Working with Business Rules in Designer

Wednesday, July 25, 2012PrintSubscribe
Working with Business Rules in Designer

The framework of a generated application can be extended with custom business rules to handle client- and server-side events. The events are typically raised in response to user interface actions. There are several types of business rules:

JavaScript business rules are executed by the client web browser. All other types of business rules are executed on the server. Business rules have uniform access to field values and application framework facilities. The application framework orchestrates execution of business rules, which allows the developer to implement business logic that is not bound to user interface elements.

Business rules can be found in the Project Browser by clicking on the Rules tab when a controller is selected.

Rules tab for a controller in the Project Browser.

A new business rule can be created by using the New | New Rule action on the action bar.

New Rule action on the action bar.

A business rule can be edited by using the context menu action Open.

Open context menu option in the Project Browser.     Business rule edit form in the Project Browser.

The context menu option Sync will select the relevant business rule node in the Project Explorer.

Sync context menu option the Project Browser.     Synced business rule node in the Project Explorer.

The definition of JavaScript, Email, and SQL business rules can be entered in the Script property.

Script text box allows direct editing of a business rule.

Code business rule files must be edited in an external text editor, such as Visual Studio. The Edit Rule action on the action bar will open the .cs(vb) file in Visual Studio.

Edit Rule action on the action bar will open the business rule in Visual Studio.

The Id of a business rule can be changed in the Project Explorer. Click on the Id property to start editing. The context menu action Rename in the Project Explorer also performs the same function.

Rename Id link in the edit form in the Project Browser.     Rename context menu option in the Project Explorer.

Business rules can be deleted using the context menu option Delete in the Project Explorer.

Delete context menu option in the Project Explorer.

Business rules can be moved to a different controller by dragging the business rule node.

Dragging a business rule onto a controller node.     Update business rule moved under Employees controller.