Development / Project Designer
Data Fields

Data fields are bindings of fields to views.

In the Project Designer, data fields can be found on the Data Fields tab of a view properties page.

Data Fields tab on View properties page.

Data fields in form views can also be found on the category properties page.

Data Fields tab on category properties page.

All bindings of a field to data controller views can be found on the Data Fields tab of a field properties page.

Data Fields tab on Field properties page.

A new data field can be created using the action bar option New | New Data Field.

New Data Field action bar option in the Project Browser.

The properties of a data field can be viewed and edited by clicking on the Field Name or using context menu option Open.

Open context menu option in the Project Browser.     Data Field properties page open in the Project Browser.

The Sync context menu option will select the relevant data field node in the Project Explorer.

Sync context menu option for a Data Field in the Project Browser.     Relevant data field node selected in the Project Explorer.

Data fields can be rearranged using drag and drop operations in the Project Explorer.

EmployeeID data field dropped on the right side of OrderDate data field.     EmployeeId data field placed after OrderDate in the list of data fields in the Project Explorer.

Remove a data field by selecting Delete context menu option in the Project Explorer.

Delete context menu option in the Project Explorer.

Use Navigate To window to quickly locate data fields by their property values.

LastName data field found using Navigate To window using the search terms 'lastname editform1'.