Business Rules

Business rules extend the functionality of a web application through SQL, C# or Visual Basic, JavaScript, or Email.

Business Rule Properties:

Property Description
Command Argument Specifies the argument of a command that will trigger the business rule. The property value is a regular expression.
Command Name Specifies the names of commands that will trigger the business rule to fire. The property value is a regular expression.

For example: Update|Insert|Delete
Controller Specifies which controller the business rule will apply to.
Id Specifies the Id of the business rule.
Name Specifies a user-friendly name of the business rule.
Phase Specifies the phase of the command in which the rule will fire. Calculate command can only use “Execute” phase.
Script Specifies the script of the rule. C#/Visual Basic rules can be edited in Visual Studio using the Edit Rule action on the action bar.
Type Specifies the type. Available options are: SQL, C#/Visual Basic, Email, JavaScript.
View Specifies which views will permit the rule to be triggered. The property value is a regular expression.

For example: editForm1|grid1

Learn to work with business rules in the Project Designer.

Learn to drag and drop business rules in the Project Explorer.

Common Tasks:

Task Description
SQL Validation Learn to create an SQL Business Rule to perform validation.
Shared Code Business Rule Learn to use the shared business rules file.
Custom Code Business Rule Learn to use custom business rules.
JavaScript Validation Learn to create a JavaScript Business Rule to perform validation.
Simple Email Notification Learn to create a simple notification using an Email Business Rule.