The prices of our products will change on February 1, 2022.
The new price for Code On Time Unlimited Edition / 1 user / 12 months of updates is $1999 USD.
The new price for Code On Time Premium Edition / 1 user / 12 months of updates is $1199 USD.
The prices for multi-user licenses for Unlimited Edition will also change to reflect the increase.
We are also introducing the renewal pricing. The renewal price will be what you have used to pay for the new product license prior to February 1, 2022.
For example, if you purchase Code On Time Unlimited Edition / 1 user / 12 months of updates on or after February 1, 2022 for $1999 USD, then you will be able to get the product license renewal for $1699 USD if you choose to renew before March 1, 2023.
The current product owners will be able to renew the product for the same price it was purchased prior to February 1, 2022 if they do so within 30 days from the activation code expiration date.
The licenses will remain perpetual. You do not have to renew the license if you do not wish to receive the product updates. Your applications built with Code On Time will continue to work. The app generator will have the same level of features that were available at the time of activation code expiration.
The price increase is due to the following major enhancements:
Offline Sync Add-On will be sold only in packs of 10-device perpetual licenses for $990 USD per pack starting on February 1, 2022. The software will include 12 months of maintenance updates.
The add-on will be hard-wired to work with the particular Internet domain only. The domain will be specified by the customer at the time of purchase. The “wildcard” domains are allowed. The “localhost” domain is included. One time change of the domain is permitted. The license is bound to the server (domain). Offline Sync Add-on will work in Progressive Web Apps mode. The required software will be automatically installed on the device along with the app.
For example, if you purchase 5 packs of 10-device perpetual licenses for and include the add-on in the application, then up to 50 simultaneous client devices running the app frontend in offline/disconnected mode will be able to synchronize the data with this application. The same license will also work with the “localhost” domain for developers.