Thursday, December 12, 2019
December 2019 Hot Fix 3
Release includes the following bug fixes:

  • (Data Aquarium) Batch Edit form does not fail when configuring read-only borrowed fields of lookups.
  • (Data Aquarium) Method $app.execute now handles responses with FieldValue instances received from ODP when constructing the "result" object. 
  • (Touch UI) Inline creation of lookup values and search in auto-complete fields is passing odp:true option with $app.execute calls to ensure that the client-side data is used when an offline data processor is engaged.
  • (Touch UI) Fixed incorrect inclusion of "template" row key in the set of selected keys while in inline editing mode. This has happened when the user was selecting all rows.
  • (Touch UI) Restored the tab bar feature that was accidentally disabled.

  • Learn about tab bar to enhance the look-and-feel of your app.