Premium Edition

Premium Edition

Includes all features found in Standard Edition. Compare to Unlimited editions.

Application Development
Project Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel)
Modify properties of project elements such as fields, views, categories, controllers, and much more in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
This feature has been phased out. It will be replaced with Code On Time Tools for Excel
Code On Time Tools for Excel
Custom ribbon tab will be available in Microsoft Excel if the COT Tools for Excel is installed on the computer. Ribbon controls will allow selecting projects and populating Excel worksheets with data controllers, pages, fields, views, and other objects that constitute a Code On Time web application. Users will be able to manipulate this information and have the changes incorporated in the project design. The ribbon will also offer control to initiate the code generation and preview the results.
Email Business Rules
Simple and conditional notifications with automatic mail-merge functionality can be defined in data controllers. Email notifications will be sent out automatically in response to user actions.
Advanced Data Visualization (Charts)
Developers can configure advanced chart views to enable effective data visualization without writing a single line of code. Full customization of the generated data visualizations is also supported.
Premium Upload / Download Adapters
Declare virtual binary fields and have their content stored in the file system or Windows Azure Storage. Application framework will automatically store and retrieve the binary content as needed.
Modal Action Confirmation Forms
Collect input parameters for custom actions in Modal Dialogs. Input forms can be configured in minutes. Use collected parameters with SQL or custom actions for processing.
Web Application Types
Mobile Factory
Create a mobile-only web site with navigation system, role-based security, reporting, advanced search options, and much more. The generated project is based on jQuery Mobile and managed via the file system folder structure.
Web App Factory
Creates an ASP.NET/AJAX solution composed of a web application project and class library implementing a web site with navigation system, role-based security, membership manager, built-in data export and reporting, adaptive filtering, advanced search options, and much more.
Azure Factory
Create an Azure Cloud solution from your SQL Azure database. Includes a Web Role and class library implementing a web site with navigation system, role-based security, membership manager, built-in data export, reporting, and much more. Have it online in 15 minutes.
DotNetNuke Factory
Creates application pages as controls with data views incorporated in a DotNetNuke module. Registered module can be configured by end users. Integrate a line-of-business database application with a popular open source web content management system in minutes.
Mobile Applications
Responsive Design
User interface of mobile apps automatically adjusts for optimal viewing experience on any client device including smart phones, tablets, and desktop computers.
Touch-enabled list views with automatic endless scrolling and advanced user-defined configuration simplify interaction with application data on mobile devices.
EASE (Enterprise Application Services Engine)
Access Control Rules
Create declarative access control rules applied uniformly to all data views. Access control rules can be conditional and based on time, user role, or any other criteria. Shared rules can be applied to all business objects.
Geo Tagging
Automatically capture latitude and longitude of the geo-location at the moment when data is created or modified.
Dashboards with Task Views
Turn any data controller in a customized task view with complete control over the end-user capabilities. Arrange multiple task views on the application pages to create dashboards reflecting real-life business process workflows.
Virtualization Node Sets
Turn your web application data controllers in the building blocks that are adjusted according to the workflow requirements at runtime. Customize controllers based on arbitrary conditions with the easy-to-configure virtualization node sets.
Email Notifications
Configure automatic conditional email notifications in response to user actions and changes in data. Email business rules fully support mail merge with the data and context parameters.
End-User Features of Generated Apps
Data Sheet View
Users can edit data in a spread-sheet fashion using the same key strokes that are supported in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access. The data sheet view is compatible with all major browsers and requires no plugins. The menu item under Actions option in action bar of each list view allows switching between standard and data sheet modes.
Modal Form Views
Modal data views without details and detail data views automatically present forms in modal popup panels.
Automatic Search Bars
Automatic search bar is available in all multi-record data views. Users can search data using multiple field combinations with type-ahead and data type sensitive search functions, such as Next Week, Last Year, Ends With, etc.
Search by First Letter
Enable adaptive search by first letter with a click of a button in any data view of your web application.
Auto Highlight First Row
Automatically highlights the first row of the master data view when a page loads for the first time. The matching rows will be displayed in child data views.
Auto Select First Row
Automatically selects the first row of the master data view when a page loads for the first time. The first row is displayed in the form view. Linked child data views show corresponding data rows.
History (MRU)
Interactive history of most recent used data objects allows users to work with several objects by instantly switching between them to adjust the workflow.
Users can instantly create data bookmarks (permalinks), which can be stored and exchanged for secure access to the bookmarked master records. Multi-functional pages of your application will automatically detect permalinks and adjust their behavior accordingly to select the master record when requested.
Relationship Explorer
Lookup fields provide automatic intelligent links that will navigate end user to the multi-functional pages and select the referenced master record.
Bulk Import
Import records in bulk from CSV, XLS, and XLSX files. Import dialog allows end-user driven field mapping and downloadable import file template. Import process automatically matches foreign key IDs to their text representation.
Declarative Security
Idle User Detection
Declare an idle user timeout and a semi-transparent screen with a login prompt will be placed automatically over any website page of your application if an authenticated user has not been using mouse or keyboard in the browser window longer than the timeout value.
Business Rules
Custom Actions With Parameters
Support for custom input forms to collect action parameters from application users.
User Interface Customization
Advanced Two-Level Menus
Effortlessly configure sophisticated modern two-levels menus for web applications with complex navigation hierarchy.
Wizards and Status Bars
Create advanced wizard-style form views with dynamic status bar making it easy to understand the workflow of a business process.
Custom "Report" Action Handlers
Custom report action handlers can process the standard “Report” action. This allows “preparing” data before the report is rendered; logging reporting request; invoking external report engines; creating custom report preview pages; building report output in a custom format.
Input Parameter Form
A report action with custom handler can collect input parameters in a modal popup form prior to execution.