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Wednesday, May 1, 2013PrintSubscribe
Tools for Excel: Pages

This is a typical view of pages in a project.

Typical view of pages in a project.

There are several rules that apply to modifying the Name and Path properties of pages in Tools for Excel.

Changing Path Of Child Page

Let’s change the text displayed on the menu option of Orders page. For example, the default path of Orders page is “Customers | Orders”.

Default value of Path for Orders page.

Change the text after the last “|” character to “Order List”.

Path property changed for Orders page.

On the toolbar, press Sync to apply changes.

The path property has been synchronized.

Changing Path of Parent Page

Changes to the text before the “|” character will have no effect. Always change the last segment of  the Path of the parent page to affect the child pages. For example, consider the effect of modifying the path of Customers page.

Default path of Customers page.

Change the path to “Current Customers”.

Changing path of Customers page.

Synchronize the changes, and all child pages will reflect the new parent.

The path of Customers and all child pages have been updated.

Removing Pages from Menu

To remove a page from the navigation menu of the generated web app, clear the Path property.

Clearing the Path property for Products page.

After synchronization, the page will be displayed at the bottom of the list of pages.

The products page will not appear on the menu and shows up at the bottom of the list.

Adding Pages to Menu

To add pages to the menu, enter a value in Path property.

Entering a value in Path property.

The page will be reinserted at the bottom of the list of pages.

The Products page has been readded to the menu and is reinserted at the bottom of the page.


Use the Rename function in Project Designer instead to preserve the configuration.

Do not change the page Name if you want it to be renamed. The application generator will remove the existing page and insert a blank page with the new name.


Rearranging of pages is not supported in Tools for Excel. Please use the Project Designer instead.


Consult the following table when entering property values:

Property Description
About This Page The text displayed in the "About This Page" sidebar element.
Custom Style Multiple custom Styles can be applied to the page in order to apply custom styling. The styles are space separated.
Description Description is displayed as a tooltip for the page on the navigation menu.
Master Page Specifies the name of a custom Master Page.
Name The name of the generated physical page.
Path Specifies the location of the page in the navigation hierarchy. When left blank, the page will be hidden from the menu.

Make a comma-separated list roles that are permitted access to the page. Use ? to allow anonymous access to the page. Use * to display the page on the menu for anonymous users, but require them to log in to access the page.

Style Choose a standard CSS Style to apply to the page. The standard stylesheets will change the icon displayed in the top left corner of the page.
Title The text displayed in the browser window header.

The URL will create a menu link to an external web page. No page will be created when this property is specified.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013PrintSubscribe
Tools for Excel: Business Rules

This is a typical view of business rules in a project.

Typical view of business rules in a project.

Consult the following table when entering property values:

Property Description
Command Argument Specifies a command argument that will allow trigger of business rule when command name is matched.
Command Name Specifies the command name that will trigger the business rule.
Controller Specifies the controller that the business rule belongs to.
ID Specifies the unique identifier of the business rule.
Name Specifies a name for the rule.
Phase Specifies which phase the rule will be executed in.
Script Specifies the script of the rule.
Type Specifies the implementation type. SQL, C# / Visual Basic, and Email business rules are executed on the server. JavaScript business rules are executed in the browser.
View Specifies the view that the business rule will be triggered on when command name is matched.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013PrintSubscribe
Tools for Excel: Actions

This is a typical view of actions in a project.

Typical view of actions in a project.

Consult the following table when entering property values:

Property Description
Action Group The ID of the action group that the action belongs to.
Causes Validation When Causes Validation is enabled, the form will be validated when the action is activated.
Command Argument The Command Argument is used to modify the command. For standard Select, Edit, Update commands, specifying a view Id will perform the action in that view. For other actions, the argument can be used as a tag.
Command Name The Command Name determines the behavior that will occur when the action is activated. If command name is not specified then the action is presented as a break line in the action group popup menu.
Confirmation When not blank, Confirmation will display a confirmation window with the specified text. It may also used to call a modal form.
Controller Displays the parent controller.
CSS Class Specify a CSS class to assign to the action.

Specify Data for the SQL, Report, or or Custom action. Application framework will use this information when processing the action.

Description The Description will be displayed under the Header Text on actions in a menu on the action bar.
Header Text The Header Text will be displayed on the action. If not specified, the Command Name will be used.
ID The unique identifier of the action.
Roles List roles allowed to execute this action in Roles. Role check is performed on the server and precedes the action conditions.
When Client Script When Client Script is a JavaScript expression that will display the action if it evaluates to true.
When HRef When HRef will display the action when the specified regular expression matches the page URL. If you would like to have a negative match then put "false:" without double quotes in front of the expression.
When Key Selected If When Key Selected is enabled, the action will only displayed when a record is selected.
When Last Command Argument When Last Command Argument will only display the action if the previous action has the specified command argument.
When Last Command Name When Last Command Name will only display the action if the previous action has the specified command name.
When Tag When Tag will display the action when the view Tag is matched by the regular expression.
When View When View will display the action when the regular expression matches the view.