a custom message instead of a generic error reported by SQL Server when DELETE statement fails due to foreign key constraints.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace MyCompany.Data

    public partial class ControllerUtilities
        public override string GetActionView(string controller, string view, string action)
            if (controller == "MyController" && action == "Insert")
                return "myCreateForm";
            return base.GetActionView(controller, view, action);

namespace MyCompany.Data

    public partial class Controller
        protected override void HandleException(Exception ex, ActionArgs args, ActionResult result)
            if (ex.Message.Contains("DELETE"))
                result.Errors.Add("Can't delete a record");
                base.HandleException(ex, args, result);
Tuesday, December 13, 2011PrintSubscribe
EASE Auditing

Tracking of user activities is a frequent requirement in many line-of-business applications. Knowing when a particular database record has been created, as well as who changed it is crucial in many industries.

Application developers rely on a proven set of techniques to satisfy data auditing requirements. They introduce data auditing columns in relevant database tables and utilize event logs to keep a journal of the system events. Values of auditing columns are updated by the application.

If the field name contains words “create”, “modified” or “update” , it’s purpose is probably to track user actions.


Consider customer table of Sakila database used to train MySQL developers. Field create_date tells when the record was created. Field last_update indicates when the customer record has changed.


If you generate an app based on this database then you will find out that additional manual configuration will be required to prevent users from entering values directly in the input fields and to ensure that fields are updates as intended. Manual configuration of auditing fields is described at /Documents/CB-CreatedBy_CreatedOn_ModifiedBy_ModifiedOn.pdf.


Unlimited edition of Code On Time offers a powerful option that makes configuration of auditing fields virtually effortless.

Select your project on the start page of the code generator and choose Settings action.

Select Features and activate EASE Configuration section.

Click on the “here” link under Audit Field Map to create sample map entries. Change the entries as shown below or in the picture.

Modified By User Name =
Modified By User ID =
Modified On Date = last_update
Created By User Name =
Created By User ID =
Created On Date = create_date


Click Finish  and regenerate the project. Try to update existing records or create new ones - you will notice that users are not able to change the auditing  fields directly, and that values of the fields are processed automatically.


Consider another example.

Almost all tables in the sample Adventure Works database are provided with ModifiedDate column. There are 99 tables and views in the R2 release of this popular training database used to illustrate the capabilities of Microsoft SQL Server 2008.


Here is how the audit field ModifiedDate look is presented if you generate a brand new Adventure Works application.


Change the Audit Field Map as follows:

Modified By User Name =
Modified By User ID      =
Modified On Date          = ModifiedDate
Created By User Name  =
Created By User ID       =
Created On Date           =

Generate the app and the same screen will look differently. Try editing records and observe that the field value is changed accordingly.


Understanding Audit Field Map

Audit Field Map associates predefined “logical” field names with the patterns of actual field names of the application database tables and views.

The “logical” field names are self-explanatory. If your application does not require a specific type of auditing then do not enter a pattern matching the logical audit field or delete the logical field from the map.

The pattern is treated as a regular expression. If you are consistently using the same field names for auditing purposes then enter the full field names as patterns. If there are variations of the fields conceptually playing the same audit role then separate the full names or name fragments with the symbol of “|” (do not include  double quotes).

Let’s build an application with the complete set of audit fields in at least one database table.

Start by creating a Web Site Factory application using the Northwind Sample.

Locate the Products page in the generated web application and begin editing a product record. Here is our version of the Products page.


Modify the Products table in SQL Server Management Studio by adding the six audit columns that follow right after the Discontinued column in the next screenshot. Allow null values in the new columns and save the changes.


Code generator does not know that the database has changed. We need to refresh the application baseline.

Select the project name on the start page of the code generator and choose Refresh action.


Toggle the check box next to the name of the data controller Products and click OK button.


Generate the application and select a product record one more time. New fields are now available and clearly require additional configuration.


Select the project on the start page of the code generator and choose Settings. Proceed to Features | EASE Configuration and enter the following Audit Field Map.

Modified By User Name = ModifiedByUserName
Modified By User ID      = ModifiedByUserId
Modified On Date          = ModifiedOnDate
Created By User Name  = CreatedBy
Created By User ID       = CreateId
Created On Date           = CreatedOn

Generate the web application and edit the exact same record.

If you compare the previous screen with the next one then you will notice that we are left with the four visible audit fields. The two fields designed to capture user IDs are not visible. Both CreateId and ModifiedByUserId are hidden from the application end users. The rest of the new audit fields are blank.

Click OK button to save the record.


Start editing the same record one more time. If you are signed in as user admin then your will see “admin” in the fields Created By and Modified By User Name.

Notice that both field names are rendered as links. If you click on a link then the default email software installed on your computer will be activated with the user’s email in the “To” input of the new message.


The physical ID of the user has been captures as well.


We suggest that you experiment edited data under different user identities to see the audit processing in action.

If you start creating new records then the audit fields will be prepopulated right away.

Future Audit Enhancements

The impressive ease of EASE Auditing will not stop here.

We are working on adding three major auditing enhancements that will become available in February of 2012.

  1. Access By/On columns will allow tracking the event of the web application user selecting a master record on the page. Typically users are looking for a record and then drill in the details. This moment in time and the user identity will be captured when needed. A perfect example of such event is a customer service representative accessing a customer account. Nothing has been changed but the fact of a person looking at the data is captured.
  2. Deleted By/On columns will help implementing a “soft delete”. The application will detect the presence of such fields and will convert “Delete” action into “Update” of the field values. The application will also filter out the “deleted” rows. Many businesses are now trying to avoid a loss of important business information and “soft delete” is a popular technique.
  3. Code On Time  web applications have unique knowledge of the data and actions that pass from the client to the server. The upcoming release of Dynamic Access Control List will also introduce an automatic logging of all user actions as a part of EASE Auditing.