Business rules extend the functionality of a web application through SQL, C# or Visual Basic, JavaScript, or Email.
Business Rule Properties:
Property | Description |
Command Argument | Specifies the argument of a command that will trigger the business rule. The property value is a regular expression. |
Command Name | Specifies the names of commands that will trigger the business rule to fire. The property value is a regular expression. For example: Update|Insert|Delete |
Controller | Specifies which controller the business rule will apply to. |
Id | Specifies the Id of the business rule. |
Name | Specifies a user-friendly name of the business rule. |
Phase | Specifies the phase of the command in which the rule will fire. Calculate command can only use “Execute” phase. |
Script | Specifies the script of the rule. C#/Visual Basic rules can be edited in Visual Studio using the Edit Rule action on the action bar. |
Type | Specifies the type. Available options are: SQL, C#/Visual Basic, Email, JavaScript. |
View | Specifies which views will permit the rule to be triggered. The property value is a regular expression. For example: editForm1|grid1 |
Learn to work with business rules in the Project Designer.
Learn to drag and drop business rules in the Project Explorer.
Common Tasks:
Task | Description |
SQL Validation | Learn to create an SQL Business Rule to perform validation. |
Shared Code Business Rule | Learn to use the shared business rules file. |
Custom Code Business Rule | Learn to use custom business rules. |
JavaScript Validation | Learn to create a JavaScript Business Rule to perform validation. |
Simple Email Notification | Learn to create a simple notification using an Email Business Rule. |