Blank Pages in VB + ASPX Projects

Saturday, November 24, 2018PrintSubscribe
Blank Pages in VB + ASPX Projects

It appears that something has changed in ASP.NET configuration in the latest versions of Microsoft.NET.

Visual Basic compiler used to perform automatic binding of *.aspx.vb methods to events of the lifecycle of the *.aspx page.

It does not happen anymore. The custom code of the pages is not generated and only HTML markup is served to the clients.

The code generator uses a setting in configuration file [Documents]\Code On Time\Library\_Config\CodeOnTime.CodeDom.xml to set up AutoEventWireup attribute in aspx pages.

If you do experience a blank page issue in VB+ASPX projects, then open the file and change attribute autoEventWireup for VB provider as follows:


Save the file and re-generate your project. This will restore its normal operation.

We are still investigating this issue.

Labels: Tips and Tricks