Hello, App Studio!

We are excited to announce the first iteration of App Studio, the new tooling for developers building applications with Code On Time.

Saturday, May 27, 2023PrintSubscribe
Hello, App Studio!

The new tooling for developers is being introduced in the release It took a long time to put together a collection of features and technology that make up the groundbreaking App Studio, the integrated development environment built into live applications created with Code On Time app builder.

App Studio Roadmap outlines the features and delivery schedule. We hope you like it!
The studio mode is activated automatically when the app is started on the localhost address. The space surrounding the app boundaries provides quick access to the App Studio tools. Developers can instantly inspect the user interface elements of the live app to locate the corresponding definition in the application configuration. Design changes, runtime settings, data models, and navigation system can be modified and previewed instantly. A single click will bring up the app source code in the File Explorer or load the code in the Microsoft Visual Studio. Another click will start the publishing process and preview the production app in the separate browser tab.
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